Данный проект знакомит нас с мнениями Британмких и Русских семей друг о друге.
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Meet the new stereotypes
Project made by
Kozhevnekova Alexandra
and Balatskaya Victoria
10 B lyceum №329
Chupina Lyudmila
Saint – Petersburg
The name of our project is «Meet the new stereotypes», and we chose this theme, because we wanted to know how Russian and English teenagers are informed about life of each other.
And the aim of our research is:
Explore the opinions of Russian and English families about each other, and find out how they correspond to the facts.
The hypothesis of our project is:
The opinions of Russian and English families about each other correspond to the facts at 70%.
The plan of our research you can see on the screen:
1. To interview Russian teenagers about English families and theirs.
2. To interview English teenagers about Russian families and theirs.
3. Process and analyze the results of the interview.
4. Compare with the facts.
5. Make a conclusion
6. Find out if our hypothesis corresponds to the facts.
We asked Russian teenagers and English on Facebook more than 50 questions about their lifestyle, family structure, type of houses, hobbies, animals and so on. Then we analyzed their answers and compared them with the facts. Here you can see some of the questions.
Type of houses
One of the questions was "What is the type of a house your family live in?"
There were only two types of answers: "Cottage" and 'Flat'. The results of the interview you can see on the diagrams. Let's look at Russian opinions about English families. Here you can see two colors: orange - English people tell us about themselves, and green - the Russians' opinion about the English!
92% of the Russians say that English people live in cottages and 100% of English respondents really live in cottages.
And here you can see English opinions about the Russians. 67% of English people think that the Russians live in cottages like them, but only 4% of Russian respondents say that it's really true!
So, in this question the opinions of the Russians about the English correspond to the facts at 92% and the opinions of the English about the Russians correspond at 37%!
Type of food
Next question was "What kind of food is preferable in the family?"
And there were two types of answers "Home food" and "Fast food"!
Only 56% of the Russians think that English families prefer home food. But in fact it is 92%. It's interesting that 100% of English people said that Russian families like home food, and in reality it’s about 92%.
So, in this area the opinions of the Russians about the English correspond to the facts at 64%, and the English about the Russians correspond at 92%
Sport in family
Next question was about sport.
And there were two types of answers "family does sport" and "family doesn't do sport"!
Only 60% of the Russians think that English families do some sport. But in fact it is 90%. And 80% of English people say that Russian families do some sport, but it's only about 48%.
So, in this area the opinions of the Russians about the English correspond to the facts at 70%, and the opinions of the English about the Russians correspond at 68%.
We had a talk on Skype with an English girl to show her answers in video interview, and also we made a video interview with our friend to show you Russian opinion too!
We asked a lot of different questions and analyzed them! Here you can see the table
with the results of the interviews.
Our research showed that in all areas the opinions of the Russians about the English correspond to the facts at 75% and the opinions of the English about the Russians correspond at 72%, and it's really about 70%, as we supposed!
And we think that our hypothesis is confirmed!
We would like to end our presentation with a quotation by Stephany Mayer, contemporary American writer of fantasy genre. She said:
Whatever it was, we all live in the power of stereotypes. And the more interesting when life gives us an opportunity to destroy them!
This project has been made by us, Kozhevnekova Alexandra and Balatskaya Victoria, and our teacher is Chupina Ludmila Alexandrovna.
The name: Ruby Bunnet | |
questions | answers |
I. Tell us about your family | |
1. Type of your house? | |
2. How many rooms has it got? | |
3. Is there a car? | |
4. Does your family travel abroad? | |
5. Family structure? | |
6. How many children are there in your family? | |
7. What education do your parents have? | |
8. What field do your parents work in? | |
9. Do you live in modern apartment complexes or in old houses? | |
10. How much do your parents earn? | |
11. Do your parents have a good career? Do they work at home? | |
12. The rhythm of life: - Parents have the? - Children have the? | |
13. What kind of vacation does your family prefer? | |
14. What kind of food does your family prefer? | |
15. Your family's lifestyle? | |
16. Your family's Literature preferences: - What do your parents prefer to read? - What you prefer to read? | |
17. Film preferences: - Parents? | |
18. Tell us about your family's interests: what do your parents love to do, and what do you love to do? | |
19. Does your family have a pet (s)?, how many? If so, What pet(s) does your family have? | |
20. Does your family do any sport? If so, what kind of sport? - Parents? - Children? | |
21. How do you celebrate the holidays? | |
II. What do you think about Russian families: | |
1. Type of Russian families houses? | |
2. How many rooms has it got? | |
3. Is there a car? | |
4. Do Russian families travel abroad? | |
5. Family structure? | |
6. How many children are there in Russian families? | |
7. What education do Russian parents have? | |
8. What field do Russian parents work in? | |
9. Do they live in modern apartment complexes or in old houses? | |
10. How much do Russian parents earn? | |
11. Do Russian parents have a good? Do they work at home? | |
12. The rhythm of life: - Parents have the? - Children have the? | |
13. What kind of vacation do Russian families prefer? | |
14. What kind of food do Russian families prefer? | |
15. Russian family's lifestyle? | |
16. Russian family's Literature preferences: - What do Russian parents prefer to read? - What do Russian children prefer to read? | |
17. Film preferences: - Parents? - Children? | |
18. That do you think about Russian family's interests: what do Russian parents love to do, and what do their children love to do? | |
19. Have Russian families got a pet(s), how many? If so, What pet(s) do Russian families have? | |
20. Do Russian families do any sport? If so, what kind of sport? - Parents? - Children? | |
21. How do Russian families celebrate the holidays? |
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