Обучение искусству - пустая трата времени, так как работадателей интересуют только деловые качества. Так ли это на самом деле? Коробко Дарья пытается найти ответ на данный вопрос.
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«Studying for an arts degree is a waste of time because employers just want business skills» By Darya Korobko 10A classСлайд 2
The importance of art Art brings beauty into our world Art makes our world a better place Art allows us to appreciate every period in history Art is the immortal movement of our world
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Skills people learn from the arts 1. Passion- Loving something that you do is important in keeping balance in your life. 2. Self-Confidence- T he confidence to perform in front of large audiences. 3. Receiving Constructive Feedback- Feedback is part of learning and it is not something to be offended by or to be taken personally. 4.Collaboration- Working together, sharing responsibility, and compromising with others to accomplish a common goal. 5. Creativity- Think ‘outside of the box’ will distinguish you from others!
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TTCT Test (Torrance Test of Creative Thinking) Developed in the ’60s by psychologist Ellis Paul Torranc. the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) sought to identify a creativity-oriented alternative to IQ testing. One of the most iconic elements of the TTCT i s the Incomplete Figure test, a drawing challenge .
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The structure of TTCT
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ART is around us, ART is everywhere!
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Links and sources http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torrance_Tests_of_Creative_Thinking http://www.jrimagination.com/blog/2012/3/13/advice-from-outside-the-box.html http://www.enotes.com/homework-help/why-arts-important-humans-today-388402 THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION!
Три способа изобразить акварелью отражения в воде
Андрей Усачев. Пятно (из книги "Умная собачка Соня")
Дельфин: сказка о мечтателе. Серджио Бамбарен
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