Современные профессии
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Professions of the future Выполнила студентка ЭБУ-11 Красюкова А. Преподаватель Попова С.Г.Слайд 2
Operator BPLA BPLA – this is an unmanned aerial vehicle. Despite its versatility, it must be managed, and do it wisely. Drones have enormous potential, because they can be used in any area of our lives: from military intelligence to postal delivery. It's amazing how close next sometimes fantastic professions of the future and endangered professions can stand, isn't it?
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Smart-architect The traditional architect is no longer held in high esteem - today the world needs heroes who can virtually design the city, as well as present it to investors and any other interested parties. These specialists will be able to virtually design residential and office buildings, streets, parkland, road junctions, parking lots and generally everything that helps optimize the city’s infrastructure.
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3D clothing developer Already today, 3D clothing adorns the world's catwalks. Especially popular are jewelry created in such an unusual way. But why not? Creating them is quick and easy. In addition, anyone with this amazing device at home will be able to translate their fantasies into reality every day. This specialty will surely become one of the most popular professions of the future and will be included in the top 10 most demanded and highly paid.
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Robotics Specialist Modern experts in the field of information technology are confident that in the future the surrounding space will be actively robotized. Robots, on the one hand, will replace a person in routine, conveyor and physically exhausting jobs, and on the other, they will help in everyday life. At the same time, mechanisms with artificial intelligence are capable of unpredictable actions. This necessitates a specialist who will regulate controversial situations between the robot and the person.
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Analyst "Internet of things" Household devices today are gradually becoming mini-robots: many of them already have artificial intelligence and are controlled not mechanically (by pressing a button), but technologically (using a mobile application). Already now in this way you can manage: a vacuum cleaner; an electric kettle; TV a washing machine. Analysts of the “Internet of things” will make such smart devices more. It is logical that future specialists in this industry should choose the specialty of the same name - the Internet of Things.
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Digital linguist One of the specialists of the future is a translator who does not work with living people, but facilitates the communication of man and artificial intelligence. This is one of the most promising professions, which will develop in two directions: Learning machines to understand human speech. Decryption of machine language for users.
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Online doctor Professions that previously assumed direct contact (doctor and teacher) are successfully transferred to the remote format. When asked about the professions that will be in demand in the future, experts answer "online doctors." Specialists of this profile will be able to quickly conduct an examination through modern means of communication and recommend the optimal treatment option to the patient.
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