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By Tatiana Pokareva Form 10 E mo subcultureСлайд 2
Young Generation
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E mo subculture Emo subculture, influenced by Western pop culture, appeared in Russia in the early 2000s and soon became the object of criticism. Youth subkultra formed on the basis of the eponymous musical style fans. Its representatives called Emo kidy or, depending on sex: emo -boy, emo -girls.
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E mo subculture Traditional hairstyle Emo considered oblique , jagged bangs to the tip of the nose, closing one eye , and behind short hair sticking out in all directions. Preference is given to hard straight black hair . The girls may be children , funny hairstyles - two "little tail " bright " Clip " - "hearts" on the sides , bows . To create these hairstyles Emo use a lot of fixing hairspray . Often Emo kidy ears pierced or make tunnels . On the face and other parts of the body Emo Kid can be pierced. And boys and girls can lipstick the color of the skin, use a light foundation. Eyes densely fail pencil or ink. Nails coated with black lacquer.
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E mo subculture The most common clothing: Narrow, tight T-shirt. Skinny jeans or black ashy blue, possibly with holes or patches. Black or pink belt with rivets, chains hanging down and a large badge with symbols. Sneakers with bright or black laces, laced in a special way. Checkered scarf around his neck- arafatki . Obodochki present with a bow. Striped leggings in her arms.
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E mo subculture Pink heart, often with a transverse crack or torn to shreds. Skull and crossbones. Pink (or black) gun or guns crossed with the inscription «bang-bang» (gunshot sound). Black five-pointed star on a pink background. Pink-black shahovnitsa . T-shirts with children's cartoon characters ( eg , Mickey Mouse).
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E mo subculture The word graffiti - Italian and originally means "scratched". So under this definition can bring anything, including rock paintings, but this term to denote of art on the walls and on the subway with cans of spray paint (occasionally - markers) often designed in one style. Street artists called writers, or graffery graffittery .
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E mo subculture Graffiti - it's still art. Some researchers believe it is quite officially held the direction of contemporary avant-garde. First graffiti appeared in America in the late '60s as part of the street culture. It all started with a simple tag in the New York subway, and left these tags just for the purpose of its presence felt. Today, the same thing happens and the Moscow Metro, but the real graffittery strongly condemn it.
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E mo subculture From America this art form began to spread everywhere. More and more young people to get involved was "bombing." Although until the mid 80s subway art remained the most popular form of graffiti, colorful drawings later began to appear on abandoned buildings and bridge abutments ... So culture came out of the ground in the streets. Now tags, slogans, political slogans, songs and other line inscription in large numbers began to appear on the streets of big cities ...
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Writers develop their skills combined into groups. There began to develop different styles, there was a whole stratum of society with its own laws, unwritten rules, combat units. Dealt with easily reached wars, if one team "sacrificed" his drawings work already started by others. We can say that formed subculture.
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E mo subculture Like any art at graffito have their own styles of "letters". More writers depict different characters - his, or of comics and cartoons. Generally, there are many different ways in which you can decorate any of the styles.
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Thank you.
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