Исследовательская работа по английскому языку на тему: «Англицизмы в нашей речи»
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Исследовательская работа по английскому языку на тему: «Англицизмы в нашей речи» |
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Работу выполняли: Вахнина Екатерина , Попович Анастасия
г.Печора 2014 год |
Преподаватель: Цыцаркина Наталья Сергеевна
There is a period of activization of interest to Russian-English language contacts in the history of linguistics, and it has good reasons. English is called “Latin of the XX century”: about ¾ of all borrowings in Russian at the end of the XX century are English-Americanisms. The Interest to these borrowings has sprung during the last ten-fifteen years.
The novelty of this research work lays in the interpretation of a theme; here is its relevance which is defined by the importance of English in the life of the Russian society. The subject of work is the research of English borrowings in modern Russian language during the last decades.
The object of our research work is lexical units of an English origin and their derivatives. The purpose of the work is to study the degree of penetration of anglicizes in our speech.
The following methods and receptions were used:
Use a foreign word when there is tantamount to his Russian word - is an insult to common sense, and good taste
I. The theoretical part
2.1 Reasons for borrowing:
1. Fashion in English, that is a man in his speech including Russian words that have replaced, thus it demonstrates its prestige, high status.
2. The emergence of new concepts, goods, services, analogues of which we have.
3. Lose Russian words, that is some of the words that came from the English language, it is easier to say, their etymology is more transparent, more specific semantics than their counterparts in Russian.
4. For the effect of speech or phrases. For example, many directors, writers for their creations called expressivity in either English or adding there English words.
5. Foreign technology - it's more prestigious, progressively and efficiently. That is why advertising is built on the use of English words in order to create a positive attitude
2.2 Anglicizes XX century in the modern Russian language:
1. In the political sphere. Changed the name of the structural components of power: the so called Supreme Council of the Parliament, the Council of Ministers was the Cabinet, Chairman - Prime Minister and his deputy - Deputy Prime Minister. Cities ruled by mayors and their deputies - vice-mayors. Tips for a long time gave way to the English name - administration. Heads of administrations have their own press secretaries who send press releases, they now appear at press conferences, briefings are responsible for organizing and exclusive interview with their chiefs.
2. In the economic sphere. Such economic terms, as an investment broker, dealer, voucher distributor, barter, marketing, firmly established in the Russian language. Just not all understand the meaning, but heard those words exactly.
3. Sports sphere. One of the most "favorite" areas is sport. English words here have a strong foundation: football, basketball, fitness, freestyle. And every day borrowing "fruit": windsurfing, skateboarding, kick-boxing, and fighters are beginning to call the fighter (fighter).
4. Computer sphere. As soon as the computer and internet included in the life of mankind, anglicizes technical sphere increasingly gaining its position in this environment. For example the word file, display, interface, scanner, printer, laptop, website, browser, and other software, already, no one do not cause difficulties in understanding.
5. These children. This young generation easily absorbs English word forms. Words such as shoes - шузы (born shoes), бутсы - shoes; (English boots), хаер - hair (born hair), Superman - are very common in the speech of Russian youth. Very popular expression: "Респект and уважуха!", although the semantic side and wrong.
6. Media. In related news, in magazines, on television increasingly use English "buzzwords": content, TV, Soundtrack, glamor. When looking for work very menchendayzery required, supervisors. Also today often use presentation, sponsor, video, video clip, a showman, a talk show, show business, the hit thriller, disc jockey, disco.
2.3 Methods of forming English borrowings :
Direct borrowing. Word occurs in the Russian language in approximately the same manner and with the same meaning as in language - the original. It is words like уик-энд – weekend, мани-money.
Hybrids . These words are formed by joining the Russian foreign roots suffixes , prefixes and endings. In this case, often several changes the value of a foreign word - source, for example : спикать (to speak - говорить) бузить (busy - restless, fussy) .
Tracing paper . Words of foreign origin that are used to keeping their phonetic and graphic appearance. It is words like menu , password , disk, virus club .
Polukalka . Words that in grammatical development subject to the rules of Russian grammar ( suffix ) . For example: драйв - драйва (drive) « Have not had such a drive " - in the sense of " energy ."
Ekzotizmy . Words that characterize specific national customs of other nations and are used in the description of the non-Russian reality. A distinctive feature of these words is that they do not have Russian synonyms. For example: чипсы (chips), хот-дог (hot-dog), чизбургер (cheeseburger).
Embedded foreign elements . These words are usually lexical equivalents , but stylistically different from them and are fixed in a particular sphere of communication as a means of expression , which gives a special speech expression . For example: о’кей (ok ), вау (wow).
Composites . Words consisting of two English words, such as second-hand - shop selling clothing, second-hand ; video lounge - a room for watching movies.
Jargon . Words that appeared as a result of any distortion sounds, such as : крезанутый (crazy) - crazy .
2.4 Where are the Russian language in these anglicizes? ( Application1)
1. Advertising - unconventional and easily pronounceable name quickly stored and attract attention.
2. Internet - the number of users is increasing day by day, and from there to borrow.
3. Television - particularly Hollywood movies.
4. Music - world hits, singles, tracks and remakes - is perceived as Russian.
5. Sports and beauty: lifting, peeling, scrub.
II. The practical part
We wanted to know how many anglicizes used in the media. To do this, we took Pechora newspaper "Wave" and analyzed it . It turned out that the use of anglicizes very little (about 15 words ) . These words are presented in the table (Application2).
We decided to conduct a test of the students in our school . We tested the students 4, 7, 11 classes, and 15 adults.
We asked them questions such as:
We have summed up , and we found that : 59.8 % of respondents use anglicizes us in his speech , 6.9% do not use , 33.3 % use sometimes. (Application3)
49.5 % of people use them for what would adorn his speech, 24.1% did not want to stand out from the rest, 26.4 % of the people they want to tie his speech. (Application4) Minority ( 21.8% ) of respondents annoying abundance of anglicizes in modern Russian , the majority ( 41.4% ) people do not like some of the words , and 36.8 % of people are indifferent to anglicizes . (Application5) 48.3% of people believe that anglicizes enrich and make our language richer , 29.8 % believe that they impoverish , distort and pervert language . 21.9% of the opinion . (Application6)
Number of anglicizes big, so we presented it all in a table. (Application7)
Ultimately, we can say that anglicizes often used , but they are not yet fully taken root in our speech .
The purpose of this study , as mentioned above , is to study the degree of penetration of English slang we do not have it . Obtained during the survey data confirm our hypothesis on the widespread use of anglicisms in Russian language in general, and students in a speech in particular.
The main reasons for increasing the share of slang in the speech of the modern teenager and senior high school include:
1) Social factors .
2) The significance of "their" ( slang ) language for communication with peers (the desire to establish itself as a teenager among their peers and in their own eyes ) .
3) Influence of media ( reading newspapers and youth magazines , watching television ) to speech teenager.
Without doubt, the Russian language in general and speech of young people in particular is under the direct influence of the English language. And we can not stop this process , as long as themselves will not create something unique .
Application 1
Application 2
Business plan | Программа деятельности организации по реализации какого-либо дела | Бизнес-план |
Businessman | Тот, кто делает бизнес на чем-либо | Бизнесмен |
Internet | Всемирная система объединённых компьютерных сетей | Интернет |
Airport | Транспортное предприятие, состоящее из аэровокзала, аэродрома и др. и обеспечивающее регулярные перевозки пассажиров, грузов, почты средствами авиации | Аэропорт |
Computer | Устройство, выполняющее математические и логические операции над символами и другими формами информации | Компьютер |
Phone | Устройство для передачи и приёма звука на расстоянии | Телефон |
Secret | То, что держится в тайне, скрывается от других | Секрет |
Problem | Сложный теоретический или практический вопрос | Проблема |
Professional | Человек, ставший в какой-либо области деятельности специалистом | Профессионал |
Bank | Финансово-кредитное учреждение | Банк |
Credit | Определенная сумма денег (или товаров), которая ссужается под определенный процент одним лицом другому | Кредит |
Season | Одно из времён года | Сезон |
Center | Учереждение | Центр |
Doctor | Врач | Доктор |
Lemon | Сочный кислый плод | Лимон |
Application 3
Application 4
Application 5
Application 6
Application 7
Airport | Транспортное предприятие, состоящее из аэровокзала, аэродрома и др. и обеспечивающее регулярные перевозки пассажиров, грузов, почты средствами авиации | Аэропорт |
Anonym | Неизвестный | Аноним |
Baby | Ребенок | Беби |
Bad | Плохо | Бэд |
Boyfriend | Друг, парень | Бойфренд |
Bye | Пока | Бай |
Cafe | Место приема пищи | Кафе |
Chips | Жаренная картошка с большим количеством масла | Чипсы |
Chord | Созвучие из трёх и более музыкальных звуков разной высоты | Аккорд |
Coffee | Напиток | Кофе |
Comfortable | Удобный | Комфортабельный |
Computer | Устройство, выполняющее математические и логические операции над символами и другими формами информации | Компьютер |
Cool | Круто, прикольно | Кул |
Creative | Творческий | Креатив |
Discussion | Спор | Дискуссия |
Disk | Хранитель информации | Диск |
Face | Лицо | Фэйс |
Fashionable | Модный | Фешенебельный |
Fast food | Быстрая еда | Фастфуд |
Film | Последовательность кадров | Фильм |
Finish | Конец | Финиш |
Forever | Навсегда | Форэва |
Fresh | Свежий | Фрэш |
Go | Идти | Гоу |
Good | Хорошо | Гуд |
Hi | Привет | Хай |
Interesting | Увлекательный | Интересный |
International | Международный | Интернациональный |
Internet | Всемирная система объединённых компьютерных сетей | Интернет |
Loser | Неудачник | Лузер |
Love | Люблю | Лав |
Lunch | Обед | Ланч |
Manager | Сотрудник магазина | Менеджер |
Meeting | Массовое собрание для обсуждения злободневных вопросов текущей жизни | Митинг |
Monitor | Аппарат, предназначенный для вывода графической или информации | Монитор |
Music | Выражение мыслей звуками музыкальных инструментов | Музыка |
Nice | Прекрасно | Найс |
No | Нет | Ноу |
No problem | Нет проблем | Ноу проблем |
Notebook | Портативный персональный компьютер | Ноутбук |
Oh shit | О черт | Оу щет |
Ok | Хорошо | Ок |
Online | На линии | Онлайн |
Organizer | Небольшая книга, содержащая календарь, адресную книгу и блокнот, служащая для организации информации о личных контактах и событиях | Органайзер |
Outsider | Стоящий в стороне | Аутсайдер |
Pager | Приёмник персонального вызова | Пейджер |
Party | Вечеринка | Пати |
Phone | Устройство для передачи и приёма звука на расстоянии | Телефон |
Piercing | Одна из форм модификаций тела | Пирсинг |
Pikaper | Человек, знакомящейся с целью соблазнения | Пикапер |
PR | Отношения с общественностью | Пиар |
Price | Лист | Прайс |
Profession | Род трудовой деятельности | Профессия |
Projector | Это универсальное устройство для вывода изображения на большой экран | Проектор |
Respect | Уважение | Респект |
Rial | Правда | Риале |
Scanner | Устройство, которое, анализируя какой-либо объект | Сканер |
Shopping | Поход по магазинам | Шопинг |
Sorry | Прости | Сорри |
Super | Хорошо | Супер |
Teenager | Подросток | Тинейджер |
The Level | Уровень | Левел |
Timer | Прибор, который по истечении заданного промежутка времени автоматически включает (выключает) машину, аппарат | Таймер |
Tourist | Человек, приехавший в другую страну | Турист |
Tuner | Инструмент для настройки муз. инструмента | Тюнер |
TV | Телевизионный приемник | Телевизор |
Usb-fleshkarte | Хранитель информации | Usb-флешкарта |
Weekend | Выходные | Уикенд |
Wow | Супер, блистательно | Вау |
Yes | Да | Ес |
Шум и человек
Зимний лес в вашем доме
Ах эта снежная зима
Юрий Визбор. Милая моя