Project "Mods"
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Mods presentation prepared by Arsenjeva MariaСлайд 2
The history of the style. In 1950-ies in the USSR was practically separated from the world by the iron curtain.The country has banned almost everything associated with the West: clothes, magazines, music and more.At that time there appeared a social phenomenon of youth subculture,which was called “mods ”
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The emergence of the term "mods". It is believed that the term "mods" came from the musical language:in jazz, the term "stylet" meant "copy someone else's style of play".There was an expression "to blow the mods" – that is to play in imitative manner.
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The main direction of the mods was to blindly copy the style of the West and the United States.Thus the Soviet youth expressed the protest against the stereotypes of society. Mods disregard for the norms of Soviet morality, wearing bright, sometimes ridiculous clothes and showed special interest in Western music and dancing.These young people were children of party workers,officials.
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Famous Idols of mods
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Appearance mods.
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Hairstyle as a sign protest Their "antenna", "Babylon on the head" that made mods regardless of gender,was not in any frame of the Soviet period. The famous comb-over in the style of Elvis Presley among young people, "Babette" or "pony" tail among girls.Komsomol groups even watched mods on the streets with scissors.At the time, was sentenced to labor work for only one hair!One word,mods invented his own unique look,if to say,"Hey! Look! We are not like everyone else! We're free!"
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Girls wore badly fitted dresses, tight skirts to the knee and Trouser suit.The main components girls-mods were hairstyles and accessories,bright makeup.
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Appearance, values and behaviour of the mods were in complete discord with the norms of Soviet morality so mods sometimes were ridiculed and open negativity from the ordinary people.
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The subculture of mods has been a kind of chaotic protest against the imposed stereotypes of behaviour and against uniformity in dress, in music and in lifestyle.They were called "mold" and "garbage".They were expelled from Universities for wearing American trousers and dancing.They were told that they are enemies of the Soviet power on a par with pests and thieves.And they were not against Soviet power,they were completely apolitical and wanted to live as they like.
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Modern style of mods.
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Thank you for attention.
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