готовая статья о любой востребованной профессии 2015-2020 гг., статья написана, используя следующие пункты плана: 1. What the main job description is. 2. Some interesting historical facts. 3. What kind of training/education/talents are needed. 4. Where they might work. 5. If they would wear anything special. 6. If they need any special tools or equipment. 7. If the job is more suitable for a man or a woman and why. 8. If this job might pay well in Russia, in Europe or America. 9. If you would have any interest in this occupation. Why or why not. (Назначение, интересные исторические факты, место приобретения данной профессии в Томске, области, других регионах России). Данная работа представлена на русском и английском языках.
Творческое задание по теме: «Профессия» которое войдет в электронный журнал «The
World of Professions», который будет размещен на странице проекта "Extra English" в апреле 2016 года.
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1.The problem of choosing the future profession has always been very important. We would like to recommend you such profession as surgeon. Surgeons are integral part of the medical community. A surgeon is a physician that both evaluates and surgically treats patients. In medicine, a surgeon is a specialist in surgery. Surgeons operate on the human body in the event of illness, injury, or disease. Surgeons may be physicians, podiatrists, dentists, or veterinarians. There are a variety of specialities in surgery including: General surgeon, Vascular surgeon, Plastic surgeon, etc.
2. Some interesting historical facts. There is evidence that the Egyptians were the first to practice what could be considered a primitive form of surgery. There are scrolls that show in vivid detail that there were doctors who could split an injured leg or drain an abscess. The most famous surgeon in Rome was Galen, who was surgeon to the Roman emperor.
3.What kind of training/education/talents are needed. To become a surgeon, it takes a strong desire because the challenges of this profession can be quite great. In the United States and throughout much of the world, the best and only way to learn how to become a surgeon is to go to a reputable medical school. Before going to medical school, though, you must first complete four years at a university with a diverse education.
4. Where they might work. The workplace of surgeons is primarily in the operating room. They also meet with patients in an office and in their hospital rooms as well. They may have rounds that are done in the evening where they go around and check on their patients.
5. If they would wear anything special. Nowadays, their medical uniform consisting of a short-sleeve shirt and pants is known as "scrubs". Green could help physicians see better for two reasons. First, looking at blue or green can refresh a doctor’s vision of red things, including the bloody innards of a patient during surgery. The brain interprets colors relative to each other. Scrub clothes are not visible in the operating room.
6. If they need any special tools or equipment. Surgeons work with all types of tools, from scalpels to calipers. They have various types of tools available to them to perform surgeries on patients.
7. If the job is more suitable for a man or a woman and why. Men who wish to pursue surgery are typically taller and more handsome than other male doctors. Women are usually more attractive according to general society standards.
8. If this job might pay well in Russia, in Europe or America. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is expected to be an 18% increase in the need for surgeons. There were nearly 700,000 surgeons employed in the United States and another 125,000 surgeons are expected to be needed within the next 10 years. With ages that are, on average, about $90 per hour, there is definitely a financial incentive involved in the pursuit of becoming a surgeon.
9. If you would have any interest in this occupation. Some of us want to become surgeons. All the professions are very useful. Surgeons help people to be healthy and live a long life. They save the lives of their patients. This profession requires well-educated people. Mistakes are impossible in this profession. Surgeons should be very patient and attentive with their patients.
Мы также хотим рассказать об одном из крупнейших ученых и практикующих хирургов, открывшем новую страницу в истории томской и российской медицины.
8 ноября 1878 года родился Александр Александрович Опокин, в 1930-1939 годах — профессор факультетской хирургической клиники Томского мединститута, крупный специалист в области военно-полевой хирургии и травматологии, основоположник легочной хирургии в России. Осенью 1919 года Опокин вместе с госпиталем был эвакуирован в Томск. С ноября 1919 года он стал экстраординарным профессором на кафедре хирургической патологии, позже названной кафедрой общей хирургии, Томского университета. Имея большой опыт работы в качестве военно-полевого хирурга, в 1931 году — капитальный труд «Хирургия военно-полевых ранений», в котором обобщил материалы по лечению раненых в годы Первой мировой и Гражданской войн. Ученый умер внезапно 26 октября 1939 года от острой сердечно-сосудистой недостаточности на станции Томск-I во время торжественной встречи по возвращении из Москвы после вручения ордена «Знак Почета». Он был похоронен в Томске на ныне несуществующем Преображенском кладбище.
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