Презентация, подготовленная для участия в муниципальном конкурсе - фестивале по иностранным языкам "Радуга". Тема данного фестиваля была "What a Wonderful World". Мы с Машей участвовали в номинации "Компьютерное творчество"
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H ow I see the world …Слайд 2
My family First of all, the world for me is my family. My family is very friendly. My relatives are always ready to support and help me in the difficult situations. I love them and I value them very much!!!
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My friends My friends are very important for me too. I have many friends. I am very happy with them. I know I can always tell them all my secrets and thoughts. It’s great to have real friends! We spend a lot of time together.
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My school I spend much time at my school. It is important for me. There I learn many new and interesting things! I like my teachers very much!
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