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Ульяновский педагогический колледж № 4
по дисциплине
на тему «The history of USA»
студентка 52 группы
Гумарова Венера
Мизурова Анастасия
Селивёрстова Анна
2013- 2014 уч.год
Содержание работы:
1 слайд.
Today we are going to tell you about the history of USA.
And we are going to begin with the discovering of America.
2 слайд. We know that Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
In 1490 the King and Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India. He decided to sail to the west as he was sure that our planet was round. And after sailing 4000 miles he reached some land.
3 слайд. Columbus thought that it must be India but it was not. It was a new land – a new continent. It was America – Central America in fact. People began to speak about the land as “the New World”.
4 слайд. Whilst it was generally believed that Columbus was the first European to discover America in 1492, it is now well known that Viking explorers reached parts of the east coast of Canada around 1100 and that Icelandic Leif Erikson's Vinland may have been an area that is now part of the United States.
5 слайд. The first voyages along the coast of modern South and Central America were made by Americus Vespucius. That is why, in the 16th century German cartographer named this fourth part of the world after the explorer.
At the beginning of the 17th century European colonies were founded on the territory of the modern USA.
6 слайд. In 1620 first colonists landed at Plymouth Rock. They came from England on board the «Mayflower». Most of them were puritans or former Anglicans who were called pilgrims.
7 слайд. People who came to America were mostly farmers, who wanted to exploit the new lands. The development of trade, industry and agriculture in the colonies constantly conflicted with the economic policy of Britain.
8 слайд. The most prominent episode from the history of the USA is the formation of the state itself. The growing independence and economic strength of colonies disturbed Great Britain. The colonies were viewed as a source of raw materials and a market for England alone.
A prologue to the War of Independence in the North America was the «Boston tea-party» (1773), as it was called. The British Government granted the East India Company the right of tax-free export of tea to the colonies. It caused indignation among the colonists, and especially the merchants involved in the sale of tea. In December 1773 a group of members of the organization called the «Sons of Liberty» boarded the British ships in the port of Boston and dumped the whole cargo of tea into the harbour. Soon after that the port was closed, all kinds of public gatherings were prohibited. All these measures further sharpened the conflict between Great Britain and the colonies.
9 слайд. The War of Independence of the American colonies began with a battle of colonists against British troops in April 1775 at Concord and at Lensington not far from Boston. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress declared the united colonies to be independent of Great Britain.
10 слайд. The new state was called the United States of America and July 4 became its national holiday. The congress adopted the Declaration of Independence proclaiming the equality of all people.
11 слайд. Thomas Jefferson, a follower of the British philosophers was the author of the Declaration. In 1783 Britain finally and formally recognized American independence. George Washington was elected the first president of the new republic. Later on his name was given to the capital which was built in the federal District of Columbia.
12 слайд. At the beginning of 1861 the Southern states left the Union and founded the Confederation. That was the beginning of the war between the South and the North. The purpose of the Civil War was to restore the Union of the Individual states and to preserve the Constitution. However, Congress was determined to make emancipation (freeing of the slaves) the primary issue of the war. The Constitution was an agreement between the states, so therefore each state had the right to leave the Union when they pleased. These issues divided the nation.
13 слайд. In February of 1861, the Confederation states of America was formed. It consisted of South Caroline, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas. On the 1st of January, 1863, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring the freedom of slaves. However, the actual end of slavery did not come until 1865. 14 слайд. The Civil War came to an end on the 1st of April, 1865. With the end of the war came the concept that the United States is not a group of states but rather one nation. With the emancipation of the slaves, new issues, such as civil rights, appeared.
15 слайд. During the 19th»and 20th centuries, 37 new states were added to the original 13 as the nation expanded their frontiers across the North American continent and acquired a number of overseas possessions.
16 слайд. The 1930s were the years of Great Depression in the USA. Franklin Roosevelt set up government organizations called agencies. They found work for people, gave money to help the unemployed and homeless and helped the nation to recover from the Depression.
17 слайд. After its victories in World Wars I and II and the end of the Cold War in 1991, the USA remains the world’s most powerful state. 18 слайд. The economy is marked by steady growth, low unemployment and inflation, and great advances in technology.
19 слайд. Task №1.
20 слайд. Key.
21 слайд. Task №2.
22 слайд. Key.
Задания к реферату по теме «The history of USA»
студентка 52 группы
Гумарова Венера
Мизурова Анастасия
Селивёрстова Анна
Task №1.
1492 «Boston tea party»
1773 Columbus discovered America
1775 The War of Independence
1776 The Civil War
1861 Great Depression
1991 the end of the Cold War
1865 the end of Civil War
1930s The independence of colonies of GB
Task №2.
1492 «Boston tea party»
1773 Columbus discovered America
1775 The War of Independence
1776 The Civil War
1861 Great Depression
1991 the end of the Cold War
1865 the end of Civil War
1930s The independence of colonies of GB
Task №2.
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