Презентация "Великая Отечественная Война". Аннотация:
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Презентация о ВОВ | 831.49 КБ |
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The great Patriotic warСлайд 2
What we picture when we hear this word ? What is war and why we need to remember about it ?
Слайд 3
The war lasted for 1414 days and nights. Many people sacrificed their lives for the win of victory.
Слайд 4
May 9, 2015 the whole country is celebrating the 70 anniversary of the victory over the Nazis
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We say thanks to our veterans, for our clear sky and the sun light
Д.С.Лихачёв. Письма о добром и прекрасном: МОЛОДОСТЬ – ВСЯ ЖИЗНЬ
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Композитор Алексей Рыбников
На горке
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