работа на английском языке с выдержками из автобиографического произведения "Встреча с прошлым" т.А.Архипова
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Министерство науки и образования
Удмуртской республики
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
Можгинского района «Пычасская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
From history
pages of my village
Выполнила: учащаяся 11 класса
Григорьева Ольга Александровна,
Научный руководитель: учитель английского языка Леонтьева Л. Б.
с. Пычас, 2013
Introduction. 3
Conclusion 8
Literature and internet sources 9
Annex 10
There is a place for each person,
where he is loved and waited.
Every man has his own Motherland. It`s the place, where a man was born. May be this place is usual and uninteresting for other people, but for you it is the dearest place in the world. There is no place like home. No need to roam the world in the search of the most beautiful place. You should turn around. It`s your native home place, the land, where you were born, whose beauty you imbibed with your mother`s milk. One of such place is my native village. It is Novaya Biya.
The old generation dies and carries away the whole culture of the small people. Finally language, culture of whole nation can disappear. I think it is necessary to study the history of the village. This problem is very important. It is very interesting to see the past of the village, to look through pages of its history, to know the biography of countrymen.
The history of my village goes far in depth of centuries.
My village is situated in the south of Udmurtia, not far from Mozhga. Neighbour villages are Bal’zyashur, Akarshur, Petukhovo, Karambai and Pychas settlement. It is 2km from the Federal route and 1km to the railway. It’s territory is 1,17 square kilometres. There are 117 houses and 324 people live here. Among them are udmurts, russians, tatars.There are 5 streets: Zarechnaya, Sovetskaya, Arkhipova, Komsomol’skaya, Molodyozhnaya. I live in Molodyozhnaya street.
II. The history of the name «Vyl' Biya»
The original name of my village is Vyl' Biya. Etymology of Biya: the word «bie» - «snail» is saved in some dialects.
There is a legend that in the civil war-time village was burned. After the war village was led by a girl, Biya. This girl was very clever, strong. The population of the village trusted her and started working friendly. Village was born again. From that time the new name is New Biya. Udmur name of the village is Vyl' Biya. Udmurt word «Vyl'» is «new» in English.
According Udmurt folklore, there are two versions of ancient history of kin (family) Biya and udmurt people. «Одно из преданий записано в Можгинском районе. В предании говорится о борьбе двух удмуртских родов – Можга и Бия за сенные покосы, охотничьи и рыбные угодья вдоль реки Вала. Хитрым и ловким был предводитель рода Можга Мардан-батыр, в момент опасности он превращался в медведя или птицу. Свою давнюю тяжбу они решили мирным путём – перепиныванием болотной кочки через р. Валу. Хитрый Мардан-батыр заранее подрезал кочку. Когда началось состязание, Мардан пнул свою подрезанную кочку и она перелетела далеко за реку, а кочка Бия-батыра долетела до середины реки и упала в воду. Таким образом, спорные земли достались роду Можга. А роду Бия-батыра пришлось уйти в другую сторону от реки».[3,с.25]
III. My village in the past and now
Many countrymen have glorified our village. But the outstanding personality in our village was Trofim Arkhipovich Arkhipov. His book «Ortchemenyz pumis’kon» helped me to know about the history of my village. The work is autobiographical. Trofim Arkhipovich was born in 1908. «Для него писать о детстве-значило писать о Удмуртии начала 20-х годов, о социальной и культурной революции в родном краю.»[2,с.160] I can say that Biya was founded in the end of the first millenium of our era.
«Улицуих называли Пужмезь. Это старое родовое название.»[1,с.3] After the war time it was named Vyl’ uram among udmurt people, then it was Sadovaya. Since 26th of May 1988 this street has had Arkhipov’s name.
It is not difficult to understand that some streets have modern names but others old one. Badzhym uram (Kuz’ uram) was named because of it’s big terrirory. Shurser uram had such a name because of it’s location (across the river). Now these streets are Sovetskaya and Zarechnaya. They have had new names since the Soviet period. We can’t meet Komsomol’skaya and Molodyozhnaya streets in Arkhipov’s works because they are new streets. The newest is Komsomol’skaya. It was built in 1970-80s.
There is a small river in the centre of the village. « Речушку называли Липето шур (крытая речка). Чуть выше по речке – ключ. Чтобы скотина не замутила воду, его огородили и покрыли тесом и лубками. Потому и стали именовать речку крытой.»[1,с.3]
Novaya Biya is very popular with teletower on the Syam hill.«Когда Прошка был маленьким, на этой горе стоял удивительно могучий дуб. Пятеро мужчин, взявшись за руки, не могли обхватить его. Опережая на десятилетия воспоминания героя, автору не терпится заметить, что теперь на этом месте стоит радиорелейная вышка девяносто девяти метров высотой… Далеко- далеко видна эта вышка.»[1, с.4]
People of my village are proud of their spring.
« И зимой, и летом не иссякают родники горы Сям, струит и струит она драгоценную влагу. Только у подножия Сям восемнадцать родников.» [1, с.5] It’s a pity there is only one spring in the middle of the village.
«Между Биёй и Атасом ровно верста. Школа одна на оба селения – в Атасе.»[1, с.42]
In 1942 the school was opened in the village. In 1980 the kindergarten was opened in this building. Schoolchildren went to Pychas secondary school. In 1993 the building of kindergartens was destroyed by hurricane. Since that time children have visited Pychas kindergarten.
Biya has always been a great agricultural village. Luzhbin L.F. ruled the farm in Soviet time. Now the situation in agricultural system in my village is not simple enough. There is no state supported collective and state farm any more as it was during the Soviet period. Now there are two individual farmings: Alekseev’s and Nikolaev’s.
In the center of the village you can see brick building. It’s a shop. In different times shops were in the centre, but the places were changed. They were wooden.
Not far from the shop there is a club and a library in one old building. The club plays its role in the development of culture in our village. Grandmothers’ folk group is organized here. They sing old songs.
There is a beautiful monument of the War Heroes near the library. Every year we put flowers there. People of my village are very patriotic, hospitable, they are always glad to meet the guests.
They are proud of their native writer T.A.Arkhipov. In 1988 T.A.Arkhipov’s monument was opened in Novaya Biya. In November 2008 Arkhipov’s 100th birthday was celebrated in Biya club. His name is honoured by organizing meetings in museums at Pychas secondary school and Biya library.
We have many interesting traditions, such as: Festivals of folk song, we celebrate the Day of the Village, Gyron bydton and the Day of old people in our village.
Every spring and autumn you can hear army songs. Old traditions and customs are observed during Shrovetide and Christmas-tide.
While studying the history of my village, I met a lot of new names. I have learned a lot of useful and interesting facts about the small native land, have paid attention to old buildings and sights, different historical events of my village.
Bogomolova Z.A., a literary critic, wrote about T.A.Arkhipov’s works:
«…сохранены точные географические удмуртские названия сёл, городов, рек. Об этом можно судить и по роману Т. Архипова «Лудзи шур дурын» (У реки Лудзинки). Так это или не так, но деревня до сих пор живет под этим названием, растет и крепнет.»[2, с.140]
Today I can agree that it is really so. If you know the history of the person and native places, reading of autobiography books are more interesting and easy to understand.
Novaya Biya is rich with it’s history, traditions and customs. Now I ‘m proud that I know the village history well. I’m sure I can help everybody who will be interested in history of my village. Today’s my duty is to remember all these information and retell about it to young generation.
When people love the native land, they know it’s history. Therefore there was an idea of creative work on studying of history and development of my village, Novaya Biya.
My helpers were:
Валентин Берестов. Аист и соловей
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