Коллективный проект учащихся 5 класса по УМК Биболетовой М.З. "EnjoyEnglish"
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Project “NEW YEAR CELEBRATION” 5 класс ГБОУ «Школа 41» Руководитель: учитель английского языка Куликова Т.А.Слайд 2
Instructions How do people celebrate New Year in different countries? Work in groups of 3-4 to complete the steps.
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Plan Step 1 . Find out about New Year celebrations in different countries .
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Step 2. Each group chooses one country and finds more information about its New Year traditions: Traditional food, songs, games, stories and events; Gifts and gift-givers; Other important traditions.
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Step 3. Share your ideas and make a report for the class about New Year in the country.
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Project “NEW YEAR CELEBRATION” 5 класс ГБОУ «Школа 41» Руководитель: учитель английского языка Куликова Т.А.Слайд 2
Step 4. Choose one country and make a presentation for the class about New Year in this country. Ask your classmates to give their opinions about the country, its traditions and your presentation of them.
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Step 5 . Create a special New Year’s page about New Year traditions in different countries for our school website
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