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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 7с углубленным
изучением отдельных предметов г.Дубны Московской области»
Городская научно-практическая конференция
учащихся 8 – 11 классов, секция английского языка
Тема «The influence of music
on the person»
«Влияние музыки на человека»
Автор: Сидяков Никита,
ученик 8 «А» класса
Руководитель: Кольцова Елена Юрьевна,
учитель английского языка
Дубна, 2014
Today I would like to tell you about music.
Everyone knows that there are different types of music: rock, rap, pop, classical music.
But it’s not the topic of my speech. Have you ever noticed that music can effect our mind, body, and soul?
But could you define what music is?
Different people - different definitions. As for me, music is an art that can help to express emotions and feelings. Music influences our brain, helps to cope with depression and stress, provides balm for our nerves.
Scientists think that listening to classical music and folk music is of benefit. In medicine there is a special field known as musical pharmacology. It means that listening to music can cure of different diseases.
How do you think why different people have different musical taste? Musical taste is determined by the rhythm of our brain. So if you have slow brain rhythm you prefer quite music, if you have quick brain rhythm you prefer energetic music.
So I decided to ask people what music they like to listen to in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. And I got such results. In the morning 60 % of people like to listen to classical music. In the afternoon 50% of people prefer listening to rock and in the evening 40 % of people enjoy old classical music. So I came to the conclusion that in the morning people would like to be full of energy and be in good mood and they listen to classical music, in the afternoon people want to be as energetic as in the morning so they listen to rock and in the evening people would like relax after a hard working day and they listen to classical music.
Then I noticed that music and our mood are connected to each other. When people are sad, lonely they may listen to rap. When people happy they may listen to pop music.
When people are relaxed, stressed or tired, they may listen to classical music. When people are angry, annoyed or excited they may listen to rock. But different people – different tastes. And we should remember it depends on a person. If a person likes listening to rock, for example, he or she can listen to it in any mood.
As for me, I prefer listening to rock. Because I would like be energetic for all day long. My favorite rock band is «Slipknot». I like a lot of there sings, but my favorite sing is «Before I forget that». There sings give a lot of energy and you don’t fell tired.
Slipknot is an American band playing music in the style of nu-metal. The group was formed in 1995 by Anders Colsefni and Shawn Grahanam and Paul Gray in 1992.
The album received platinum status, and some of the songs were nominated for a Grammy in the category «Best heavy metal song» and «Best hard rock song». In 2006, the group was awarded this prize in the nomination «Best metal performance» for the song «Before I Forget". On the moment in group play: Corey Taylor, Joey Jordison, James Ruth, Sean Krahan, Mick Tomson, Sid Wilson, Chris Fehn, Craig Jones. Now this is one of the most popular nu-metal bands.
In conclusion, I would like to say that music plays an important role in our life. Music is not just a combination of notes, but it can effect our mood, our health and our mind. It can cure us. It can cheer up us. It can smoothen our pain. It can help us to relax. It can paint our life with bright colours.
Thank you for your attention.
Слайд 1
The influence of music on the person Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 7 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов г. Дубны Московской области» Student: Sidyakov Nikita, 8 A Teacher: Koltsova ElenaСлайд 2
Different musical styles
Слайд 3
Music is…
Слайд 4
Music as a pill
Слайд 5
Different people Different musical taste
Слайд 6
The Results of My Research
Слайд 9
As for me…
Как я избавился от обидчивости
Свинья под дубом
Учимся рисовать горный пейзаж акварелью
Как Дед Мороз сделал себе помощников
Извержение вулкана