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What is the origine of the days of the week ?Слайд 2
I wanted to get answers … How did they get their names? Why are there seven days in a week? Why this particular order? Which Day is the Day of Rest? What Is the First Day of the Week?
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I asked pupils…
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Why are there seven days in a week?
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The Soviet Union used both a 5-day and a 6-day week. Every worker had one day off every week, but there was no fixed day of rest. A return to the normal 7-day week was decreed on 26 June 1940.
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English Anglo-Saxon Title of god Russian Meaning of Russian name Monday Mona The Moon ponedelnik After "do-nothing" Tuesday Tiu God of War vtornik Second Wednesday Woden The God of Hunting sreda Middle Thursday Thor Thunder god chetverg Forth Friday Freya Goddes of Love pyatnitsa Fifth Saturday ______ God of Time subbota Sabbath Sunday Sunne The Sun voskresenye Resurrection
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What do they have in common? The word “ day ” The ordinal numbers
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Воскресенье «от библейского «воскрешение Иисуса» «Сан ’ з дег » THE GOD OF SUN Sunday - Sun's day The first day in Christian practice .
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Понедельник «после недели» The Goddess of Moon MONDAY
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GOD OF WAR Бог войны TYR Tuesday - Tiu's day Вторник «второй день недели»
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GOD OF HUNT Бог охоты WODEN Wednesday - Woden'day Среда «середина недели»
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THE GOD OF THUNDER THOR - БОГ ГРОМА Thursday - Thor's day Четверг «четвёртый день недели»
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Пятница- «пятый день» THE GODDES OF LOVE AND FERTILITY Богиня любви и плодородия. Friday - Freya's day
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Суббота Jupiter’s father « bath day » Банный день THE GOD OF ARGICULTURE The day of the rest in Bible . Saturday - Saturn's day
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The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has decreed that Monday shall be the first day of the week. What Is the First Day of the Week?
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Which Day is the Day of Rest? For the Jews, Saturday is the day of rest and worship. Most Christians have made Sunday their day of rest and worship. Muslims use Friday as their day of rest and worship. Saturday Sunday Friday
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Conclusion: The day of the REST is different . The first day of the week is Monday. There is nothing in common between Russian and English origin of the week days. There are seven days according to the God’s planets.
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