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"Markhinskaya Secondary School № 1"
Urban District "Yakutsk City"
Research subject:
“Onions - Winter Vitamin”
Student: 3rd form
Potapov Anton Nikitich
Teacher: Zagoruiko M.A.
Yakutsk, 2018
Introduction ……………………………………………………………… ........... 3
I. Theoretical part ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ................................................................... 4
1. Onions - a fortified vegetable ............................................................................. 4
2. Onion growing conditions ……………………………………………….......... 7
II. Practical work ……………………………………………… ........................... 9
Questioning students in grade 2 …………………………………………............ 11
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………. 14
References …………………………………………………… ............................ 16
Appendices ……………………………………………………… ....................... 17
Relevance: modern vitamins are very expensive, and not everyone can afford. This problem can be solved using a more profitable and cheap way. For example, to grow vitamins on your windowsill, and use them in the winter. This is the cultivation of leek. In addition, the bow is a good defender against colds.
Purpose: : to grow vitamin onions during winter in the home.
• gathering information about onions as a winter vitamin;
• explore ways to grow leek at home;
• grow onions at home;
• conduct a survey among classmates about the benefits of onions.
The object of study: onions.
Subject of research: the cultivation of leek.
Research methods:
•collection of information;
• preparation of material and technical base;
• observation;
• photographing;
• questioning;
• design work.
Theoretical part
1. Onions - fortified vegetable.
Onion is a very ancient and popular vegetable. The cultivation of this culture began in ancient China, and then moved to India and Egypt.
Onion also appeared in Russia a long time ago. The bulb was a seasoning and protector against various colds. In the bow a lot of vitamin C especially in the leaves.
In our country, the following groups of onion varieties are distinguished:
• Multiple sharp varieties;
• Small sized varieties;
• Semi-sharp varieties;
• Sweet and slightly sharp varieties.
Also from various sources I learned that there are such names of onions:
• onions;
• shallot;
• leek;
• onions - batun;
• chives;
• tiered bow;
• onion slizun.
Fig. 1. The structure of the bow
1,2 - dry scales;
3 - open juicy scales;
4– closed scales;
5 - heel;
6 - shortened stem;
7 - sprouting scales (beginnings, children).
Medicinal properties of onions
Onions contain proteins, sugar, vitamin C. It is useful in the period of colds, when there are few foods containing vitamins. It helps against sore throat and is a good antidote. They prepare drops in the nose with a cold. Onion juice strengthens hair.
It is used for coughing.
In the autumn-winter period, in order to increase resistance to infections, fresh onions should be introduced into the diet. The bulbs contain 17 elements, including mineral substances: salts, potassium, sulfur, sodium, phosphorus and other substances necessary for normal development and increase human working capacity.
Among the food products necessary for normal human nutrition, vegetables occupy one of the first places. Vegetables are especially rich in vitamins "C" and "A". Vitamin "C" a lot of bitter and sweet pepper, parsley, green onions, dill.
In addition we learned that a person needs to consume at least 8 kg of onions per year. Further it is proved that rubbing with fresh onion juice alleviates the pain of bruises, softens the tumors. They are treated with inflammation of the small intestine, preparing drops in the nose for a cold. Onion juice strengthens hair. And boiled onions treat boils and boils. It is also known that onions have strong bactericidal properties that delay the development of microorganisms harmful to humans. In addition, there are many recipes where onions, when mixed with other products are used for coughing (see Appendix 1).
2. Conditions for growing onions
Onions - light-loving and moisture-loving plant. To grow it at home it is necessary to create favorable conditions the main of which are light, heat and moisture. Light gives the plant the energy with which it absorbs that is it digests mineral salts. Without sufficient lighting fertilizer irrigation and spraying will not only be of no use but may even be to the detriment of the plant.
To grow onions at home is best in the soil and not in the water. In addition if you plant a bow in a cute pot it will also decorate your window sill.
And so that we will need:
Priming. In winter, you can buy suitable soil in, and in summer - take the soil from the nearest plot. A few small healthy bulbs, in this case, I take one bulb.
Container, pot or any other container of suitable size.
Water for irrigation.
Medium Bulb
Practical work
The progress of work on growing onions on the windowsill:
1. Place one onion in a plastic dish with soil.
2. Caring for plants, observing the growth of onion feathers, writing in a diary of developmental observations, bulb growth by day.
3. Collect information about the cultivation and benefits of onions.
4. Registration of work.
• How to grow onions on the windowsill?
• What conditions are most suitable for growing onions on a feather?
Our research is devoted to this.
We decided to determine the necessary conditions and methods of growing onions on a feather in the soil, and to observe the growth of green onions.
In the course of work I used such methods as research, observation, questioning.
An onion with a diameter of 14 cm was prepared for the study. Observations and measurements were carried out continuously and recorded in the observation book, and then in Table 1.
On February 23, I chose an onion and put it in a plastic bowl. Put our bow on the windowsill, in this place there is heat from the battery, and light. I began to observe and record the growth of onions by day in the table, as a result I got the following table:
Table 1.
The results of monitoring the growth of feathers
Sprout | Description | |
23.02.2018 | - | At 12:00 PM I put a bulb with a diameter of 14 cm on the ground |
03.03.2018 | 2mm | There was the first onion (1 piece) |
05.03.2018 | 1сm | Has grown a lot (2 pieces) |
08.03.2018 | 8сm 2mm | Onion feathers became even longer(7 pieces) |
10.03.2018 | 12сm 6mm | The onion has grown to 4cm 4mm |
12.03.2018 | 17сm 7mm | The green onions grow very quickly |
13.03.2018 | 21сm | Last day of research |
16.03.2018 | 35 сm | Observations continue |
Observing the growth of onion feathers and recording my observations I got the following picture: 7 days after the onion was planted the first 2 mm long onions appeared on the soil. And then began to grow rapidly. Watered as drying. Onion feathers grow very quickly you only need to water frequently. And at the end of the study feathers are used for eating.
Students survey
I decided to conduct a survey of my classmates in order to find out what they know about onions whether they eat it and grow houses in the winter (see Appendix 2.)
17 students from my class were interviewed. The questionnaire included the following questions:
1. Did you know that onions are an important food product?
2. Do you know that onion is a medicinal plant?
3. Do you often eat onions?
4. Do you eat fresh onions?
5. Does your family grow onions in winter?
The survey showed (Table 2.) that almost all children know about the valuable nutritional and medicinal properties of onions.
Table 2.
Yes No Sometimes Never Rarely
Did you know that onions are an important food product? | 17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Do you know that onion is a medicinal plant? | 12 | 5 | 0 | 0 | |
Do you often use onions in food? | 0 | 0 | 10 | 2 | 5 |
Do you eat onions fresh? | 7 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Do your family grow onions in winter? | 3 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
From the 17 schoolchildren surveyed to the question: Do you know that onions are an important food product? All 17 children answered - Yes.
2 question: Do you know that onion is a medicinal plant? Twelve children from seventeen answered - Yes, and the other five - no
3 question: Do you often use onions in food? Ten people answered - sometimes, two people gave the answer - never, five people - rarely.
4 question: Do you eat onions fresh? Seven students answered - Yes, and ten children answered - No.
Question 5: Do you grow onions in your family in winter? Three students answered - Yes, the remaining fourteen - No.
The questionnaire data was placed in a chart, from which it is clear that all 17 questionnaire participants know that onions are an important food product and that onions are a medicinal plant.
From the following diagram (Diagram 1) we see that in three families, onions are grown in winter, and in fourteen families - not. We hope our observations and research data will convince those guys who gave the answer - no, that green onions are very useful in the winter, and most importantly, that - this is a defender from a cold.
Diagram 1.
The results of the survey of students 2nd class
We found out that onions is a vitamin vegetable.
I believe that it is necessary to engage in the cultivation of onions and greens at home as they contain minerals, vitamins which are so necessary in winter and early spring for humans. And the dish decorated with greens looks attractive and appetizing.
Growing onions in winter in room conditions is possible. You can grow green onions several times as the onions feathers sprout very quickly. Since the onion is a light-loving and moisture-loving plant, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for its cultivation the main of which are light, heat and moisture. Without sufficient lighting, fertilizer irrigation and spraying will not only be of no use but may even be to the detriment of the plant.
Not everyone knows how to grow green onions at home. But as you can see from my work, this is very easy to do. And most importantly, this way you can provide the family with fresh greens. To grow green onions at home do not need any expensive equipment. Simply prepare the container (plastic dishes), water and the bulbs themselves.
The data from the questionnaire shows that all 17 participants in the questionnaire know that onions are an important food product and that onions are a medicinal plant.
I hope that with the data of my observations and research we will convince those guys who gave the answer - no, that green onions are very useful in winter, and the most important thing is that this is a defender from colds. And I also made a selection of puzzles about the bow and drawings for them, designed them in the form of a book.
Attachment 1
• Juice made from onions and honey
Juice made from honey and onions is considered one of the best cough remedies for sore throat, acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis or flu. For its preparation, a pound of fresh onion must be thoroughly crushed, and then mixed with a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar and 50 grams of honey. After that, the mixture should be poured with a liter of boiling water and let it stand for an hour. Ready juice is recommended to take a tablespoon 5 times a day after a meal. Honey helps to soften the sore throat, and also destroys germs. And onions irritate the bronchi and the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, thereby contributing to the discharge of sputum. As a rule, such treatment helps to overcome cough in about one week.
• With a cold
Using onions will help with inflammation of the nasal mucosa. To do this, chop the onion finely, pour 200 ml of warm boiled water, add a tablespoon of honey and leave for an hour in a dark place. Rinse the nose with the mixture 6 times a day. There will be a positive effect on the patient's condition by inhalation with onion pairs several times a day for 15 minutes.
• With ear congestion
This unpleasant process can be caused by several factors: otitis media, sulfuric plugs, a cold, etc. To cope with the congestion can ear drops from onions. To prepare them, you need to squeeze the juice from the fresh onion and dilute it with vodka in a ratio of 1:4. To bury in ears in the morning and in the evening. In addition, you can make a gruel of onions, wrap it in cotton and put in the ear canal. However, these drugs can not be used for purulent otitis.
• With sprains
These components reduce pain by stretching. At first, it is necessary to soak gauze with vegetable oil, put onions onion mixed with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio, and finally fix the compress with a tight dressing.
Attachment 2
1. Did you know that onions are an important food product?
a) yes
b) no
c) sometimes
d) never
e) rarely
2. Do you know that onion is a medicinal plant?
a) yes
b) no
c) sometimes
d) never
e) rarely
3. Do you often eat onions?
a) yes
b) no
c) sometimes
d) never
e) rarely
4. Do you eat fresh onions?
a) yes
b) no
c) sometimes
d) never
e) rarely
5. Does your family grow onions in winter?
a) yes
b) no
c) sometimes
d) never
e) rarely
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