Спасибо деду за победу! Презентация Microsoft Power Point посвящена герою Великой Отечественной войны, погибшему в бою за освобождение Румынии.
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Victory Day is the most important holiday for all people in our country because the Great Patriotic War influenced the life almost of every familyСлайд 2
Victory Day is a great day in our family too My name is Natasha Modina . I live in the town of Melenki (Vladimir Region). I`m a pupil of the 8 th form of secondary school №2 . I want to tell you about my great grandfather who gave his life for freedom of our Motherland. His name was Korotin Fyodor Petrovich . He was born in 1910 in the town of Melenki . He was mobilized into the army in 1941. He was a junior sergeant, a gunlayer of the 404 th separate artillery battalion (54 th fortified area).
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Great soldiers of that ruthless terrible war My great grandfather might have been among them.
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How my great grandfather perished My great grandfather found his death in the battle while the Soviet army was fighting for liberation of Eastern Europe. It happened in June 1944. Korotin Fyodor Petrovich was buried in Romania. He was awarded posthumously. His award is medal “For courage” Выписка из книги Памяти
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Within living memory And we will never forget the deeds of our dead. And we will always remember those who became in the centuries famous.
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