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Сultural, Religious and Social development of the peoples of Siberia. Soyots
Л.Э.Ооржак a scientific adviser: S.D. Saveljeva ГАПОУ РБ «Бурятский республиканский техникум автомобильного транспорта» Иволгинский филиал |
. In 2000, they were included in the Unified list of indigenous nations of the Russian Federation. Information about the early life of this people is extremely small. According to archeology, the East Sayan mountains were inhabited in the Neolithic period. The natives of this region are considered protoevenki ethnic groups who laid the foundations of the hunting culture. In the late Neolithic or early bronze age appear protosamoyedic tribes who played a significant role in the development of the area. In this territory the arrival of the pastoral culture Dating back to I Millennium BC and is associated with the arrival of the early nomadic tribes, the rise of cattle-breeding culture comes here in the middle of the first Millennium BC and linked with the Turkic peoples of Central Asia. The Turks had a huge impact on indigenous Samoyedic ethnic groups, they took from the Turks their language, the basics of livestock farming and culture. Data lineage Oka Soyots show that the Soyot kind of Haast and irkit lived in the lake district of the Selenga on the East and on the coast of lake Khubsugul in the South, large areas in the mountains of Eastern Sayan and the Tunka valley. The first written evidence are 40-90 years of the XVII century in the "Collection of documents on the history of the Buryats of the XVII century". Promotion Tunka valley in Buryat, and then the eye began in the seventeenth century they were of different origin ethnic group Hondogor, who came from North-Western Mongolia. The most big wave of settlement of the Oka Buryats was caused by political reasons.. Under the influence and assimilation from the Buryat people Soyots second time changed the language in Buryat. Now Soyots live compactly in Okinsky district (89.7 per cent.). The all-Russia population census of 2010 showed that the number of Soyot has increased in recent years - from 2739 to 3608 people (2002, 2010 y.). They are one of the small peoples of the North. The closest the Soyots are the Tuvinians-todzhints, Tofalars (Irkutsk region) and zaatani (Mongolia). While staying in the territory of the Eastern Sayan mountains, they first tamed deer and initiated the formation of deer herding culture in Northern Asia. Karagas breed deer is a remnant of the ancient pack-horse type deer herding of the ancient population of the Altai-Sayan region. The role of reindeer husbandry was very great in the land of Soyot, they gave food, clothing, use reindeer as transportation allowed us to develop large commercial grounds. Deer antlers are of particularly medicine value. The Most ancient craft of the inhabitants of the Oka region was hunting. Hunting is purely a male occupation, he should be familiar with the tracks of animals, their habits, their constant migrations, the location of the salt marshes "Mars". Furs were traded. In the XIX-early 20 centuries part, hunted furs, was to pay tribute to the Tunka Taisha, and some went to trade, but more often to exchange flour, cloth, tools and weapons, the silicon gun "Boo". The old man spoke that they used a bow "Manza”. Fishing in ancient times was rare, because that was considered as a sin. Soyots migrated from 4 to 10 times per year, depending on the condition of the deer feed. In winter, the herders lived in the river valleys, in the autumn of herding reindeer in the taiga, in summer climb to the peaks. Soyots are semi-nomadic hunters and reindeer herders live in wooden tents "URSA, UURS," which had a similarity with dwellings of Northern Yakuts, Chukchi, Nenets, etc. the height of the plague was 2.5-3 m. The peak of the plague was installed the hearth, a hook for hanging boilers and kettles. The output from the plague was sent to the East to meet the dawn and sunrise. In the tent there was a division on the left is male and right is female. The place opposite of entrance was considered honorary, here sat the host and guests. In the Chum there was no furniture, all the property transported and stored in pack bags. The data preserved by their clothing indicate that she was primitive stitched from the animal skins. Later, the Soyot have adopted animal husbandry, partly borrowed clothes, food from the Buryats. Buryat culture penetrated new religion – Lamaism, or the Buddhism which began to spread among the Soyot old, which were the shamans. First of all, he began to penetrate ritual in the sphere of spiritual culture associated with the birth and death of a person. As with the Buryat mountains seemed a mediator between heaven and earth. On the mountain of prayer was held, dedicated to the heavenly deities. Such sacred spaces of oka people are "Ahyn 13 hadanud". Mountain Rinchin-Lhumba is located on the territory of Mongolia near lake Khubsugul. It was considered a mountain is the patron Saint for the Soyots. On the territory of Okinskiy district for three centuries developed a symbiosis of two economic-cultural types: the herders and the herders of the mountain-taiga zone, each of which occupied its niche landscape, it was a condition of the peaceful coexistence of two ethnicities. The current capital of Soyot people – village Sorok Okinsky district of the Irkutsk region.
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