Проект на тему "Vocation Situation in Russia" подготовлен студенткой обучающейся по специальности "Туризм". Данный проект сопровождается презентацией на тему "A Particular type of holiday" ("Особый вид отдыха").
Проект основан на тематической лексике пройденного учебного раздела и является самостоятельным творческим отчетом студента по пройденному материалу.
Используемая литература: Сербиновская А.М. Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса. English for travel business and service: учебник для вузов. - М.: "Дашко и Ко", 2006. - С. 27-33.
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Vacation situation in the Russia
Tourism is becoming more and more popular. It’s one of the best ways to spend a holiday. It’s also a well-developed business nowadays.
The rich cultural heritage and natural diversity puts Russia at a prominent place in the world among countries with the potential growth of tourism. There are 26 UNESCO World Heritage sites. Different regions and ethnic groups in Russia have a wide variety of traditions. Major tourist routes in Russia include a visit to the old and new capitals of Russia, sanatoriums Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Kaliningrad region, the ski resorts of the Caucasus and Siberia, traveling to "the Golden Ring of Russia", cruises on the Volga River cruises on an icebreaker in the National Park "Russian Arctic", long trips on the Trans-Siberian Railway, with a visit to the Altai mountains and Lake Baikal, traveling to the volcanoes of Kamchatka and Primorye.
Currently, the Russian service sector and tourism infrastructure through a period of renovation, according to the approved by the Government of the federal target program "Development of domestic tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018 years)." The most scenic and popular tourist regions of Russia are created and tourist special economic zones, which suggests favorable conditions for the organization of tourist business.
Currently, tourism in Russia has great prospects for development, but there are many limiting factors that hinder this process. Since the Central regions of the country are well developed and tourists visit them constantly, there are many problems in the regions that hinder the development of these territories as tourist areas. The article will discuss the main problems faced by regions that are remote from the Central ones and provide some examples. Some options for solving problems are also considered.
The main problems hindering the development of tourism in the regions are the following:
Much is said about the problems of tourism, and a large number of solutions are proposed, but at this stage of tourism development, many problems remain unresolved and there is something to work on in this area.
Автор: Кострюкова Александра, группа Т -21
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Adventure holiday Выполнила: с тудентка группы Т21-18-9 Кострюкова А.А.Слайд 2
The most important element of a healthy lifestyle isactive pastime . Active recreation is a way to spend your free time induring which the vacationer is engaged in active sportsactivities that require physical work totalthe body. Active recreation often involves unprofessionaldoing some kind of sports.
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Active recreation is gaining popularity all over the world — because these are bright emotions, adrenaline, overcoming yourself on the way to the goal, new know ledge and new feelings. At the same time there is no place for active recreation a specific season — at any time of the year, you can find a class on soul.
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I n winter, outdoor enthusiasts choose snowboard, mountain and cross-country skiing skis . And if ski slopes are still a novelty for many, then one of thethe oldest types of winter recreation — ski Hiking-still existavailable anywhere and on any landscape.
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However, summer active recreation is still more. Fan base land-based activities include Cycling and horse riding walking , Hiking, mountaineering, speleotourism , hunting and fishing . Supporters of water sports choose Wind surfing, kayaking , yachting or diving. Well, those who prefer active recreation in the sky, choose skydiving, hang gliding or paragliders .
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10 ADVANTAGES OF ADVENTURE HOLIDAY 1. Active rest implies an increase in motor activitythe human body, as a result, all the muscles and organ systems supporttheir performance, which is the key to good health andcheerful mood. Your body gets the necessary loads anddeveloping ! 2 . All the above options for implementing active recreation reflect the essence of maintaining a healthy lifestyle . 3 . Active recreation is always a lot of positive emotions! Any of Yours, even small victories, cause you unique feelings ! 4 . Adrenaline. This special feeling is difficult to convey in words, but it is worth it try it at least once, and You will want to repeat it again and again . 5 . Physical activity during outdoor activities can distract from the solution various complex problems and effectively relieve the brain. In addition , active recreation assumes that vacationers will be in nature, and this is the sun, fresh air and other pleasant things that can significantly raise your mood and immunity .
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6. Very important is the fact that Active recreation can be enjoyed in any age. 7. depending on your capabilities and strength, you can choose moreextreme or quieter type of active recreation that will allow you toquality and memorable rest. 8. The opportunity to explore and photograph. Indeed, duringoutdoor activities get wonderful pictures that willcheer You up ! 9. Collective Sports, which are undoubtedly Active recreation , they allow you to unite the team. 10. Today it Is "Fashionable" to have a hobby, especially if it relates to an Active onerecreation !
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