Скелет человека — совокупность костей, пассивная часть опорно-двигательного аппарата. Служит опорой мягким тканям, точкой приложения мышц (рычажная система), вместилищем и защитой внутренних органов. Скелет развивается из мезенхимы.
Человеческий скелет состоит из двухсот с небольшим отдельных костей, и почти все они соединяются в одно целое с помощью суставов, связок и других соединений.
В течение жизни скелет постоянно претерпевает изменения. Во время внутриутробного развития хрящевой скелет плода постепенно замещается костным. Этот процесс продолжается также и в течение нескольких лет после рождения. У новорождённого ребенка в скелете почти 270 костей, что намного больше чем у взрослого. Скелет взрослого человека состоит из 200-208 костей. Такое различие возникло из-за того, что детский скелет содержит большое количество мелких косточек, которые срастаются в крупные кости только к определённому возрасту. Это, например, кости черепа, таза и позвоночника. Крестцовые позвонки, например, срастаются в единую кость (крестец) только в возрасте 18—25 лет.
Непосредственно к скелету не относятся 6 особых косточек (по три с каждой стороны), расположенных в среднем ухе; слуховые косточки соединяются только друг с другом и участвуют в работе органа слуха, осуществляя передачу колебаний с барабанной перепонки во внутреннее ухо.
Подъязычная кость — единственная косточка непосредственно не связанная с другими, — топографически находится на шее, но традиционно относится к костям лицевого отдела черепа. Она подвешена мышцами к костям черепа и соединена с гортанью.
Самая длинная кость скелета — бедренная кость, а самая маленькая — стремя в среднем ухе.
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Слайд 1
The skeleton Студентки группы: 2ФВ Кича Татьяны Армавирский медицинский колледжСлайд 2
The skeleton : Bones of legs Bones of limbs Bones of head Bones of arms Bones of spine Bones of pelvis Bones of chest
Слайд 3
Bones of the legs The upper bone of the leg , which is the longest bone in the body , is called the femur . The bone at the back of the leg is called the tibia , or " shin bone ". It makes the inside ankle bone . The thinner bone at the side of the leg is called the fibula . It makes the ouside ankle bone . The small bones that join the foot to the leg bones and allow it to move are called the tarsals . The bones inside the foot are the metatarsals . The toe bones are called phalanges , like the finger bones . The leg has another bone . At the front of the joint where the " tibia " meets the " femur " is a small round bone like a little shield , to protect the joint . It is called the patella .
Слайд 4
Bones of the limbs Arms and legs both have a thicker bone at the top and two thinner bones at the bottom . They both have a rotating joint at the top , and a hinge joint in the middle . The hands and feet have lots of bones and are joined to the arms and legs by small bones with sliding parts .
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Bones of the head The head bones all together are called the skull. The skull is made of a group of curved bones fitted together like a ball, which protects the brain, the eyes and the inside parts of the ears. The bones of this part of the head, together, are called the cranium.
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The skull has a top jaw, and a bottom jaw, with teeth in them. The jaws are called the "upper" and "lower" mandibles. The "lower mandible" is moved by strong muscles so that the teeth can bite and chew food. There are several other small bones which make up the face. There are also several small bones in the front and side of the neck. The smallest bones in the body are three tiny bones inside the ear, which vibrate to help a person hear sounds.
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Bones of the arms The upper bone is the humerus , so when people bang their elbow , they often say that they bumped their " funny bone ". The bone that sticks out at the elbow and runs down the outside of the arm is the ulna . The bone that is on the thumb-side is called the radius . Near the elbow , it is joined to the " ulna " in a way that allows it to rotate . The " radius " and the " ulna " can twist around each other , allowing a person to turn their hand . The small bones of the wrist are called carpals , and the bones inside the hand are called metacarpals . The finger bones are the phalanges .
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Bones of the spine The spine supports the head , the chest and the structure that carries the arms . It is made of small bones called vertebrae . The spine , all together , is called the spinal column . It is not straight , but has curves that help to support the body , and help the person to move and bend . One bone is a " vertebra ". Lots are " vertebrae ". The " vertebrae " have different names , depending on the part of the body they are joined to .
Слайд 9
The neck vertebrae are called cervical vertebrae . ( ser-vick-al ver-ta-bray ) The chest vertebrae are called thoracic vertebrae . ( thor-assic vert-ta-bray ) The vertebrae of the " lower back " are called the lumbar vertebrae . The next vertebrae are joined together in a triangular shape called the sacrum . The hip bones are attached to the sacrum and support it . At the bottom of the " sacrum " are some little tail-bones . They are called the coccyx . On many animals the " coccyxal vertebrae " are long , making a tail that the animal can move , but on humans , apes and some other creatures , they are very short .
Слайд 10
Bones of the pelvis This part of the body is made of the sacrum and the two pelvic bones which are joined to it on either side . The pelvic bones are carried by the leg bones , and they support the " spinal column ". Each pelvic bone has a strong structure for the leg bone to fit into , so that a person can stand , walk , run and jump . Each pelvic bone spreads into a large flat plate which supports the person's " internal organs ". The pelvis of a woman spreads into a wider shape than a man's , so that when the woman is pregnant , the baby is supported by the pelvis , until it is ready to be born . At the bottom of the pelvis is a large opening , big enough for a baby to pass through
Слайд 11
Bones of the chest T he chest is called the thorax , and the vertebrae that are part of it are the thoracic vertebrae . The thorax is made up of long flat curved bones called ribs . At the back , the ribs are joined to the vetebrae . At the front , most of the ribs are joined to the sternum , which is often called the " breast bone ". All together , the " thorax " protects the heart : ungs and stomach
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