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Слайд 1
Tula is my homeland The presentation is made by students of the 6 th form , school #34 : Batyrshina А mina, Galyuzov Roman, Nefedova Elizaveta , Zalutskaya А lyonaСлайд 2
What is the homeland for us? We think that the homeland is not only a region, city or village you live in, but also your street and house. If you really love your city, you should know its history and you should know everything about your street. We are going to tell you about the streets we live in.
Слайд 3
Belkina Street My name is Amina. I live in Tula in Belkina Street . It is a historical centre of the city. The street begins from Boldina Street and stretches to the Central park. The street is a beautiful avenue, which is called Slavyanskiy b ulvar . The citizens of our district like to walk there . The street was called in honor of a soviet revolushioner I.P. Belkin. Before 1967 the street was called Pesochnay . There are many small and big beautiful houses in Belkina Street, but there are no administrative buildings. It is a nice corner of silence and nature, I like my street very much.
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Makarenko Street My name is Alyona . I live in Makarenko Street. It was called in honor of Anton Semyonovich Makarenko . He was a teacher, writer, founder of the rehabilitation of child-offenders in the labor colonies. A.S. Makarenko lived from 1888 to 1939. Some Moscow and Sochi streets have his name.
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May 9 Street My name is Lisa. I live in a big and beautiful city, there are a lot of good places. In my city there are many cozy squares and parks with fine trees and bright flower beds. In the main streets there are many beautiful buildings. I n the evening the city shines bright with fires! But my favourite place of the city is my street. My street is situated in the "Soviet" area. It is called May 9. It has its own history. In 1965 my street was called Okruzhnaya . It was called May 9 in honor of the Victory on May 9, 1945. Here is my street! . I want it to remain such pure and beautiful !
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Boldina Street Hi! My name is Roma. I live in Boldina Street. There are many green public gardens and landmarks in my street. My school is also situated there. Boldina Street is named after the Soviet Army General D. Boldin . He participated in the battle of Stalingrad. He also participated with the army in the battles near Tula. I am proud to live in that street.
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In conclusion! All of us take pride in living in the streets with such great and famous names. We hope that they will remain clean, luminous, attractive, beautiful and full of happy and smiling citizens.
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Thank you!
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Resources http://foto-tula.ru/files/p0036155.jpg http://www.cirota.ru/forum/images/88/88344.jpeg http://newstula.ru/pic/2010_09/317.jpg http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/03/68/12/368121.jpg http://cs320519.vk.me/v320519421/a32/aQiyyQrWmVw.jpg http://www.tvtula.ru/image/uploaded/1348669024.jpg
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