Horses have accompanied humans for thousands of years and they show no sign of going away. As such, they’re an instantly recognizable and familiar sight, even though increasingly many of us only ever really see them on television. It’s a shame, really, because these mighty animals are well worth all the attention they can get. Hyppotherapy - a treatment with a horse. The rider does not participate in the management of the horse. The positive effect of the use of horses for therapeutic purposes is achieved rhythmically ordered motor and sensory load closely patient and horses
The theme of our project is Hippotherapy,these animals are most attractive for investigation.
Aim of the work includes in popularization of hippotherapy as an unusual effective mean of treatment in physiological and psychological abnormalities or disorders in human health. This aim will help us to understand a problem :Is hippotherapy the mysterious art of healing or art of rehabilitation.
Tasks of the project:
1.To take opinion polls about Hippotherapy among different aged people.
2.To increase popularizing Hippoth`s topic at school
3.To investigate foreign web sites that are closely connected with our theme
4.To visit museum of natural history and museum of nomadic culture and study some biology and medical information about this mammals
5.To find some useful and extra ordinary facts about Hippotherapy
6.To create a special Hippotherapy booklet
7.To watch different study-videos by BBC about horses and hippotherapy
Horse riding-not only a beautiful sport, outdoor recreation and the opportunity to have fun,it is an effective way of rehabilitation and treatment.So,I want to forward my hypothesis:Hippotherapy is art of rehabilitation.
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Hippotherapy:The mysterious art of healing or art of rehabilitation?
By Amina Gebekova
School 1591
Horses have accompanied humans for thousands of years and they show no sign of going away. As such, they’re an instantly recognizable and familiar sight, even though increasingly many of us only ever really see them on television. It’s a shame, really, because these mighty animals are well worth all the attention they can get. Hyppotherapy - a treatment with a horse. The rider does not participate in the management of the horse. The positive effect of the use of horses for therapeutic purposes is achieved rhythmically ordered motor and sensory load closely patient and horses
The theme of our project is Hippotherapy,these animals are most attractive for investigation.
Aim of the work includes in popularization of hippotherapy as an unusual effective mean of treatment in physiological and psychological abnormalities or disorders in human health. This aim will help us to understand a problem :Is hippotherapy the mysterious art of healing or art of rehabilitation.
Tasks of the project:
1.To take opinion polls about Hippotherapy among different aged people.
2.To increase popularizing Hippoth`s topic at school
3.To investigate foreign web sites that are closely connected with our theme
4.To visit museum of natural history and museum of nomadic culture and study some biology and medical information about this mammals
5.To find some useful and extra ordinary facts about Hippotherapy
6.To create a special Hippotherapy booklet
7.To watch different study-videos by BBC about horses and hippotherapy
Horse riding-not only a beautiful sport, outdoor recreation and the opportunity to have fun,it is an effective way of rehabilitation and treatment.So,I want to forward my hypothesis:Hippotherapy is art of rehabilitation.
The actuality of the project.
In my project I investigate Hippotherapy (Horse therapy ) : everybody knows ,that Hippotherapy is a method for recovery by riding a horse.
It is used to treat patients with neurological and other disorders such as autism , cerebral palsy , arthritis , multiple sclerosis , traumatic brain injury , stroke , spinal cord injury, behavioral and mental disorders. The effectiveness of hippotherapy for many indications is not completely clear, so further studies are recommended. With regard to the effectiveness of hippotherapy treatment of autism still insufficient evidence. The method is also used in cases of damage to hearing and vision.
Looking through foreign websites I found that,hippotherapy has incorporated elements of the known methods of physiotherapy. However, it is peculiar, its complex nature. Hippotherapy is a complex treatment involving activity in the whole body of the patient (shoulder girdle, arms, legs, head position), playing a variety of peculiar to him movement patterns.
It is aimed at physical rehabilitation, where specially selected set of exercises train the muscles defined and psychological rehabilitation, whereby corrected psycho-emotional sphere.
History of hippotherapy in the world
We studied a lot of interesting web-sites about his theme.So,the concept of hippotherapy finds its earliest written reference to the ancient Greeks in the writings of Hippocrates He considered horseback riding as part of gymnastics, help normalize the functions of the body and reduce the impact of diseases, strengthens the protective reaction and increases vitality. The beneficial effect of riding on the sick and wounded records show in the works as the ancient physicians and physicians in the Middle Ages and in more recent times.
In the middle of the XVIII century encyclopedist Denis Diderot in his treatise "On the riding and its significance in order to preserve the health and find it again", wrote: "Among the exercise first place belongs to the riding. You can use it to treat many diseases, but may also prevent them once they occur. " But only in the end of XIX century began the scientific study of the effect of riding on the human body and its purposeful use for medicinal purposes.
In foreign encyclopedias we can see that,however, hippotherapy as a formalized discipline was not developed until 1960, when it began to be used in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as a supplement to traditional physical therapy. In Germany, began as hippotherapy treatment with a physiotherapist, a specially trained horses and grooms. Physiotherapy theory has been applied in practice: physical therapist gave instructions groom. Movement of horses were carefully modulated so that they have a therapeutic effect on neuromuscular impulses in the body of the patient .
We found,that The first standardized in hippotherapy program formulated in the late 1980s, a group of Canadian and American physicians who traveled to Germany to bring the knowledge of the new method in North America. The method was formalized in the US in 1992 with the creation of the American Ippoterapevticheskoy Association (AHA).
In Russian history hippotherapy as a method of rehabilitation dates back to 1991, when he began his first job center - DETS "Live Thread". Center spent most of the work on the formation of this method both in Russia and the Middle abroad.
An essential feature in the rectifying body astride position is that the legs do not bear weight. The child learns to walk from a sitting position. This is a balanced position of the body - a necessary condition for making the right play and motor impulses that come through the legs and hips. The vicious circle of problems arising due to the inability to walk straight, on the one hand, and improper coordination of the body, on the other hand, can be broken with the help of hippotherapy. It allows you to play motion inherent man walking, but with the additional condition - legs do not carry the weight of the body. Stimulation of the movements of humans walking, affects the functioning of the pelvis. Forward movement of the horse allows a positive impact both on the body and on the patient's gait-rider. A unique combination of rhythmic oscillation, ie, ordered movements, affects the body of the rider. Such physiological motor activity is very important for physical, mental and spiritual development of man, because life is orderly movement.
He considered horseback riding as part of gymnastics, help normalize the functions of the body and reduce the impact of diseases, strengthens the protective reaction and increases vitality. The beneficial effect of riding on the sick and wounded records show in the works as the ancient physicians and physicians in the Middle Ages and in more recent times.
Dosage riding and exercise on horseback are widely used worldwide in the treatment and rehabilitation of sick and disabled. In the Scandinavian countries, the United States, England, Germany, France, Poland, the dosage riding and exercise on horseback are widely used in the treatment and rehabilitation of sick and disabled. In Australia, almost every park and city councils include stables, owned by the city and thousands of citizens have the opportunity heals, reduce stress riding.
Hippotherapy-method for recovery by riding
It is not a secret that It used to treat patients with neurological and other disorders such as autism , cerebral palsy , arthritis , traumatic brain injury, behavioral and mental disorders. The effectiveness of hippotherapy for many indications is not completely clear, so further studies are recommended. With regard to the effectiveness of hippotherapy treatment of autism still insufficient evidence. The method is also used in cases of damage to hearing and vision.
Searching foreign websites I found that,hippotherapy has incorporated elements of the known methods of physiotherapy. However, it is peculiar, its complex nature. Hippotherapy is a complex treatment involving activity in the whole body of the patient (shoulder girdle, arms, legs, head position), playing a variety of peculiar to him movement patterns.
It is aimed at physical rehabilitation, where specially selected set of exercises train the muscles defined and psychological rehabilitation, whereby corrected psycho-emotional sphere.
I consider that It is not a wonderful healing .Hippothrapy -method of rehabilitation through hard ,long therapeutic riding.
How did hippotherapy, or therapeutic horseback riding helps a person?
Riding allows a person to enter into the mechanism proper motion. A person who is no traffic (or traffic something binds), is very important imitation walk. How else muscles "remember" how they work, and re-learn the whole? When a person sits on the horse, and it is a normal pace, throughout the body begin to work the muscles that are involved in walking. That is, complex three-dimensional movement, which makes the horse, forced to work our body just the way it happens when we move.
See how the horse goes - my back creates a whole motor circuit and transmits it to the man. The patient sits astride, his body, his neck - the whole body working as if he is himself. For such patients is very important imitation of movements of a person walking at a normal pace, and while riding on a horse of the hip and lower limbs rider almost completely mimic these movements. The body has its own motor experience, so that such stimulation brings quite tangible results. Even after a half-hour walk on a horse in a patient is significantly improved gait.
Principles of exposure
I visited a nomadic museum and its medical center .So, I knew a lot of information about its rainings .The uniqueness of hippotherapy is a harmonious combination of body-oriented techniques and cognitive impact on the psyche of the patient . Therapeutic Riding as a whole has a biomechanical effects on the human body, strengthening him. For example, it transfers the rider motor impulses, similar to the movement of human walking. Muscle movement the horse's back, composed of many elements, has a massaging and soft warming (temperature horses at 1.5 degrees higher than in humans) impact on the muscles of the legs of the rider and the pelvic organs that increase blood flow to the extremities. At step horses - mainly gait is used in hippotherapy - horse makes about 110 different directions oscillatory movements, which in turn transferred to the rider. In order to maintain proper fit while riding the rider must maintain balance, coordinate and synchronize their movements. Thus, a patient with cerebral palsy in the works include muscles, which are inactive in normal life. In addition, riding stimulates the development of fine motor skills, perseverance and improves harmonious perception of the world patients including violation of the psyche of varying severity. It is important that the rehabilitation process is a sequential transfer of acquired physical, communication and other skills of riding situations in everyday life.
The results of research in the field of hippotherapy:
To my mind,the result of studies of the effect of hippotherapy program on static balance and strength in adolescents with intellectual disabilities was as significant improvement in power parameters, and significant improvement in more complex exercises on hold balance (for example, standing on one leg).In real ,It was very difficult by children did it. On the basis of the obtained results was concluded: hippotherapy can be used as an effective tool, impact on improving balance and strength in people with intellectual disabilities.
Another study shows that hippotherapy may also improve balance and gait in people with multiple sclerosis undergoing outpatient treatment.
The observed therapeutic effects are directly related to the wonderful, unique property hippotherapy at the same time have a positive impact on the physical, intellectual and psychosocial man. Hippotherapy is prescribed to patients with neurological disorders of various etiologies. Especially recommended for children with congenital brain disorders, post-traumatic and post-inflammatory and degenerative neurological symptoms, as well as adults with multiple sclerosis. All patients willingly engaged in hippotherapy. In essence, hippotherapy - is nothing but as a form of physiotherapy (physical therapy), where as a tool for rehabilitation are the horse, the process of riding and exercise, a person takes during riding. While riding in the works include all the major muscle groups of the body. This happens on the reflex level, as sitting on a horse, moving with her client instinctively tries to keep his balance, so as not to fall off the horse and thereby encourages the active work of both healthy and affected muscles, without noticing it. The mechanism of influence of hippotherapy on the human body is the same as that of any other form of exercise therapy. Under the influence of exercise there is a growing function of autonomic systems. In our country, this method appeared only in the early nineties, and 20 years later than in the West.
Consider the mechanism of action of therapeutic riding: Physiological levels of exposure to normal body temperature above the temperature of the horse for one person - one and a half degrees. Movement back muscles running horses warm up and massage the leg muscles of the rider, increasing blood flow to the limbs and throughout the body, and, in particular, improves blood flow to the brain. For immobilized patients is very important, just an imitation of the movements of a person walking at a normal pace - the body has their compensatory mechanisms memorizing obtained in biological and mental levels of experience. Hips, and legs of the rider on the horse, going a step, simulate complex three-dimensional motion of a walking human. The rider work almost all muscle groups. The need to maintain balance on a moving horse causes the rider to synchronize the muscles of the back, torso, neck and limbs. In the works include the muscles that a man idle, without being overwhelmed. All this creates a dynamic stereotype that disabled rider suffers from riding in everyday life. The psychosocial level of exposure. The majority of people with physical and intellectual challenges disrupted the sense of space and presentation of your body, as well as awareness of themselves as individuals - in short, everything that shapes and defines the relationship between man and the world. Advances in riding shape personality: sensitivity to the movements of the horse reacts as the need to control the horse gives a skill assessment of the situation and the impact on her confidence in the horse gradually transformed into the confidence of the world, to people with that sick child interacts with. And - unusually strong emotional impact! It is so beautiful horse, kind, live! She looks at the child's enormous, intelligent eyes, soft lips stretches for refreshments, cozy and friendly snorts nods. Besides, it's so high that sitting in the saddle, you yourself seem a huge and strong. And she listens to you, subject to the movements of your body! After all, the horse can not see the difference between human health and the disabled. A sick person, especially a child, forget for a while about his illness, feels healthy and strong - and gradually becomes so! Here is the combined effect and can achieve the greatest effect.
Hyppotherapy - a treatment with a horse. The rider does not participate in the management of the horse. The positive effect of the use of horses for therapeutic purposes is achieved rhythmically ordered motor and sensory load closely patient and horses
This trend is closely linked with medicine, so you need a thorough examination, answers the question: "What's the problem?", "How can I best help you?", "How successful is treatment?" Be sure that these simple questions require highly accurate answers. Analysis functions and motor activity of the body is the basis of the diagnosis of the patient. The results define the purpose and the way to achieve it, ie, method of treatment based on the results of the survey. The method should also be consistent with the patient's body, as key corresponds to the castle complex. There fore, each patient has its own individual program activities, despite the same diagnosis.
The rider does not control the horse, and perform exercises designed for a doctor, a specialist in hippotherapy and educational psychologists together. The horse is the ringleader, next to the rider are one or two instructors.
When medical-pedagogical riding a horse rider operates independently under the guidance of an instructor with minimal help.
Invalid horse riding
Equestrian sport among people with disabilities is developing in several directions. For athletes with safe intelligence - Paralympic dressage, show jumping, driving. For athletes with mental defeat competitions Special Olympics, where there are several types of programs.
Sports - an integral part of the social, physical and psychological rehabilitation of the disabled.
Hippotherapy - is a unique tool for the effectiveness of rehabilitation in a number of serious diseases, primarily cerebral palsy, is widely used in the world of rehabilitation practice. The special effects of hippotherapy on a child with cerebral palsy is to promote the development of motor reflexes. Going a step horse is a therapeutic agent to play physical activity. When a child sits astride his posture is generated due to the specifics of the movement of the horse going forward; and using poor coordination reactions produced and train disequilibrium and compensatory muscle contraction. At the same time such correction motor trains muscles, eliminating its disproportionate, and regulates muscle tone, which also maximizes the amount of motor activity in the joints. Against this background, the integrated development of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus when playing on a horse going pronounced development of motor functions. Hippotherapy has complex positive impact not only on the physical status of the patient, but also on its psycho-emotional sphere, promotes maximum mobilization of volitional activity, socialization and the formation of more harmonious relationship with the world, increases motivation and enhanced commitment to achieve positive results.
Complex muscle movements for improving self-estimation
We found,that complex muscle movements the horse's back, composed of many elements, has a massaging and warming (body temperature of horses by 1.5 degrees higher than in humans) impact on the muscles of the legs of the rider and the pelvic organs, increase blood flow to the extremities. Movement of the horse are transferred to the seated man, his hip and lumbar spine, simulating and stimulating the movement that makes a healthy person walking, ie when sitting man bareback free horse riding represents a typical walking workout torso. During the movement of the horse, in order to maintain the correct landing, the rider has to keep the balance, coordinate and synchronize their movements. Thus the work includes all the muscles of the body, while the sick person and those who, without being overwhelmed, usually found in inactivity. In addition, riding stimulates the development of fine motor skills, promotes the formation of complex precision movements. This important effect of hippotherapy can not be achieved by any other movement therapies. Horse makes "work" almost all muscle groups sitting on her man, including diseased muscle. As a result, they get a load strengthened, disappears or decreases muscular atrophy. When dysplastic scoliosis, for example, the positive effect is achieved by creating around the spine strong muscular corset, so that there is a correction curving downward degrees of curvature. The muscles of the horse not only transmit vibrations of a person, but as it massaged it. Moreover, since the temperature of a horse on a couple of degrees higher than the temperature of the person receiving the kind of "massage with heated" - an intense, deep, and at the same time gentle. Moreover, it is proved that at the time of riding at full strength begin to work the lungs, blood, muscle, brain enriched with oxygen - due to this effect even developed special programs for the rehabilitation of patients after heart attacks and strokes. Riding allows non-ambulant children to experience bipedal locomotion. When practiced regularly, at first, begin to work and strengthen muscles needed for walking, secondly, in the cerebral cortex is formed stereotype of bipedal locomotion. The body and the brain child of preparing for what would make the first independent step. By learning to balance on the horse, the child gradually moves this skill in ordinary life and feel more confident on the ground. Hippotherapy contributes to the development of memory, attention, thinking. The need for constant concentration while riding a horse, concentration, the maximum possible concentration and self-organization, the need to remember and to plan a sequence of actions activates mental processes. Another of the opportunities offered hippotherapy - it is an opportunity to practice social interaction. Contact with a horse used for socialization, adaptation, especially closed, shy and autistic children. Riding ensures the development of self-worth and self-belief, when a child or adult with disabilities is able to move on a powerful animal control it. Horse riding is a rider, and any person, located just beside the horse, a lot of positive emotions, sensations and experiences. Therapeutic Riding dramatically improves self-esteem, self-confidence. Therapeutic Riding - a form of physical therapy, as well as a projectile acts horse.
Tatyana from medical center in nomadic museum told us some peculiarity about therapy. For patients with cerebral palsy is difficult to control arms and legs, and for them, even simple movements are hard work. However, constantly training naughty muscles by holding the limb in a certain position, the rider becomes stronger and more confident of its movement. For such people, use special knotted reins and stirrups slip.
For patients with mental health problems or difficulties in mental development hippotherapy is a real find. Here is developed communication skills, reduced anxiety, the patient learns to self-sufficiency begins to take confidence.
The horse is a kind of conductor child suffering from autism, with the outside world. They find it difficult to use it, but they are willing to exercise. Noted that the regular classes of therapeutic horseback riding contribute to their mental development.
In addition to the sick, the disabled, this treatment has proved to be positive in dealing with " difficult "children. Typically, these children do not learn annoy other children and teachers. They feel like failures, ready to defeat, and this state under the veil hyperactivity, opposition to the other, etc. Work in the stables, the content in the manner of equipment, participation in the general labor gives the child with behavioral lifetime opportunity to join the team and get the satisfaction of a job well done.
Due to the special adaptation, riding brings a lot of joy to people with missing limbs. They feel the joy of freedom of movement.
Thus, hippotherapy, as a method of treatment not only helps to achieve positive results for the organism as a whole, but also allows patients to live a full life and even achieve great results in equestrian sports.
«Doctor horse»
Are you inspired to experience the magic of the horse / human connection firsthand? Many therapeutic riding centers depend on a team of volunteers to keep their programs running. If there is a center in your area that offers this service, you may be able to spend time with horses and see how they can help a wide array of people.
After 3-4 months of regular exercise the body itself remembers the correct movements, and in the brain are formed stereotypes posture and walk. Horseback Riding stimulates the development of all the muscles of the body, accustoming them to perform accurate complex movements. This effect does not give any method of treatment, except ippoterapii. Learn how to confidently sit on a moving horse, the child in later transfer these skills into everyday life, from making the first independent steps.
Sometimes ,in hippotherapy sessions includes teaching children the elements of grooming: feeding and brushing her hair. This is especially useful for those children who, because of physical reasons or simply fear not ready to sit on a horse riding. Dares first just to touch the horse, pet her, and then quickly get used to the animal, feeling emanating from him positive energy. Such communication with the horse helps to overcome fear, to believe in themselves, makes you want to "ride" on horseback. The horse becomes clear to the child and family being.
To my mind,people have long noted a beneficial effect on the human body is not only riding but also simple communication with horses (their care, feeding, etc.). It was believed that a horse is a noble animal, takes a person "bad" energy and shares with him his "good". Modern science has revealed the mechanism largely positive impact riding on the psyche and the human body.
In a move back muscles bareback horses have complex effects on the muscles of the rider, massaging and warming up his legs and pelvic organs, increasing blood flow to these organs. This heating is due to the fact that the body temperature of horses on 1,5˚vyshe than humans. To keep your balance while sitting on a moving horse, one must coordinate the actions of all his muscles. Three-dimensional movement of the horse's back running step is transferred to the hips and spine rider, mimicking the motion of human walking. A child who can not walk on their own, gets an idea of the correct upright posture. The muscles of his torso and body when riding receive training which is equivalent to training in walking distance. In addition, beginning in full force to operate the lungs, improves blood supply to the brain.
Child sitting on a horse, forced straightens his back, even if suffering violation of posture or curvature of the spine. After 3-4 months of regular exercise the body itself remembers the correct movements, and in the brain are formed stereotypes posture and walk. Horseback Riding stimulates the development of all the muscles of the body, accustoming them to perform accurate complex movements. This effect does not give any method of treatment, except ippoterapii. Learn how to confidently sit on a moving horse, the child in later transfer these skills into everyday life, from making the first independent steps.
We found that,in hippotherapy sessions includes teaching children the elements of grooming: feeding and brushing her hair. This is especially useful for those children who, because of physical reasons or simply fear not ready to sit on a horse riding. Dares first just to touch the horse, pet her, and then quickly get used to the animal, feeling emanating from him positive energy. Such communication with the horse helps to overcome fear, to believe in themselves, makes you want to "ride" on horseback. The horse becomes clear to the child and family being.
Social polls.
During our investigation we asked people in their opinion about hipotherapy.The first question was: " The mysterious art of healing or the art of rehabilitation? ". This social poll helped us to popularize our theme.28% of people think, that hippotherapy is the art of healing. 72% people think ,that it is the art of rehabilitation .The second poll showed us ,that 91% of people consider ,that horses are our friends.The rest 9% of people consider that the are enemies for us.And another our social poll showed us,that 68%of people consider,that the main aim of hippotherapy is improving of health for children with psychological difficulties,15% consider that it is professionalism of horseback riding,and the rest 17% think that the main aim of hippotherapy is communication and fun with horses in your free time.
So,we can make a conclusion that horses are our friends,that help us to live,to breath and to move in different hard and pessimistic situations.
Horses.Interesting facts about horses.
During our investigation we found a lot fun and extra ordinary information about horses.I want to share it with you.
Foals have milk teeth, just like human babies. At around age 3, these start getting replaced by permanent teeth. A horse's teeth can give a good estimate of its age!
A horse's head weighs 11.84 pounds on an average, while its heart can weigh an amazing 10 pounds.
Any kind of mark, which appears on the forehead of a horse, is called a Star, irrespective of whether it resembles one
Some people have a fear of horses. It is called Equinophobia.
There are more than 350 breeds of horses in the world!
A horse's mood usually mirrors the emotions of its owner. If you are in a bad mood, your horse may act out, but if you are in a good mood your horse will be well-behaved and easy to work with.
A fully grown 1000 lb horse will eat anywhere between 16 - 26 lb of food, and drink 10 - 12 gal of water!
If you hold your hand out to a horse and it approaches you, while then blowing warm air onto the palm of your hand, it means that he/she wants to be friends with you. If it rests its head on your shoulder, it means that he/she trusts you.
Horses use their facial expressions to communicate. Their moods can be determined with the help of their nostrils, eyes and ears.
Horses can sleep lying down as well as standing up.
The hoof of a horse is like a fingernail. It grows throughout its life and needs to be clipped regularly so that it does not cause discomfort to the horse. A farrier or blacksmith is the person who cares for a horse's feet.
Of all land-dwelling mammals, horses have the largest eyes, and since they are located on either side of its head, they have almost 360º vision! They can see different things with each eye!
It is very interesting,that horses cannot sleep more than 3 hours per day. Even the three hours of sleep is not taken at a stretch. Rather, they sleep sporadically throughout the day in 10 - 15 minute spells.
Within a couple of hours after being born, a foal can stand and walk!
Horses usually live for around 25 to 35 years. Some of them live for 40 years or more but these cases are not very common. Ponies live longer than horses.
In most cases, the foal (young horse) is born at night, away from danger and prying eyes.
The modern domestic horse has a life expectancy of 25 to 30 years. The oldest horse who ever lived was called Old Billy and died at 62 years old. A 450-kilogram horse will eat 7 to 11 kilograms of food per day and, under normal use, drink 38 litres to 45 litres of water. Horses cannot vomit, so problems with digestion is a leading cause of death.
Soon hippotherapy rehabilitation through horse therapeutic riding is universally acknowledged as a highly effective method of treatment and rehabilitation of many serious diseases and ailments. The big advantage of this method is a very wide range of indications for its use when there is a faster and more successful than the traditional treatment, recovery and persistent improvement. Horse "therapy" is invaluable in the treatment and prevention of scoliosis, neuroses, in many gastrointestinal diseases, osteochondrosis, individual sensory disorders, mental illnesses and so on. In a complex with hippotherapy treatment in all cases more efficiently. Regular practice of therapeutic riding a beneficial effect on the whole body, and normalize the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems, reduce convulsive readiness, blood sugar levels in diabetics, and so on. D.
Especially effective and efficient hippotherapy was in rehabilitation practice with children with the most serious, almost incurable diseases and disabilities in physical and intellectual development .Which is directly connected with the unique property of hippotherapy provide simultaneous positive impact the physical, intellectual and psychosocial working.
In my opinion,interest in horses, admired her beauty and strength inherent in almost every one of us. The joy of children who are burdened by severe ailments when meeting and communicating with these beautiful animals can not be overestimated.
Hippotherapy - is a unique tool for the effectiveness of rehabilitation in a number of serious diseases, primarily cerebral palsy, is widely used in the world of rehabilitation practice. The special effects of hippotherapy on a child with cerebral palsy is to promote the development of motor reflexes. Going a step horse is a therapeutic agent to play physical activity. When a child sits astride his posture is generated due to the specifics of the movement of the horse going forward; and using poor coordination reactions produced and train disequilibrium and compensatory muscle contraction. Specific stimulation improves posture, as facilitates finding and fixing the closest to normal motor responses available to the child. At the same time such correction motor trains muscles, eliminating its disproportionate, and regulates muscle tone, which also maximizes the amount of motor activity in the joints. Against this background, the integrated development of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus when playing on a horse going pronounced development of motor functions. Hippotherapy has complex positive impact not only on the physical status of the patient, but also on its psycho-emotional sphere, promotes maximum mobilization of volitional activity, socialization and the formation of more harmonious relationship with the world, increases motivation and enhanced commitment to achieve positive results. When the child arrives at the center, it is not only the best starts to walk, talk, getting stronger, agile, resilient, but most importantly - pushing the boundaries of their world, becomes a new experience communication and receives a positive charge, making his life more fulfilling, bright, saturated, and, finally, happier. A child in the literal and figurative sense, rises above their problems on themselves yesterday. A horse for him to become a real source of vitality, awakens the desire to live and to overcome difficulties, to set goals and achieve them. On the healing properties of riding and the favorable impact of communication with horses on the sick and wounded was seen in ancient times in the time of Hippocrate.
During our investigation we asked people in how does they think,hipotherapy :The mysterious art of healing or the art of rehabilitation. This social poll helped us to popularize out theme.28% of people think, that hippotherapy is the art of healing.Another 72% of people think ,that it is the art of rehabilitation .The second poll showed us ,that 91% of people consider ,that horses are our friends.The rest 9% of people consider that the are enemies for us.And another our social showed us,that 68%of people consider,that the main aim of hippotherapy is improving of health for children with psychological difficulties,15% consider that it is professionalism of horseback riding,and the rest 17% think that the main aim of hippotherapy is communication and fun with horses in your free time.
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