Краткое сообщение об одном и величаиших памятниках России - Мамаевом Кургане
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Mamaev Kurgan
By Kochueva Asya, 5th form
Mamaev Kurgan is the highest point in the central part of Volgograd. Its military name is “height 102”. The fierce fighting took place here in 1942 during the Great Patriotic War. And in this place the dead defenders of the city and the Motherland were buried.
The monumental memorial is great. It was built between 1959 and 1967. The memorial consists of different monuments and places of interest. Its main part is a huge statue of the Motherland. It stands on the top of the hill. This monument designed by Yevgeny Vuchetich. It has the full name “The Motherland calls” (in Russian: Rodina Mat Zovyot).The statue is 52 meters tall and 82 meters from the feet to the tip of the sword.
On Victory Day a lot of Russian people visit Mamaev Kurgan and The Motherland calls to honor the memory of dead defenders of the Motherland.
Ломтик арбуза. Рисуем акварелью
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