Представленная работа выполнялась в рамках проектной деятельности,предусмотренной УМК «Английский язык» для VIкласса (V год обучения) авторов И.Н. Верещагиной и О.В. Афанасьевой, часть 1 ( стр.144)
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topic : African animals in danger Author : Elmanov Roman school 180 Form 6 b St-Petersburg 2015 Учитель английского языка Лесакова Е.Н.Слайд 2
New words Spectacled- очковый ( в очках) Donkey- осел С ute - милый, привлекательный Suffer- страдать Loss -потеря Trade -торговля Swamps -болота Habitat -среда обитания Mammals -млекопитающие
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Savanna elephants Savanna elephant is one of the species of African elephants. This population today has from 470 to 690 thousand individuals and was put in the Red book . People hunt elephants for valuable ivory and meat . ivory- слоновая кость poachng ,
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Spectacled ( donkey) penguins They inhabit the coasts of South Africa . Today there are only 72 thousand donkey or spectacled penguins in Africa.
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Lions In Africa they are in serious danger, they lose their natural habitat and they are hunted. Today in Africa remained 20-23 thousand lions.
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Cheetah The birthplace of Cheetah is Africa . Cheetahs are the fastest land animals in the world for 3 seconds it is able to have a speed from 0 to 60 kilometers per hour.
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B lack rhinoceros This species of rhinoceros is disappearing. People hunt them because of the valuable horns, which contain keratin. Over the past 60 years the population of black rhinos has decreased by 90 percent . Today in nature there are about 4180 specimens.
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Gienovyh dog Its name means "painted wolf ". Many years ago in Africa , the territory of the 39 countries was inhabited by about 500 thousand gienovyh dogs . G ienovyh dogs can be found in Eastern and Southern Africa.
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Pygmy Hippo The number of pygmy hippos has reached a critical level. These mammals are found in forests and swamps of Eastern Africa.
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Eastern mountain gorilla Gorilla suffers from loss of habitat, pet trade and illegal hunting . In the spring of 2010 their population is about 790 individuals.
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The Red book All of these animals are in the Red book and protected .
Астрономический календарь. Ноябрь, 2018
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