The project about food. The recipe of Butick by Anokhin R. 6B form. ЗАЩИТА ПРОЕКТА 12.01.17
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The recipe of a sandwich . By Anokhin Ruslan 6 B Рук-ль: Барсагова Н.Б. 2016-2016 уч.годСлайд 2
The ingredients : Bread , cheese and sausage.
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Take 2 slices of bread .
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Put one slice cheese on the bread.
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P ut our complete creation in the microwave .
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When we lean out our sandwich from the microwave .
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P ut a sausage into the sandwich .
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Ready !
Акварель + трафарет = ?
Философские стихи Кристины Россетти
Два морехода
Астрономический календарь. Март, 2019
Любимое яичко