В процессе работы над проектом "Нанотехнологии" ученики создавали презентации на английском языке.
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The work was made by Konovalova Anna. Sokolskaya Secondary School. 11 grade Tutor : Sidorkina Elena Vladimirovna. 2013 Presentation. « Nanotechnology in Humanities. »Слайд 2
The plan : The goal of my work ; Hypothesis ; Introduction ; What is nanotechnology ?; Nano scale ; Advantages and benefits of nanotechnology in the future ; Nanotechnology in archeology ; Nanotechnology and scientists ; Nano materials in some products ; Whether the hypothesis is true ? ; Conclusion ; References and Used Books.
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Goals of my work : To investigate the distribution of nanotechnology to human activity ; To determine the importance of the development of nanotechnology in our lives ; To see how scientists are interested in this issue ; To confirm or deny the validity of the hypothesis ; Make a conclusion of work.
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Hypothesis. Nanotechnology has a wide application potential in humanities.
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Introduction. Nanotechnology is the branch of science which deals particles range from 1 to 100 nm and in the development of nano-sized structures and devices which can be used for beneficial purposes. Nanotechnology provides new ideas, having potential to change the way a disease can be diagnosed and treated. Nanotechnology is an alternative to individual atom or molecule at a precise location that can be located chemically or physically . Nanotechnology basically use two approaches ; Top-down and Bottom-up. Top-down approach includes formation of nanoscale structures while bottom-up approach includes assembly of atoms into defined structures. Based on these approaches nanotechnology aims to design and develop devices/structures which can manipulate things near atomic level.
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Nanotechnology apply to all areas of science: Chemistry Biology Engineering Physics Philosophy The media reports the information that the Vatican demonstrated their interest in the Large Hadron Collider experiment.
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