Исследовательская работа «ВОЛШЕБНЫЙ МИР АНГЛИЙСКОЙ ДЕТСКОЙ ПОЭЗИИ» (реферат)
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«Мир без границ» (английский язык)
Барсукова Анастасия Петровна, 7 класс
Московская область,
г.Одинцово, ул.Говорова, д.33-2
Симонянц Галина Акоповна,
учитель английского языка
Гимназии АНОО ВО
«Одинцовский гуманитарный университет»
Introduction | 3 |
1. The main types of English children's poetry | 5 |
1.1. Folk poetry «Nursery Rhymes» | 5 |
1.2. Author's poetry | 7 |
1.3. Limericks | 8 |
2. Translation of the English children's poetry | 9 |
2.1. The peculiarities of translation of poetry | 9 |
2.2. The best samples of translation of English children's poetry | 11 |
3. Description of the work on translation of English poems | 12 |
Conclusion | 14 |
Bibliography | 15 |
Appendix | 16 |
Today English is the language of international communication for many people. Many Russian students study the English language.
We speak English when we travel to different countries.
For communication in English, we need not only to learn the words and grammar, but it is important to know English history and culture.
Poetry does not know borders. The theme of my research is rather topical as reading of English poetry is a fascinating and interesting process. While reading we penetrate into the world of English poetry, we get acquainted with the history of England and English culture. We read books written by both Russian and English writers such as Rudyard Kipling, Stevenson, William Shakespeare and other authors. From childhood we are familiar with the poem of «The House That Jack Built», lullaby «On the Little Willie Wienke» and the riddle-rhyme of «Humpty Dumpty». These poems were written in English, and only the mastership of the translators gave us a chance to know and love them. I also decided to try myself in the role of the translator, check my creativity and capabilities.
The aims of my research are to learn the best samples of English children's poetry and its translations, to do myself some poetic translation and to prepare a collection of poems for primary school pupils.
My tasks were:
The object of my research is English children's poetry.
The subjects of research are English folk poetry, songs and riddles, children's poems English poets and their translations into Russian.
My research is connected with solving two main problems. They are the understanding of rhymes and the poetic translation of English children’s poetry.
The hypothesis is that the perception and the translation of poetry and literary text differ a lot. I hope my almanac will increase children's interest in reading and learning English. It will inspire them to their own translations.
During the research the following methods were used:
1. Study of literature.
2. Analysis of poetic translation
3. Comparison and generalization.
I think, if we read the English poems and their Russian translations, we will study the rules of translation, we will be able to create our translations of English poems.
Children's poems «Nursery Rhymes» take a special place in English literature. For four centuries people have been carefully keeping and passing from generation to generation the jokes, songs, witty riddle-rhymes, tongue twisters, rhymes, teasers, poems word-of-mouth. For the first time Nursery Rhymes were printed in England in 1570! These were the so-called «сhapbooks» - the small book or a pamphlet containing poems, ballads, fairy-tales and religious tracts. The famous collection of the best samples of the English children's folklore “Mother Goose Rhymes” was first published in London in 1760. Poems and songs here are so different. Here we can find lullabies, songs and riddles, poems and jokes, games. Many of them reflect the folk traditions and legends, which pass from generation to generation. Collection «Mother Goose Rhymes» includes more than 100 folk rhymes and songs. They are distributed on the themes: poems about animals, about nature, about the people, counting games and rhymed fables, folk songs and riddle-rhymes.
Of course the first poems that a child hears it lullaby.
«Hush-a-bue, baby,
On the tree top.
When the wind blows,
The cradle will rock…»
«The Man in the Moon looked out of the moon,
Looked out of the moon and said,
«This time for all children on the earth
To think about getting to bed! »
Many of the rhymes tell children about the outer world.
These short dialogues: «Moo moo cow, cow…», «Baa, Baa, Black sheep...», «Goosey, goosey, gander...», «Pussy-cat, pussy cat, where have you been?».
And «Ladybird, ladybird fly away home…», «Rain, rains go away…»
Almost all of these rhymes have analogs in the Russian folk poetry. Some of the rhymes have a history, legends, that explain and interpret them. So, the legend says, that the song about the cat tells about the events of the XVI century, which happened at the royal yard.
«Pussycat, pussycat, where have you been?
– I've been up to London to visit the Queen.
– Pussycat, pussycat, what did you there?
– I frightened a little mouse under her chair».
One of the waiting ladies of Queen Elizabeth 1 had a cat, which suddenly came to the throne its and tail touched the Queen's feet, that frightened her. However, the Queen with her usual sense of humor decided that the cat has the right to be near the throne, if cat does not allow mice to come near the throne. In many rhymes, people expressed their attitude to the events in the country.The poem «Baa, baa black sheep» dates to 1275 year, and it describes the events in England, related to the tax on wool. And one of the oldest known rhyme «When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?» аssociated with the English Peasant Revolt in 1381. According to one of versions, a cheerful song «Ring a Ring o Roses» is connected with the spread in the 13th century, of Bubonic Plague (Black Death) that mowed down about a third of the population.
One of the most famous riddles in the English-speaking world is «Humpty Dumpty…».
«Humpty dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty dumpty had a great fall;
Threescore men and threescore more,
Could not place Humpty as he was before. »
There are a number of theories connected with the origins and references of Humpty. Some people believe that it is about King Richard III of England who fell from his horse during the Battle of Bosworth Field and was “hacked to pieces” by his enemies.
Another interpretation says, that a large canon named Humpty Dumpty was mounted on a wall of tower of St. Mary’s Wall Church in Colchester during the English Civil War (1642-1649) and fell on the ground in 1648. The Royalists (The King’s Men) tried to repair the cannon but failed.
1.2. Author's poetry
Wonderful poems for children were created by famous English poets: Stevenson, Kipling, Milne, Lewis Carroll and others. Not many people know that Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) the famous author of the book "The Island of treasures» wrote wonderful children's poems. A «Child's Garden of Verses» is a collection of poetry for children by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. The collection first appeared in 1885 under the title Penny Whistles, but was reprinted many times, often with illustrations. It contains about 65 poems including the cherished classics "Foreign Children," "The Lamplighter," "The Land of Counterpane," "Bed in Summer," "My Shadow" and "The Swing."
Stevenson illustrated a collection of poems for children «Moral emblems» with (1882) carved wood pictures. Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865 -1936) was an English writer and a poet who wrote for children, too. The most famous of his works is a collection of short stories «The Jungle Book» (1894), an adventure novel «Kim» (1901) and numerous short stories and poems, including «If» (1910).Wonderful poems, transmitting the mood of tales or related to her characters, Kipling accompanied fairy tales «Just So Stories». "I have six servants..." - posted at the end of the fairy tale "little Elephant". R. Kipling titled his books "One Hundred thousand why".
«The cat wonderful singing by the fire...» - posted at the end of the fairy tale «Cat walking in herself». Poems of Kipling's are similar in style to English folk songs and ballads, filled with humor and energy.
Alan Alexander Milne (1882 – 1956) was an English author and a poet, best known for his books about the teddy bear Winnie-the-Pooh and for various children's poems. In 1924 Milne produced a collection of children's poems «When We Were Very Young».The second collection of children's poems, «Now We Are Six», was published in 1927.
Milne has devoted a lot of rhymes to a bear, named in honor of the great bear Winnie from the London zoo and the Swan named Fluff. The poet Milne wrote these poems on behalf of his hero Christopher Robin, understanding his feelings and thought. Not all the poems of Milne, written for children, were translated into the Russian language. The most popular poems which were translated into Russian are «Tails», «Swing Song», «The King's Breakfast» and others.
1.3. Limericks
An integral part of the English children's poetry are limericks. Limericks are short, well-known from ancient times songs, which are associated with the Irish city Limerick. Limericks were made famous by Edward Lear, a famous author who wrote the "Book of Nonsense" in the 1800's. This was an entire book of silly limericks. Limerick is a funny little poem containing five lines. It has a very distinctive rhythm and rhyme pattern. At first, quite a long line of Limerick, usually describes who and where he lives ; the second, a long line, introduces you to some of the interesting feature of the hero; the third and fourth lines are short, they tell of the unexpected and sometimes incredible events; the fifth line is quite long and the funniest (sometimes it is similar to the first one). The first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 8 or 9). The third and fourth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 5 or 6). As a rule, Limerick begins with the words, "There was a...» which corresponds to the Russian folklore beginning «Lived-was...».
Limerick became popular poetry - like Russian chastushka. In England and America different contests for the best limerick. Children often are organized participate in them.
2. The English translation of the poetic creativity
2.1. Features of translation of the poetic text
Translation is a process of transferring the content, expressed in one language by the means of another language.
In 1790 Scottish Professor Alexander Tytler wrote a book «Essay on the Principles of Translation».
Tytler said that translation should fully represent:
Depending on the genre of the text being translated distinguish the following types of translations:
Literary translation has many features.
The best translations are not those, when the translator follows syntactic and lexical correspondences, but when he tries to penetrate into the essence of the text and creatively recreate. The text in another language.
For example, the Russian expression «hungry like the wolf», in English it sounds «hungry as a hunter? » A translator must have a rich vocabulary and knowledge of the culture and folklore.
Translation of the poetic works should be considered as the most difficult part of translation. The poet-translator faces many challenges: it is necessary to pass the thoughts and poetic images of the original, and save his brightness, and style, rhythm, and conveys to the reader the feelings of the author.
Poetry cannot be translated word-to-word. In any poetry translation there is the dominant deviation from the original. These digressions from the original are linked, with language differences, and with the requirements of poetic form.
In Russian and English languages the amount of letters, intonation, grammatical system are different. In English there are many monosyllabic words, than in the Russian language. Therefore, the English verse line contains more words, and consequently, thoughts, concepts, artistic images.
This factor also affects the rhythm, and it must be taken into account in the translation.
In the work of the poetic translation we can identify the following steps:
1. The preparatory step, which includes a review of the literature on the methods of poetic translation, the study of the genre in native and foreign languages, analysis of plots, etc.;
2. The step of «rough» work, which includes the creation of interlinear, the analysis of the linguistic characteristics of a particular poem, attempts to reflect them in the translation;
3. The final step, which consists in the creation of the final version of the translation and analysis of the work done.
Poetry is the best word, set in the best order.
In the poem the words are complied the rules of rhythm and rhymes. But the best order of the words in one language does not mean the best in the other. To select the «best word» in the other language has to go through many synonyms to choose the word, which fit in the rhythm of the line.
Marshak writes in his article «Service connection»: «the Art of poetic translation is not an easy matter.
You must understand the content and style of the translated text to the feel unmistakably which word could the author or the hero say and which word would be ALIEN to THEM».
2.2. The best samples of translation of the English children's poetry
Russian children know English poems and songs thanks to translations of S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, E. Tokmakova, G. Krushcov and other translators.Talented translators are somehow the authors of translated poem.When poets-translators do wonderful translations, they put in theirs translations ideas, feelings and emotions. One of the most famous of the translations are a little rhyme-the riddle of the «Humpty Dumpty» and rhyme about «This is the House that Jack built», in translation S. Marshak and K.Chukovsky. Many of the Scottish children's poems and songs we know in translation of I. Tokmakova. Marshak is one of the greatest masters of translation of the English children's poetry. Marshak said that it is the English children's poetry brought him to children's literature. Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak was born in 1887 in Voronezh. The future poet loved poems in his early childhood. At the age of four he tried to make up his own poetical lines, and at the 11 years he was translated the Roman poet Horace. Marshak moved to England and entered University of London in the faculty of arts in the beginning of 1912. At the faculty of arts he thoroughly studied the English language and the history of literature. There Marshak learnt the wonderful English children's folklore. The familiarity with Russian children's folklore helped Marshak to recreate these humorous poems, songs, jokes in Russian. In each poem Marshak conveys how the main idea, so feelings, emotions and mood of the original. Using the wealth of Russian. Marshak S.Y. translated poems so, saving the rhythm, and the rhyme. The title of the poem Marshak often translates, so as to convey the main idea of the poem, for example, «Baa, Baa, Black Sheep» Marshak calls simply «Lamb, » and «Dame Trot» - «Conversation».The main character in poem Humpty-Dumpty Marshak didn’t translate word-for-word « short fat, dumpy». He called him Shaltay-Boltay, because it is clear to Russian children. I included in my poetry almanac «Fairy world of English poetry»:
3. Description of the work on translation of the English poem.
First, I read many of children's poems in the English. Most of them I found on the Internet on different web sites. Some of them I liked, and I decided to do my own translation of these verses. I read them several times, tried to feel the melody of rhyme and rhythm of the poems. The meaning of poems I understood immediately, but the translation of some words and phrases I didn’t know. The translation unknown words and expressions I found in the dictionary V.K. Muller. I wrote out for several meaning of each word, then I chose the most suitable. After that I did a literal translation of the verse. And only then, I started to create a poetic translation. I picked up different phrases and expressions, changed their places. I substituted with synonyms some of the words, put the new, so they rhymed and corresponded with the rhythm of the translation. In the final version of poetic translation, many of the phrases from the literal translation I had to replace with absolutely different ones. And in poem «The Queen Of Hearts» I replaced phrase « in summer day» with the phrase «the arrival of the guests». I did it because I couldn't find a rhyme, but it seems to me that the meaning of the poem has not changed very much. But I saved the rhythm and the location of rhymes, as in the original. In the English language short words we have, more than in Russian. Some of the words I had to throw off, to keep the rhythm of the poem. So, in the poem «Come out to play» I removed the line «A half-penny roll will serve us all».
As the translation into the Russian language would be very long. In the riddle about a rainbow I added a line saying «But nobody in the world can't get to me». It seemed to me that this phrase will make my puzzle clearer for young readers.
I really enjoyed translating poetry and riddles. This is a very fascinating and exciting task. When working on a translation of the poems I tried to express their thoughts, feelings, and experience, connected with the theme of the original poem.
My translations are represented in the almanac «Fairy world of English poetry».
The English children's poetry attracts with its musicality, unusual comparison and metaphors, off-beat humor.
Nursery Rhymes are not familiar to every Englishman, but also to people from of many countries, from childhood. “Humpty-Dumpty”, “What are the little boys made of”, “Little bird, little bird, fly away home” translated into different languages of the world.
During my research:
As a result of my research I made sure that expanded knowledge of English is demanded for understanding rhymes. Translation of poetry is a difficult work of searching synonyms, saving the style, rhythm of the original and author’s feelings.
Creating poetic almanac, I have included the most interesting into my opinion, English children's poems and their excellent translations into English, made by famous Russian poets. I have also included my translations of the English poetry.
I think that my almanac will be interesting for pupils of primary school. The learning will be more entertaining with my almanac. I hope they will enjoy a selection of poems and my translations, and someone will want to try himself in the role of the translator, as I wanted when I started this research.
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