Презентация в Power Point на английском языке по теме "Выбор профессии/My Dream Job" для обсуждения в 7 классе школы с углубленным изучением английского языка.
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Illustrator presentation by Svetlana KoganСлайд 2
I want to become an illustrator. An illustrator is an artist who draws. The drawings can be on books, internet webpages or other things.
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Illustrators can describe ideas or objects that are hard to describe with just words. A cartoon illustration can make a humorous essay funnier.
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Illustrators helped greatly in times when many people could not read. Now we still use a lot of pictures in instructions to make them easy for understanding.
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Traditional illustrators use equipment like colors, pens, pencils etc. Digital illustrators use computers and different gadgets to produce original artwork.
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I want to become an illustrator because I like drawing. I think that it is the most interesting job ever.
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