Научно-практическая работа в рамках краевой конференции на английском языке
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Municipal Autonomous Educational Institute
Evening (Shift) Comprehensive School
Student’s project
Anniversary: we are 75! Life-long teaching
Made by:
Khasbiyeva Svetlana|,
11 form student
Votinova N.V.
English teacher
Berezniki, 2019
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….3
Classmates, teachers-we are all like one family. Here we learn to understand each other, to forgive, to support friends in difficult times, to help elders. Perhaps we can say that the school is our friend and mentor. With the help of school, we share love and joy, sorrow and failure. School is a small life that every child lives in due time. This is one of the main stages of our life. This is the house where joy lives. After all, different contests and quizzes, sports competitions and festive evenings are unforgettable. They are diverse, interesting, contribute to the spiritual growth of man and enrich his inner world.
And about school friendship is legendary. School friends - the most faithful, because true friends are acquired in youth. Youth is a time of rapprochement. And this should be remembered, because true friendship is very helpful in grief and in joy.
Project objective: To tell about Evening (Shift) Comprehensive School
The history of the evening school of Berezniki
There is among the Berezniki yards an imperceptible two-storeyed building. Noise of city highways do not reach here, the cars do not signal, brakes do not squeal. Such quiet island in the big city.
In winter there is the whitest, cleanest snow, in the summer – the greenest and cleanest foliage and a grass. Here all is the best. It is the best in the city, the only school for youth.
School has, as well as people, the destiny, the history. The first page of our virtual museum begins since 1943.
It is year when in the country there was a Great Patriotic War. From war the fighters who were wounded came back home. Many of them went to be at war directly from a school bench, without having managed to finish training. Other seniors for days on end worked at the industrial enterprises, providing front requirements. There was a need of opening of school of young workers in which it would be possible to study in the evenings. It was placed at school of Pushkin.
It was difficult for the first pupils to work and study after heavy day of work, but to school they ran with pleasure because it was both club, and a home. These years it worked under the slogan – "To each toiler – secondary education". The city needed educated experts, and by means of evening school it these experts received.
The contingent of school the young people who came from war and for this reason studied less made the first two decades, at others family circumstances affected need to earn money, to become supporters of family. Desire to study was so big that results of training grew from year to year.
After Pushkin school, in 1954 the school moved to the wonderful 4-storeyed building on Himikov St. Those years when an economic recovery after war was the main public idea, to city building there came a lot of youth. The school became a full-fledged element of the multinational city of Berezniki.
In 1954 experience of school was generalized at ENEA for what the Diploma 2 degrees is gained. The school was located in the wonderful 4-storey building on Himikov Street.
Small Tretyakov gallery was pride of school, reproductions of pictures decorated all 4 floors.
Since the beginning of the 80th years the contingent of school considerably looked younger, already other reasons brought pupils into school. These years Councils of prevention in which chiefs of shops took part, up to deputy directors of the enterprises actively worked at all large enterprises of the city. The contingent of school made not less than 1500 pupils. In 1982 the school lost the building and moved to Lomonosov Street. It was necessary to transfer treasures of "Small Tretyakov gallery" to Orphanage No. 1 because corridors did not correspond to perception.
Since the beginning of the 90th years the contingent of school began to decrease, absolutely others came pupils, at the factories Councils of prevention stopped the existence. Now institutions of additional education, bodies of protection and law and order, healthcare institution and others became assistants to school.
The location of the evening school
Now the school is in the territory of the settlement of Abramovo. Transport connection is presented by bus routes No. No. 20, 13, 38, 3. The social environment of school is working outskirts with a set of houses of the private sector. The nature of its influence on educational institution is not traced. Evening school –the only in the city therefore the role of school in society, in the territorial educational environment is a creation of conditions for the independent choice by each identity of the strategy of behavior, a form and education level, the directions of self-realization.
The school is located in the well-planned two-storeyed brick building. Year of construction of 1963.
The evening comprehensive school presents to youth of the city secondary education with forms of education: correspondence, self-education. At school teaching counseling center at prison No.-28 functions and № 38.
The school carries out education according to basic training programs for comprehensive schools. The united pedagogical collective (25 women) works at school.
On September 23, 2013 establishment received the status of autonomous. In November, 2013 the school celebrated 70-year anniversary.
On September 16, 2016 by the decision of administration "Academy of parental education" the school was given the status of the regional experimental platform. Platform subject: "Modernization of educational work at modern school by means of implementation of the state order – education of the family man within educational standards".
The teachers and managers of the school
Before you – the staff of school, heads and teachers who created history of establishment. These people with generous and sympathetic hearts found approach to each of pupils.
A specific place at school was held by a biology office with the greenhouse and "nature corner". There lived a polar owl, a seagull river, a wavy parrot. Under a shadow lovingly of the grown-up plants both children, and teachers liked to have a rest.
The school always hospitably met young teachers in the walls.
Club of young family with a sincere home atmosphere where behind a tea cup young mothers and fathers so liked to gather in common to discuss questions
Teachers also gathered for the solution of problems of school life, for exchange of experience, professional and creative communication.
Throughout long time at evening school the all-school newspaper monthly was issued. Here pupils wrote about pleasures and problems, printed the verses, made a declaration of love …
Registration of albums in which out-of-class work on objects, open lessons, school actions, synthesis of experience of teachers was lit was important tradition.
Of course, the school atmosphere, achievements, actions, all school life is under construction thanks to competent management. You will not be mistaken if you tell that any school begins with the manager! The manager is similar to the director who creates a performance though he itself not always appears on the stage. His role always more creative, than administrative. Confidence of the head in success loads all employees with optimism, forces to believe in the forces!
Karl Davydovich Henner was the first manager.
Nina Pavlovna Dudchenko who directed establishment 23 years was the second manager.
Today Tatyana Galeevna Hadiulina. All her labor career is connected with evening school.
Today we precisely know: the evening school has soul. That is formed by group of employees, pupils and parents
The school surely goes through time: 50 years, 60, 70 …, but it will remain all the same young – same, as well as people at it! This year our favourite school has anniversary 75!
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