Вторая часть презентации ученицы 11 класса по теме "Нанотехнологии"
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The work was made by Konovalova Anna. Sokolskaya Secondary School. 11 grade Tutor : Sidorkina Elena Vladimirovna. 2013 Presentation. « Nanotechnology in Humanities » 2Слайд 2
Nanotechnology is an emerging discipline having power to revolutionaries every scientific field to a very deep level which previously thought to be a science fiction. Nanotechnology has a great potential to beneficially change the way a disease is diagnosed, treated and prevented. Practically nanotechnology has beneficial impact on state of the art healthcare technologies and playing a crucial role in revolutionizing the field of surgery, detection of diseases like cancers diagnosis and treatment, molecular imaging, tissue engineering and implant, nanosensing of disease biological markers and targeted drug delivery. However, if one wishes to see nanotechnology products of today, there would not be any good example than surgical blades, suture needles, anti-microbial textiles, bone replacement materials, molecular diagnostics, micro-cantilevers and enrichment of magnetic resonance imagery. This review focuses on the potentials of nanotechnology in health care and addresses the possible future prospects of nanotechnology in these fields .
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Nano scale. Nanotechnology is a broad term that covers many areas of science, research and technology. In its most basic form, it can be described as working with things that are small. Things so tiny that they can't be seen with standard microscopes. The same stuff that has always been there, but we just couldn't see it. The building blocks of nature, atoms and molecules. Nano-technology involves understanding matter at the "nano" scale. This illustration gives visual examples of the size and the scale of nanotechnology, showing us just how small nanotechnology actually is. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. In comparison, a human hair is about 100,000 nanometers in diameter.
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Advantages and benefits of nanotechnology in the future. Molecular nanotechnology is poised to reshape humanity and redefine the human condition. Nanotech will be used to clean the environment, ease the pressure for natural resources, treat diseases and supplement the human body. It may even usher in a post-scarcity economy and help people in developing countries tackle hunger, child mortality, environmental degradation and diseases such as malaria and HIV/AIDS.
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Nanotechnology in archeology. People suggest using nanotechnology in archeology. They think that nanotechnology can be useful not only at the stage of studying archeological samples, but also at the previous stage of looking for them. Student Andrew Brett suggested to use the robots to search for archeological finds. Robots-ants could easily assemble broken objects, find a missing mosaic fragments or even get into pharaohs` tombs and transmit information from there without disturbing the dead.
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