В работе исследуются различные виды жилищ индейцев, проживающих на севере Америки
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Выполнил: Шишмарев Илья
ученик 6 «Б» класса
Научный руководитель: Тульчина Е. С.
учитель английского языка
первой категории
Грачевка, 2013 год
Введение ………………………………………………………………………………3
Индейцы – это коренные жители, аборигены Америки. История их жизни трагична. Очень часто индейцы ассоциируются со страшными фильмами о ковбоях и индейцах, где последние выступают в роли злодеев, негодяев. На самом деле история американских индейцев – это история самого жестокого, безжалостного геноцида в современной истории.
До того как в Северную Америку в 1500-х годах прибыли первые европейские переселенцы, она была родным домом для миллионов людей, которых называют североамериканские индейцы. Индейцы пришли в Северную Америку тысячи лет назад и расселились по всему континенту.
Индейцы жили группами, называвшимися племенами. Ко времени появления первых европейцев в Северной Америке жили около 300 различных племен и у каждого были своя форма правления, свой язык, религиозные верования и культура. По оценке специалистов, до открытия Америки на территории современных США и Канады проживало до 3 миллионов человек. К концу ХІХ века их численность сократилась до 200 тысяч.
Жизненный уклад племени в основном определялся природными условиями среды его обитания. Инуиты (эскимосы) скованные холодом Арктики для пропитания охотились на тюленей. Из тюленьих шкур они делали жилища, лодки и одежду. На сухом и жарком юго-западе континента индейцы племени пуэбло строили глинобитные жилища. Вода была драгоценностью, поэтому они изобрели специальные методы, позволяющие добывать воду глубоко из-под земли.
Повседневная жизнь племени североамериканских индейцев была сосредоточена на самых важных потребностях — пище и жилище. Главными культурами, которые выращивали индейцы, были кукуруза, тыквенные плоды и бобы. Многие племена жили охотой на бизонов и другую дичь или собирали ягоды, коренья и прочие съедобные растения.
В жизни всех индейцев важное место занимала религия. Они верили в могущественный мир духов, от которых зависели все люди.
Разнообразная домашняя утварь североамериканских индейцев, изготовленная из дерева или камня, бывает также украшена головами животных или людей или же имеет искаженную форму живых существ.
К такой утвари относятся праздничные маски, фантастические гримасы которых свидетельствуют о склонности фантазии этого народа к ужасному; сюда же относятся серые глиняные трубки с изображенными на них искаженными фигурами животных, похожими на находимые в Меланезии; но прежде всего к этому роду произведений принадлежат горшки, употребляемые для пищи и жира, а также чаши для питья, имеющие форму зверей или людей. Звери (птицы) часто держат в зубах (клюве) других животных или даже крошечных людей. Животное то стоит на ногах, причем спина его выдолблена в виде челнока, то лежит на спине, и тогда роль самого сосуда играет выдолбленное брюхо. В Берлине хранится чаша для питья, представляющая собой человеческую фигуру с впалыми глазами и со скорченными ногами.
В данной работе рассмотрена только одна сторона жизни индейцев: их жилище.
Жилища североамериканских индейцев разных племен сильно отличалась. Одни использовали передвижные жилища, а жители Великих равнин сооружали типи, конические палатки, обтянутые бизоньими шкурами, натянутыми на деревянный каркас.
Из приведенных описаний ясно, что это была действительно великая цивилизация и она является важной частью американской культуры.
Актуальность данной работы заключается в необходимости доказать, что индейцы были высоко развитым обществом.
Цель работы: найти описание различных типов жилищ разных племен, сопоставить типы жилищ.
Задачи изучить материал по теме, выбрать объект изучения, систематизировать полученные данные.
Методы исследования. В данной работе использованы поиск, отбор, анализ, обобщение и систематизация информации.
Практическая направленность. Работа позволяет использовать материал на уроках английского, русского языка, истории, во внеклассной работе, а также людьми, изучающими язык.
Объект исследования: образ жизни североамериканских индейцев, их жилища, как доказательство высокого уровня развития.
Предмет изучения: типы жилищ североамериканских индейцев.
Гипотеза: североамериканские индейцы, аборигены Северной Америки – это высоко развитая цивилизация, которая обладала огромными знаниями в разных областях и имела самобытную, неповторимую культуру.
1. Indian Settlements
Just imagine that you visited one of the Indian settlements at any time between 1700 and 1900 and, having taken the warm welcome of the hospitable hosts who were always glad to give shelter to any traveler or stranger, made a little tour about the village. What would you have seen and paid attention to?
First of all you would have noticed that regardless the sight of the settlement itself and its building, the site had been chosen with great care. Even in the places with no trees, mercilessly sun scorched and blown through with winds, Indians could find the place for their settlement, which was most protected from the sun, wind and rain. There in such a place, was to be some water sourse neaby. It could be a natural spring, a river, a brook or a stream with fish. There was to be some place for deer or some other wild animals to come and have a drink. The settlement could be built on the banks of great rivers which had been giving food for different cultures during the whole history of mankind and civilizations. And the place was to be protected from enimies attacks as much as possible.
Usually from 100 to 300 people lived in the settlement, though some of them could be very big: they housed about one thousand people. The territory was devided between clans and about 30-50 man, women and children lived in the plot. Some Indian camps didn’t have any fortification. Others, on the other had were fortified very carefully. They had banks or wooden walls-it depended on the material they could find nearby. And this was the main factor for the sight and type of their homes. They were different in every region of the culture distribution.
2. Types of Houses
2.1. Types of Houses of Hohoks and Anasasi
People of Hohoks and Anasasi who lived in the south-west, the region which was populated earlier that any other region at the beginning of our era, were skilled architects. They built their famous constructions including Kasa-Grande either with adobes, that is the bricks from the dirt dried in the sun or from kalishi the bricks made from dried hard clay. Adobes and kalishi which were called “the marble of the preries” or “the marble of the steppe” by the first white Americans. The bricks were cheep and long lasting building material in the south-west. As for the people of the Anasazi culture they appeared to be wonderful architectors of stone, having turned the caves of Mesa-Verde and in other places into the places of fantastic beauty. They also built their famous dwelling houses in Chako-Canyon which stand separately.
2.2. Houses of Navaho Indians
A little to the north we can see mud-hut houses of their nomadic neighbours – Navaho Indians. These mud-huts are unique because together with pueblos they are the only Indian houses which are used nowadays.
In the Navaho reservation you can often see these low habitation which are called Hogans is a circle which symbolized the sun and the Universe. On the top of it there is a wooden roof which has the from of a vault. The entrance is a simple doorway curtained with a blanket. It faces the rising sun and looks east . Not very far from it there is a bath-house which is a smaller Hogan, the place where a family can relax and rest. This bath-house is like a sauna or a Turkish bath. The baths like these are rather spread and can be seen practically in the settlements of all Indians of North America.
There was a “kamada” near the main building. The summer house was made of wooden posts under the trees and was the place for old people to rest, for children to play, for women to weave or cook food in.
2.3. The Hogans of Pauni and Mandanas
The dwellings in the ground of a lot of types could be found in the valleys and in the prairie, but mostly in the steppes of Northen districts where the summer was very hot and the winter was very cold and severe. The Pauni in Nebraska and the Mandanas and the Hidatsas in South and North Dakota made their homes deep in the ground. Some of the dwellings of the Mandanas occupied the area of 25-30 metres and some families lived in them and there were also stalls for horses. The inhabitants of such houses rested and basked in the sun on the roofs of a Hogan.
2.4. The Irakeze and Their Teepees
The Irakeze tribes clustered in one long house. Some missionaries who had to live for some time at such a place stated that it was very difficult to endure the adore of fire heat, smoke different smells and barking of dogs, it was the usual type of living of an Indian in the central part of the Valley Region. It means on the most part of the territory were constructions of a marquees type which were called teepees. Some people call such dwellings wigwams, but it is a mistake. They are different. ”Tipi” is a cone-shaped tent fit close by painted bison skins. Such tents are familiar to many people from many films about Indians. Hunter tents were not very big, but the tents in the main camp and the tents for solemn ceremonies could be as high as 6 metres and occupy the territory of 6 metres by diameter. It took up to 50 bison skins to cover such a dwelling. Despite the size suited both the conditions of the territory and that could easily be put and rolled up. In summer the cover could be turned up to let fresh air in and in winter the cover was tied to a bearing and the latter was fixed to the ground to preserve warmth. The fire was made in the middle of the dwelling and smoke rose up through a chimney, made of reeds. The chimney was narrowing at the top. If the wind blew and there was smoke inside the tipi, the disposition of the bearing was changed and the smoke went out. Teepees were decorated inside with glass beads, porcupines quills, different signs and symbols of religious and mystical type. There was also a personal sing or a personal symbol of the owner of the tipi on the skin.
The teepees, which belonged to such tribes as the Shyens and the Blackfoot, were really wonderful constructions of remarkable beauty and peculiarity. So the Indians of the valley region had grounds to call the place they lived in “the land where there are a lot of teepees”- a paradise. They considered that it was boundless flourishing land, studded with glittering multi-colored tents-teepees.
They were common to other regions of South America, though they were not notable for such splendor as they were in the Valley region. Some tribes didn’t decorate them at all. Others, especially those who lived in severe climate tried as they as they could to make them habitable, using mats, beddings carpets an everything they could find and all kinds of things that could serve as an insulating material.
In Canada and north-eastern coast people used birch bark and it wasn’t suitable for being decorated with drawings. It should also be mentioned that dwelling like teepees were known not only in North America, but in other regions of the world as well, especially in South-Eastern Asia. It is probable that ancient hunters from Asia who had come to Canada and North America lived in caves in winter and in camps in summer. Of course, such short-live materials like leather and wood couldn’t have remained preserved up to our time, so we have no archeological evidence of this supposition.
2.5. Wigwam
“Wigwam” was a dwelling which had wooden bearings like teepee, but its top is a cupola and it is covered not by skins but by woven mats of birch burk. For making the construction firm there was a wooden carcass inside. It resembled rostrum wooden saffoldings which were firmly tied to the foundation with ropes of fibre and it made the dwelling look like an upturned boat.
2.6. “Vikap” – a typical dwelling place of the Appalachian
Temporal Britter dwelling which were covered with wisps of reed and dry glass were called vikaps. Both Indians of deserts like the district of the Great Basin and of dry outskirts of south-west lived in such huts. They lived in poverty and had a low level of material culture. “Vikap” was a typical dwelling place of the Appalachian, the tribe of very brave but retarted people.
Wigwams and vikaps must be distinguished from the majestic dwelling houses covered with woven material of reed and which was characteristic for southern districts of the USA. These constructions were built by people who settled in the north-east and in the Mississippi Basin, the place, where once the builders of the famous temple mounds had lived and worked. These people built high imposing and majestic buildings of a rounded form with very hard wooden colonnade. Very often the houses were covered by a tightly women and painted mats made of reed. Forest tribes of North and South California, and those of north-east coast used to live in such houses with cupola roofs and trellis verandahs. Alone the whole length of such houses there were wide long benches on which people ate, slept, enjoyed themselves and had perfomances of religious rites. It was just the same way of life like that of different communities of South-East Asia.
2.7. The culture of “long house building”
The culture of “long house building” reached its peak in the South-west. It was already mentioned that this region was famous for its cultural achievements in a number of other spheres. Such tribes as Naiad, Tsimshian and Tlinkits made planks of red and yellow cedar and used them in house building which could have room for 30-40 people. Such building were as long as 15 metres wide. They were chef-d-oeutres of carpentry, of wooden architecture and tiled wooden decorations. The roofs were covered with barks of trees. The walls both inside and outside, partitions which divided inner lodgings into several rooms, were decorated with carvings and drawings. The themes of the drawings were connected with the Holly Spirits which were to protect the house and the household. The house of each chief was decorated in a particular way, and it was done with unique individuality. The ridge of the roof was also cared and drawn.
2.8. The Totem Pole
A well-known totem pole of the Indians of the North-west was placed in front of it. The History of the given family or that of the whole generation was reflected on the pole and the family emblem was placed on the top of the pole. Such poles were about 9 metres high were seen from far away and from the sea too and were a good orienteer. Even now the citizens of the Indian settlements lead an active life, expose interest to professional activities and handicraft and to the way of life of their great ancestors.
2.9. The Inner Decoration
If you were invited to enter an Indian house you would see there was almost no furniture. The rammed ground floor as smooth as parquet or glass, neatly swept with a broom of brunches or grass and covered with furs, fells and mats. There were curtains and amulets. The members of the family slept along the walls and each had his own place. Sometimes they slept on the bench, but more often they slept on the ground having wrapped oneself in a warm blanket. A typical kind of furniture was an Indian chaise lonque which gave support to the man who was sitting on the floor. Some parts of the house were intented for religious symbols and for the sacrit shaman ties. The houses were marked with stones, so that everybody should go round them as they were Jestined for the spirits of the dead ancestors or more aimed for religious-spiritual aims.
There was a hearth in the middle of the dwelling and the five was burning brightly during the day and it was choked a little during the night Fire was considered to be the gift of gods and it was kept vigilant watch on. Fire symbolized the sun, and the dwelling around the fire symbolized the universe: the door of the house faced the East to meet the first rays of the rising sun. The fire was carried from place to place in a buffalo horn, in a closed pitcher, or kept it inside a big wisp of a slowly smoulderng moss. A lot of tribes worshiped fire and there was “eternal fire” burning in their dwelling and a specially appointed fire custodian was responsible for it. The custodian had to keep it burning all the time.
3. Заключение
Индейцы, обитающие или обитавшие во всей Северной Америке восточнее Скалистых гор, – настоящие "краснокожие", их рассеянные остатки доныне живут среди "бледнолицых", которые лишили их старинных жилищ, старинной веры, старинного искусства. То, что мы знаем об искусстве этих "настоящих" индейцев, в значительной степени принадлежит истории.
Они достигли больших результатов в своем развитии и внесли огромный вклад в мировую культуру. Стоит только посмотреть на грандиозные строения пуэбло, маинды из саманного кирпича, хоганы, типии, вигвамы, викапы, длинные хижины, и сразу можно понять, что эти уникальные строения могли быть сделаны только удивительно талантливыми, думающими, развитыми люди.
Положение современных североамериканских индейцев в резервациях США и Канады - отдельная тема. Одни племена смогли лучше приспособиться к новым, навязанным им условиям, другие хуже. И все же среди нынешних американцев индейцы до сих пор стоят особняком. Они так и не смогли полностью вписаться в новую американскую нацию, как вписались в нее чернокожие, латиноамериканцы, потомки переселенцев из Европы и Азии. Жители США все еще воспринимают индейцев как нечто особенное, чужеродное, непонятное. В свою очередь, индейцы не могут до конца принять цивилизацию белого человека. И в этом их трагедия. Их старый мир разрушен, а в новом для них не нашлось достойного места. Ибо люди, нравственно превосходившие своих поработителей и соблюдавшие заветы Великого Духа, не могут принять более примитивную мораль и смириться с тем, что в новом обществе о деньгах все равно вспоминают чаще, чем о Боге.
4. Список использованной литературы
Лепесток и цветок
Нора Аргунова. Щенята
Снежный всадник
Огонь фламенко
Рисуем ананас акварелью