Это работа о тех, кто страдает от человеческого равнодушия и жестокости, и о том, что любой из нас, как бы мал он не был, способен осознать свою ответственность за тех, кто действительно нуждается в нашей помощи.
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Слайд 1
They need our care! Mike GavrilinСлайд 2
Hi! I want to present you my project “They need our care”. I think that many endangered and homeless animals needs our help. For example, homeless dogs and cats, endangered tigers and pandas.
Слайд 3
Every day around the world homeless or rare animals died from disease or murder. Often the cause of death is a human. And if people do nothing to help the animals, there will be more deaths, while rare animals will disappear forever, and the amount of pets will be reduced to a several ten times.
Слайд 4
How we can help them? Homeless animals: Feed them Pay money to the animal shelter Pick up animals from the shelter to home Prohibit a cruelty to animals Endangered animal: Build nature reserves Prohibit the hunting of animals Increase the number of rare animals
Слайд 5
T hank you for watching! We hope that you will help the homeless and rare animals. They need your help!
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