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Работу выполнила : учащаяся 10 а класса Кожина Татьяна «Nationalism in Europe as a real danger nowadays»Слайд 2
Poor man, having nothing, than he could be proud of, grabs the only possible and proud nation to which he belongs . Arthur Schopenhauer
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Purpose: to find out the level of nationalist problems in Europe.
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Hypothesis: the problem of nationalist development in Europe is very serious now, and all should be aware of the level of danger, to prevent the terrible results that we can find in our past.
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the level of nationalist development in modern Europe in comparison with the last century. the level of nationalist development in modern Europe in comparison with the last century Number of persons Number of person in % 10% 9 48% 20% 7 35% 30% 3 15% 40% and over 0 0
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Nationalism is the main foundation of fascism. Fascism view of a nation is of a single organic entity which binds people together by their ancestry and is a natural unifying force of people. Definition
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Racism - a set of beliefs , which are based on the provisions of the physical and mental disparity human races , nations , and the decisive influence of racial differences in the history and culture
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Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.
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Facts from the history in Europe .
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World War II (1939-1945)
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The Holocaust This is a terrible product of World War II shook his cruelty. Not to mention the adult population, under the auspices of the Holocaust killed more than half a million children. Most of them belonged to the Jewish nation and Roma families.
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Genocide , the Nazis applied to the Jewish nation, and still causes fear and disgust. In addition to the senseless massacres people used brutal torture. No exception, and children .
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Josef Mengele Famed Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, nicknamed the "Angel of Death", used in his inhumanly cruel Exercise just over 3 thousand . Twins Gypsy and Jewish . Of these , only two hundred survived .
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Sonderkommando " Sonderkommando " - one of the inventions of the Nazis. For example, in "Auschwitz" in these groups got the largest and most physically fit prisoners. They entrusted inspection of subhuman and dirty work to destroy them in gas chambers. Members of the Sonderkommando pulled the dead gold teeth, and then burned or buried. To pay for their activities had many crazy, and some just turned into vicious animals.
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Death camp Death camp (it. Vernichtungslager, extermination camp ) - Establishment of mass destruction for different population groups .
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Oswiecim 1 100 000 Jews ; 140 000—150 000 Poles ; 100 000 Russian ; 23 000 Roma
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Majdanek 200 000 Jews 100 000 Poles 300 00 0 prisoners
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Facts from nowadays (neo-F ascism ,neo- Nazism )
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France Year neo-fascist organization elections 1972-so far Front National 2012-22,87% 1987-so far Jeuness Nationalistes Revolutionares 1998-so far Mouvement National Républicain 2004-5% 1998-2002 Unité Radicale 2003 -so far Bloc identitaire
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Finland year the number of recorded crimes interview 2003 522 Interview -2011: 12% moderate amount of racism 2% very Racist 35% partially 22% Finland for Finns 29% more or less 2004 558 2009 more
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Germany Year neo-fascist organization elections 1983 -so far Die Republikaner 1987-7% 2009-0.4% 1987 -so far Deutsche Volksunion 1999-5.3% 2009-0.1% 1987 -so far Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands 2004-9.2% 2009-1.5%
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Group "Crystal Night"
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" Edelweiss Pirates "
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Resistance of the "White Rose"
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