Проект ориентирован на учебник Биболетовой М.З. 10 класс. ПРезентация рассказывает об одном из важнейших изобретений человечества - зубной щетки. Материал носит билингвический характер: используются русский и английский языки. Остроумно подобранные иллюстрации позволяют раскрыть тему в необычном ракурсе.
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Зубная щётка tooth brushСлайд 2
What is it ? Toothbrush - a device for cleaning the teeth and massaging gums. As a rule, applied using toothpaste.
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History Manufacturing toothbrushes launched in 1780 by Englishman William Addis (Eng. William Addis). After falling in 1770 in prison for incitement to rebellion, Addis made the brush to clean the teeth. For this purpose he has drilled holes in a piece of bone and passed therethrough bristle tufts, fixing them with adhesive. Upon his release, Addis engaged in the industrial production of toothbrushes. He founded the firm, Wisdom Toothbrushes, still exists today. [1]
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The first patent for toothbrush was obtained American Uodsvorfom (Eng. HN Wadsworth) in 1850, but mass production began only in the United States in 1885. These brush handle was made from bone, and she was a bristle brush Siberian wild boar. It was not the best material: brush poorly dried up, moreover, inside a natural bristle has a cavity and it can breed bacteria.
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Teeth cleaning It is recommended to brush your teeth twice a day after meals. The main hygienic procedure is the evening brushing teeth before bedtime, as food and unharvested plaque formed during the day, contributes to the rapid growth of bacteria and therefore the development of caries and inflammation of the gums. During a visit to the patient dental dentist or nurse can show him the most correct way of brushing.
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Storage and service life After applying the brush should be rinsed in warm tap water [3] [4]. Store in an upright position working part up. Not recommended permanently store the brush in closed containers [3] [4]. Brush is recommended to replace a new one when worn at least once in 3-4 months [3]. Worn brushes is determined visually and individually. The main indicator of wear - diverged (uncombed) fiber working part (decrease cleaning efficiency [3]). Do not use a brush to several people because of the increased risk of transfer of infections [3] [4]. It should also be kept separate brushes that are used by different people [3] [4].
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Interesting Facts Peter I ordered the boyars brushing teeth pounded chalk deposited on the damp cloth. American student has patented a disposable toothbrush that can help in the absence of water, toothpaste and mouthwash. [5] In April 2012, the invention has been put into production by several companies in the United States.
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