Портфолио обучающегося 4 класса по предмету - Английский язык. Анализ результотов изучения английского языка со 2 по 4 класс.
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За что мне не любить английский? or English is my favourite subject! Author - Fedotov Nikita, 4 « А » form Teacher - Zimina T.A. Lyceum №5 Mtsensk Oryol region 2011Слайд 2
English and I are good friends! We are together for 2 years and 3 months. Let me introduce myself. I’m Fedotov Nikita. I’m a pupil of the 4-th form « А ». I study at the lyceum №5 of Mtsensk, Oryol region. I like different subjects, but English is my favourite one. English and I are good friends. We get on well. English helps me in different ways.
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English helps me to be friendly ! This is my English group (4 « А ») and our elder friends (8 «V»). All together we are the members of our English Fans Club.
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English helps me to be a member of our English Fans Club! Our anthem : Mtsensk. (music – Paul McCartney «Yellow Submarine » words - Grishina Olga, Byrkina Nataliya) Mtsensk is a town where we were born And we live today with our friends When we travel in the world We shall always come here back. We like quiet streets and golden churches, The river Zusha and the strongest frosts And more than that we all enjoy Every person with a loving heart. Chorus: We all love our native town of Mtsensk, Native town of Mtsensk ( 2 times). Our symbol : Our slogan: «Where there’s a will, there’s a way».
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English helps me to be funny! On Hallowe’en we have many funny games, contests, songs and surprises.
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English helps me to be educated ! We know much about holidays and traditions of English-speaking countries.
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English helps me to tell you about my lyceum ! In Mtsensk there are eight schools, a lyceum and a gymnasium. Our lyceum №5 is the best one in the world. It was founded in 1973. There are about 600 pupils and about 60 teachers. Our address is 32, Turgenev street, I Microdistrict, Mtsensk, Oryol region, Russia. Our e-mail is lic5mce@rambler.ru . Our website is http://lic5mce.narod.ru .
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Last year our lyceum organized a concert for the participants of English Town Olympiad (4 forms). My elder friends and I sang and danced a funny song «Penguin dance». We watched it on «Bridge TV» and then used this song for our morning exercises at English lessons. I present you with this song. English helps me to be a singer and a dancer ! The penguin dance Hello, fellow-penguins of our planet. Are you feeling good? One of the creatures of our planet are the penguins. So, we are going for the dance which is called " The penguindance". Put your hands afield the air And shake your bodies round. Hands upon your toes, And turn around, around. Hands wave up high, Hands wave down low, Stamp with your feet And jump, jump, jump. Yeah, as you know, the penguins are very special on our planet. Are you special too? Now, let's all stand behind each other because it's time for the penguinwalk. ****** Aren't you tired yet? I would like to introduce to you the craziest penguin on the planet. He's the one and only Schiffie. Are you doing it with us? Here he comes again. ******
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This is « the eldest penguin » , Prostsevich Dmitry (11 «B»), VI place in the English Town Olympiad (2010-2011). This is « the elder penguin » , Sasin Kirill (10 «V»), I place in the English Town Olympiad (2010-2011). It’s me, a young penguin (3 «А» ). Hope, I’m a future winner of the English Town Olympiad. English will help me to realize my dreams !
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English helps me to be talanted ! My English teacher says that I’m a born singer and dancer.
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English helps me to be creative ! Our project «The ABC», 2 « А » form . Our project «The pet», 3 « А » form.
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English helps me to be polite ! It’s my present for Inna. It’s Stepan’s present for me. -Thank you very much. - You are welcome.
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English helps me to be thankful ! At our Art lessons we decorated postcards to our teachers. At our English lessons we wrote congratulations on Teacher’s Year.
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English helps me to be famous ! Всероссийская видео конференцсвязь «Гимназический союз России» file://localhost/D:/ Мои %20 документы /My%20school /личное%20дело%20Зиминой%20Т.А/Фонд%20 Поддержки%20Образования%20_%20Видеоконференцсвязь.mht Всероссийская конференция "Защита учебно - исследовательских проектов младших школьников" Организатор: МОУ - лицей № 5 (г. Мценск) регион: Орловская область Дата проведения: 29.01.2010 в 12.00 Продолжительность: 1,5 ч. Участники конференции: МОУ гимназия №2 регион:Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ МОУ гимназия №7 регион:Республика Татарстан МOУ Вохомская СОШ регион:Костромская область МОУ "Москаленский лицей« регион:Омская область МОУ Гимназия города Ливны регион:Орловская область МОУ Гусиноозерская гимназия регион:Республика Бурятия I presented my first project «The ABC». Then I answered the questions of the guests.
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English helps me to be a patriot ! http://metodisty.ru/m/files/browse/album/zimina_t-a-_regionovedcheskaya_azbuka-raskraska_o_mcenskom_krae/owner We learn much about our native town of Mtsensk from Picture Book in English. The students of 8 «V» form presented us with this book. I’m proud to live in our small town.
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English helps me to be successful !
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What do you imagine when you think of English? What is English for you? As for me English is my future career. And what about you ? As for me English is ...
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Let’s write an acrostic with the word «ENGLISH»! E njoy N ice G reat L ovely I nteresting S unny H olidays ! Now it’s your turn! You are welcome! E … N … G … L … I … S … H …
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English 1 noun Useful, unforgettable 2 adjectives Create, enjoy, discover 3 verbs It’s my future career attitude to the theme (a phrase of 4 words) World opportunity what is it in general ? Try to do your own cinquain ! Good luck !
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Все фотографии несовершеннолетних публикуются с разрешения их родителей. Фотографии из архива Зиминой Т.А.
Приключения Тома Сойера и Гекельберри Финна
Одна беседа. Лев Кассиль
Горячо - холодно
На горке
Извержение вулкана