Работа выполнена учеником 9 класса Панинской средней общеобразовательной школы. В реферате рассмотрены основные виды еды быстрого приготовления, названы причины, по которым следует избегать слишком частое её употребление, а также выражено своё отношение к такой еде.
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Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
Панинская средняя общеобразовательная школа
«Fast Food»
Выполнил: Аверин Сергей,
ученик 9 класса.
Руководитель: Белозёрова Л.Г.,
учитель английского языка.
Панино - 2012
I. Introduction…………………………………………………………….3
II. Fast Food……………………………………………………………….4
II.1. Fast Food Facts………………………………………………………4
II.2. History of Fast Food…………………………………………………5
II.3. Facts and figures……………………………………………………..7
II.4. Types of restaurants…………………………………………………7
II.5. Business model……………………………………………………….8
II. 6. Types of Fast Food………………………………………………......9
II.6.1. Pop-Corn……………………………………………………………9
II.6.2. Hot Dog……………………………………………….……………..9
II.6.3. Hamburger………………………………………………………….11
II.6.4. Coca-Cola…………………………………………………………...11
II.7. «For» and «Against»…………………………………………………11
II.8. Opinions of my friends ……………………………………………..13
II.9. Development of McDonald's…………………………………………13
III. Conclusion……………………………………………………………..14
IV. Bibliography…………………………………………………………...17
V. Supplements………………………………………………………….…18
I. Introduction
I am going to write the work about Fast Food of America. Have you ever enjoyed a hamburger, sitting on a lawn or in a cafe? May be you `re against all these hot dogs and cheeseburgers, because it’s a junk food. Anyway, it is always interesting to find out something about the origin and history of such trifles, which make our life more comfortable. They really make life more pleasant, especially outdoor, don` t they?
In autumn we –the teenagers of Paninskaya School went to the theatre in Nizhny Novgorod and after the performance we visited the cafe MacDonald’s, which is situated on Gorky’s square. I liked my visiting the MacDonald’s café. It was a pleasant place. Visiting the cafe, I was surprised of their quick service and, of course, I like polite staff there! The cafe was a cozy and nice place, and the meal was tasty. I liked their meal. I wanted to learn who founded the restaurants of fast food, what are the types of such cafes and restaurants. I had many questions to answer. Many people speak about great harm of fast food. So I have to solve all these problems and learn the important information about it. Of course, I want to know what Americans think about fast food, and to know my friends’ opinions.
It is interesting for me to learn the information about motherland of MacDonald’s, where for the first time it appeared. I knew that the founder of such cafes were MacDonald’s brothers. Many of my town friends often visit such cafes. They like to sit there with their friends, have a bite and talk with each other.
So, I have decided to find all the answers to my questions and have chosen the subject for my work- "Fast Food". The aim of my work is to get acquainted with mass media materials on the subject of my work from different sources.
I can get the aim when I answer the questions which interested me. I am going to solve the following problems:
II. Fast Food
II.1. Fast Food Facts
Millions of Americans and Europeans are eating and enjoying fast food everyday. It shouldn’t be surprising that the three main reasons people eat fast food is because it’s convenient, fast and less expensive. And, with our economy still in poor shape, these three factors keep many us returning to fast food. Most fast food is tasty and cheap, but some have a bland taste, have too many calories and cost more. But, the really big question many have is, what exactly is fast food and what is it doing to us, the consumer?
Fast food is food that is prepared and served quickly. While any meal that is prepared quickly can be considered to be fast food, the term usually refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with low quality preparation and served to the customer in a packaged form. The words, “fast food” was recognized and put in a dictionary, Merriam-Webster, in 1951.
It may be hard for some to understand that fast food has been around so long.
America has been known for years as a “fast food nation.” And, we’ve earned this title well because it is a known fact that one out of every four Americans eats fast food.
Fast food is indeed a cheap way to eat but it is sad to say, that it is not often the healthiest way to eat.
Actually, fast food did not originate in America; it has been a big part of all mankind for a long time. Ready cooked food that is food for sale has been closely connected with urban development. Cities in Ancient Rome had street stands that sold wine and bread. In East Asia cities the food favorite then was the “noodle shop.” In the Middle East flatbread and falafel are popular today. Fast food dishes that are popular online games in India are vada pay, panipuri and dahi vada. In West Africa there are road stands around large cities that continue to sell a large variety of ready-to-eat, char-grilled meat sticks—known as brochettes.
What is termed "fast food" in the United States today most commonly consists of hot, freshly prepared, and wrapped food items, served to customers across a counter or through a drive-up window. Known as both "fast food" and "quick-service food" in the restaurant industry, these items are routinely sold and delivered in an amount of time ranging from a few seconds to several minutes; they now vary widely in food type, encompassing virtually all kinds of meats, preparation methods, and ethnic cuisines. Inexpensive hamburgers and french fried potatoes are still the products most readily identified as fast food, but the list of items sold in the format continually increases. Fried fish and shellfish, hot dogs, chicken, pizza, roast beef, and pasta are commonly sold at quick-service outlets. In addition to these staples, many quick-service restaurants sell a broad menu of Americanized Mexican, Greek, and Chinese foods. Some fast-food outlets offer specialty items, such as sushi, clams, or ribs, and others even sell complete "home-cooked" meals over their counters. Though menus and delivery formats vary greatly, fast food's chief common denominators include immediate customer service, packaging "to go," and inexpensive pricing.
The precise origins of fast food are vague, probably predating written history. Hungry people are as old as civilization itself, as are entrepreneurs eager to satisfy their hunger. Food vendors in ancient cities sold prepared items to passersby on the street. The actual foods varied greatly, depending on period and culture, but they generally comprised simple, inexpensive fare sold to people of modest means.
II.2. The History of Fast Food
Ray Kroc (приложение 6) always portrayed himself as the company's founder, but McDonald's was actually started by two brothers, Dick and Maurice McDonald (приложение 6), who invented the modern fast-food restaurant. Their parents were immigrants from Ireland, and their father worked as a shift manager in a New Hampshire shoe factory. In the late 1920s, the brothers moved together to California, where they opened their first hot dog stand (no hamburgers were on the menu) in Pasadena in 1937. It was a typical drive-in of its era, where drivers parked their cars and carhops came to take their orders. In 1940, they closed the hot dog stand and opened a larger restaurant in San Bernardino, offering hot dogs, burgers and barbecue.
The restaurant was prosperous, but in their first decade selling short-order meals the McDonald brothers spent many hours brainstorming ideas for a restaurant that could provide quicker, more efficient service at a lower cost, and thus turn a higher profit. In 1948 they closed their restaurant, and after thoroughly remodeling it, re-opened that December with what they called the "speedee service system." Under their new plan, they offered only burgers, fries, and shakes. Carhops were eliminated, and instead customers queued under a large overhead menu, waiting as their orders were filled -- but not waiting long, since the burgers were prepared before customers' orders were placed, made "factory style" with the same condiments (mustard, ketchup, onions, and pickles) on every burger. It took a while for customers to become accustomed to the new protocol, but once business started growing it never stopped.
Between the two boys, it was Maurice who had the knack for the kitchen, while Dick was the marketing whiz. He designed the red-and-white tiled theme of the first generation of McDonald's buildings, as well as the original golden arches that stretched over the restaurants and the signs bragging "X million served" (now billions). The brothers were featured on the cover of the trade magazine American Restaurant in 1952, and opened their first franchised location in Phoenix in 1953. They had eleven locations by 1954, when the brothers hired Kroc, a 52-year-old salesman, to handle the increasing workload of franchising.
Kroc bought complete control of McDonald's in 1961, and as hundreds and then thousands of new McDonald's were built across America and the world, Kroc was described in virtually all media accounts as "the founder of McDonald's". The company's publicity still claims that Kroc's first franchise (opened in 1955 in Des Plaines, Illinois) was "the first McDonald's", though photos of that store's grand opening show a familiar sign bragging that "over 50 million" McDonald's burgers had already been sold. Kroc forced Dick and Maurice McDonald to take the name McDonald's off their restaurant in San Bernardino, but they continued operating it as "The Big M drive-in" until 1964, when they were driven out of business by a McDonald's franchise Kroc had opened one block down the street. After their restaurant closed, Dick McDonald returned to New Hampshire, where he married his widowed high school sweetheart.
II.3. Facts and figures
By 1993, McDonald's had sold more than 100 billion hamburgers. The once-ubiquitous restaurant signs that boasted the number of sales, such as this one in Harlem, were left at "99 billion" as there was only space for two digits.
McDonald's restaurants are found in 119 countries and territories around the world and serve 58 million customers each day. McDonald's operates over 31,000 restaurants worldwide, employing more than 1.5 million people. The company also operates other restaurant brands, such as Piles Café.
Focusing on its core brand, McDonald's began divesting itself of other chains it had acquired during the 1990s. The company owned a majority stake in Chipotle Mexican Grill until October 2006, when McDonald's fully divested from Chipotle through a stock exchange. Until December 2003, it also owned Donatos Pizza. On August 27, 2007, McDonald's sold Boston Market to Sun Capital Partners.
II.4. Types of restaurants
Most standalone McDonald's restaurants offer both counter service and drive-through service, with indoor and sometimes outdoor seating. Drive-Thru, Auto-Mac, Pay and Drive, or "McDrive" as it is known in many countries, often has separate stations for placing, paying for, and picking up orders, though the latter two steps are frequently combined; it was first introduced in Arizona in 1975, following the lead of other fast-food chains. The first such restaurant in Britain opened at Fallowfield, Manchester in 1986.
In some countries, "McDrive" locations near highways offer no counter service or seating. In contrast, locations in high-density city neighborhoods often omit drive-through service. There are also a few locations, located mostly in downtown districts, that offer Walk-Thru service in place of Drive-Thru.
To accommodate the current trend for high quality coffee and the popularity of coffee shops in general, McDonald's introduced McCafé, a café-style accompaniment to McDonald's restaurants in the style of Starbucks. McCafé is a concept created by McDonald's Australia, starting with Melbourne in 1993. Today, most McDonald's in Australia have McCafés located within the existing McDonald's restaurant. In Tasmania, there are McCafés in every store, with the rest of the states quickly following suit. After upgrading to the new McCafé look and feel, some Australian stores have noticed up to a 60% increase in sales. As of the end of 2003 there were over 600 McCafés worldwide.
Some locations are connected to gas stations/convenience stores, while others called McExpress have limited seating and/or menu or may be located in a shopping mall. Other McDonald's are located in Wal-Mart stores. McStop is a location targeted at truckers and travelers which may have services found at truck stops. Since 1997, the only Kosher McDonald's in the world that is not in Israel is located in the "Abasto de Buenos Aires", Argentina.
II.5. Business model
McDonald's Corporation earns revenue as an investor in properties, a franchiser of restaurants, and an operator of restaurants. Approximately 15% of McDonald's restaurants are owned and operated by McDonald's Corporation directly. The remainder is operated by others through a variety of franchise agreements and joint ventures. The McDonald's Corporation's business model is slightly different from that of most other fast-food chains. In addition to ordinary franchise fees and marketing fees, which are calculated as a percentage of sales, McDonald's may also collect rent, which may also be calculated on the basis of sales. As a condition of many franchise agreements, which vary by contract, age, country, and location, the Corporation may own or lease the properties on which McDonald's franchises are located. In most, if not all cases, the franchisee does not own the location of its restaurants.
The UK business model is different than the US, in that fewer than 30% of restaurants are franchised, with the majority under the ownership of the company. McDonald's trains its franchisees and others at Hamburger University in Oak Brook, Illinois.
In other countries, McDonald's restaurants are operated by joint ventures of McDonald's Corporation and other, local entities or governments.
As a matter of policy, McDonald's does not make direct sales of food or materials to franchisees, instead organizing the supply of food and materials to restaurants through approved third party logistics operators.
According to Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser (2001), nearly one in eight workers in the U.S. have at some time been employed by McDonald's. (According to a new piece on Fox News this figure is one in ten.) The book also states that McDonald's is the largest private operator of playgrounds in the U.S., as well as the single largest purchaser of beef, pork, potatoes, and apples. The selection of meats McDonald's uses varies with the culture of the host country.
II. 6. Types of Fast Food
There are a lot of different types of fast food.
II.6.1. Pop-Corn
It’s impossible to imagine American take-away food or snacks without popcorn. Clear as a day, it is made from corn. But what about the first part of the word “pop”. Actually, when you put a kernel of corn on a fire, the water inside makes the corn explode. This makes a “pop” noise. That is why we call it popcorn. It’s an interesting thing to know that not all corn pops. A seed of corn must contain 14% water in it. Other kinds of corn have less waters and do not pop. The American Indians, who popped corn a long time ago, knew that special sort. They introduced corn to the first settlers. In 1620 when Pilgrims had a Thanksgiving dinner they invited the Indians, who brought popcorn with them. Since that time Americans continued to pop corn at home. But in 1945 a new machine was invented that changed the history of the product. The electric machine enabled to pop corn outside the home. And soon movies started selling popcorn to make more money. The famous American habit of eating popcorn at the movies is well-known. Many people like to put salt or melted butter in their popcorn, some pepper to have it without. Either way Americans love their popcorn.
II.6.2. Hot Dog
The original name of the hot dog was the frankfurter, after the German city of Frankfurt. In the United States frankfurters, sausages on buns, were first sold in the 1860s. But for Americans the name “dachshund sausage” seemed to be a good one for the frankfurter. In actual fact, a dachshund is a dog from Germany with a very long body and short legs. Dachshund sausages first became popular in New-York especially at baseball games, where they were sold by men keeping them warm in hot water tanks. The men walked up and down the rows of people and yelled “Get your hot dachshund sausages here!” And in 1906 the newspaper cartoonist Tad Dorgan saw the men with the dachshund sausages and got an idea for a cartoon: he drew a bun with a dachshund inside – not a sausage but a dog. The cartoonist didn’t know how to spell the word “dachshund” and under the picture he just wrote: “Get your hot dogs!” The cartoon was a sensation as well as the name. If you go to a baseball game today, you can still see sellers walking around with hot water tanks and yelling, “Get your hot dogs here! Get your hot dogs here!”
II.6.3. Hamburger
An obligatory item on the list of fast food, the hamburger has no connection to ham, but with the German town of Hamburg, which was famous for its ground steak. German immigrants to the United States introduced the “hamburger steak”. At the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904, hamburger steaks were served on buns for the first time. It was convenient and tasty and became a usual way of eating hamburgers. But how did the hamburgers become the most popular, most typical American food? The introduction of the bun is the important part of the answer. Another important part, due to which hamburgers have become well-known and
favourite all around the world is McDonald’s, the fast food restaurant. The first restaurant was opened in San Bernadino, California, in 1949 and hamburgers were the main item on its menu, as well as the hamburger remains the main item in all McDonald’s restaurants today.
II.6.4. Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola The world famous fresh drink Coca-Cola first was an all-purpose medicine, made in 1886 by a druggist from Atlanta, who made a brown syrup by mixing coca leaves and cola nuts. The syrup wasn’t a success and then another druggist, Jacobs, had an idea of selling Coca-Cola as a soda fountain drink. He mixed the syrup with soda water. Soon everyone was going to soda fountains and asking for Coca-Cola. An immigrant from Ireland, Asa Candler bought the recipe of the drink and having registered the company, became its father in 1892. In 1899 the first bottling factory was opened. The shaped bottle, as we know it today was invented in 1916 to protect the trademark. And again the World War II helped to make Coca-Cola popular outside America, when the Coca-Cola Company sent bottles of the drink to US soldiers fighting in Europe. It became so popular with the soldiers that the US Army asked the company to start ten factories in Europe. It’s a curious thing but of 1903 coca leaves were no longer used in the drink. The exact ingredients and the quantities are not known – the Coca-Cola Company keeps its recipe a secret.
II.7. «For» and «Against»
"Fast food" in the United States today is hot, freshly prepared, and wrapped food, served to customers across a counter or through a drive-up window. Known as both "fast food" and "quick-service food" in the restaurant industry, these items are good sold and delivered in an amount of time ranging from a few seconds to several minutes; they now vary widely in food type. The food is inexpensive and tasty.
Fried fish and shellfish, hot dogs, chicken, pizza, roast beef, and pasta are commonly sold at quick-service outlets. In addition to these staples, many quick-service restaurants sell a broad menu of Americanized Mexican, Greek, and Chinese foods. So everyone can order traditional food. It is great. Some fast-food outlets offer specialty items, such as sushi, clams, or ribs, and others even sell complete "home-cooked" meals over their counters. Though menus and delivery formats vary greatly, fast food's chief common denominators include immediate customer service, packaging "to go," and inexpensive pricing.
There are many «Against». Since the 1930s, when fast food appeared , articles and books have criticized it. The reason are: sometimes poor sanitary conditions, unhealthy food products, related environmental problems, and unfair working conditions.
Though it is a job for young people . Of course , the main Against are -polluting, and contributing to obesity and other serious health problems among American consumers. American beef industry is more specifically the fast-food hamburger industry, is often blamed for the burning of the Amazon rain forests to make way for more grazing lands for beef cattle. It is very bad for nature.
The high fat content of fast food was also controversial. Despite deceptive industry claims about the high quality and the health benefits of their products, in the 1920s and 1930s concerned nutritionists warned the public about the medical dangers of regular burger consumption. This criticism of fast food continue today, extending even further to include warnings about the industry's use of genetically modified and antibiotic-laden beef products, a lot of calories in the food. It is very dangerous for young people. The portions are really great.
In response to public pressure, McDonald's has thought to include more healthy choices in its menu and has introduced a new slogan to its recruitment posters: "Not bad for a McJob".
McDonald's announced on May 22, 2008 that, in the U.S. and Canada, it would switch to using cooking oil that contains no trans fats for its french fries, and canola-based oil with corn and soy oils, for its baked items, pies and cookies, by year's end.
II.8. Opinion of friends
Я провёл анкетирование, чтобы выяснить, как относятся к Фаст Фуду мои сверстники. Проанализировав полученные данные , я составил диаграммы. Вопросы, которые я предложил моим друзьям были следующие:
1. Как часто вы посещаете Фаст – Фуд?
2.Какое ваше любимое блюдо?
3.Чем вас привлекает Фаст Фуд?
Вы посещаете Фаст Фуд один, или компанией?
5. Какое блюдо всегда входит в ваш заказ?
Итак, я выяснил, как часто мои друзья посещают фаст фуд. Из диаграммы видно, что мои друзья бывают в таких заведениях не очень часто.
(Приложение 1)
У каждого есть блюдо в кафе, которое друзья всегда заказывают. Конечно, у всех разные вкусы “Tastes differ after all” , но в чём-то они всё равно похожи. Самый популярный заказ, который делают мои друзья - это гамбургер. (Приложение 2)
Но ведь очень многих людей чем-то привлекает фаст фуд, я попытался выяснить, чем же? Как выяснилось, что всем моим друзьям нравится хорошее и очень быстрое обслуживание: пришёл, заказал и быстро перекусил. (Приложение 3)
Из анкетирования мне удалось также узнать, что все мои друзья любят посещать кафе в компании со своими друзьями, так ведь действительно веселее! (Приложение 4)
У каждого есть своё любимое блюдо, которое человек, когда посещает фаст фуд, заказывает для себя. У всех моих друзей такие блюда – разные! Что касается , то я предпочитаю гамбургер и кока-колу.(Приложение 5) Конечно, теперь я могу убедить моих друзей посещать кафе фаст фуд как можно реже, так как я узнал много новых фактов о таких кафе и сам , хотя у меня и нет возможности посещать кафе часто, постараюсь делать при случае не часто.
II.9 Development of McDonald's
In December 2003, McDonald's announced that it would further its focus on its core hamburger business by downsizing its other ventures. The company said that it would sell Donatos back to that chain's founder. In addition, it would discontinue development of non-McDonald's brands outside of the United States. This included Boston Market outlets in Canada and Australia and Donatos units in Germany. McDonald's kept its minority investment in Pret A Manger, but McDonald's Japan was slated to close its Pret units there. These moves would enable the company to concentrate its international efforts on the McDonald's chain, while reducing the non-hamburger brands in the United States to Chipotle and Boston Market, both of which were operating in the black.
McDonald's continued to curtail store openings in 2004 and to concentrate on building business at existing restaurants. Much of the more than $1.5 billion budgeted for capital expenditures in 2004 was slated to be used to remodel existing restaurants. McDonald's also aimed to pay down debt by $400 million to $700 million and to return approximately $1 billion to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases. Cantalupo also set several long-term goals, such as sustaining annual systemwide sales and revenue growth rates of 3 to 5 percent. In a move to both simplify the menu and make its offerings less fattening, McDonald's announced in March 2004 that it would phase out Super Size french fries and soft drinks by the end of the year.
In July 2011, McDonald's announced that their largest restaurant in the world will be built on the 2012 London Olympics site. The restaurant will contain over 1,500 seats and is half the length of an American Football field. Over 470 staff will be employed serving on average (during the 2012 Olympics) 100,000 portions of fries, 50,000 Big Macs and 30,000 Milkshakes. This restaurant will overshadow the current largest McDonald's in the world in Moscow, Russia.
III. Conclusion.
So, long ago fast food (from engl. fast food - a quick feeding) became the integral part of the modern world. But as I have learned it was existed long-long ago in the ancient Greece and Asia. While in the ancient Greece people preferred to cook at home, the people of Rome did not cook their meal at all. And there were no kitchen in their houses. But in old times there were a lot of places where people could eat and in each city there were markets, where they could buy all kinds of food.
Fast-food as an industry appeared in 1920-s in America. "White Castle" became the Pioneer Company in fast food, which was opened in 1921 in Kansas. The main food of the cafe «White Castle» was hamburgers, which were very unusual at that time for Americans. The customers were very pleased with the price of the meal. In spite of The Great Depression, the Second World War the company sold their hamburgers by five cents up to 1946. At the end of 1940-s "White Castle" began to have the rival companies.
Nowadays "MacDonald’s" has more than 30000 restaurants in 119 countries of the world while "White Castle" has 380 restaurants in the USA. However not long ago the great " MacDonald’s " began to have some problems. After many meetings of fighters for healthy food, people started to boycott fast food, the sales of fast food in the USA and other developed countries became less, some restaurants were closed.
I was interested to learn different materials about fast food. Working with different materials, I have learned the history of the origin of fast food restaurant network. I have got acquainted with the biography of the founders’ of fast food. The questions of fast food development and the types of restaurants were studied by me with great attention. I was interested to know the opinions of American people about fast food. Nowadays people in all countries know perfectly well that fast food is a great problem because it contains a lot of calories, fat and soya. All these ingredients are bad for weight, skin, and hair. It is especially dangerous for children. It can be a reason of metabolism. Though exactly children and teenagers are constant customers of such cafes and they like hot dogs and coca cola very much.
All doctors in the world are against fast food, they want the growing generations not to eat fast food at all. They say that it is very dangerous for them to eat food which contains a lot of fat and calories.
Unbalanced fast food menu brings to obesity, it is dangerous for immune system of children, for their physical and mental development.
By means of applications I have studied the opinion my friends. All my friends are visitors of cafe MacDonald’s. I will tell them about the harm of fast food. I think that it is possible to have a bite in such cafe sometimes, not very often. I don not want to t become a constant visitor of such café.
Fast-food develops every year, it becomes more universal, spreads all over the world, so it is popular among people.
I think that all tasks of my work have been solved.
So I have studied the positive opinions about fast food and the negative one. As to me, I think that fast food can bring harm only if you visit it regularly, for a long time! It was very interesting for me.
IV. Bibliography
Приложение 1
Приложение 1.
Приложение 2
Приложение 2
Приложение 3
Приложение 4
Приложение 5
Ray Crock
Приложение 6
Brothers MacDonald
Приложение 7
Хитрость Дидоны
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Лавовая лампа
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