Данная работа представляет из себя учебно образовательный проект на основе ркаеведческого материала. Выполнялась с использованием документов местного сельского музея об истории родного села, которое имеет удивительно богатую историю. Работа была начата намного раньше группой учащихся с посещения домов старожилов и записи их воспоминаний. Затем собираемый материал корректировался, переводился на английский язык. Целью данной работы было создание краеведческого журнала на английском языке. Материал работы может быть ипользован в качестве дополнительного материала при изучении темы в 10 классе "How different the World Is".
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Municipal Education Introduction
Seliyarovo’s Secondary School
to Seliyarovo
Research Project in English
Zamyatin Sergey Class 11
Project supervisor
Borodina Maria Petrovna
Seliyarovo 2011
Framework of the Project
This is a research project : Welcome to Seliyarovo.
The target’s goal is to attract attention to our native village of Seliyarovo, one of the most dynamic developing settlements of Hanty – Mansiysk district. Our village is situated in the middle of the Priobskoe oil – mine place. The first oil deposits were discovered by the scientists and geologists, it was in the 20th century. The first mine was exploited in 1999. This year our district – Yugra celebrated the anniversary of the 9th billion tons of oil – mine.
Speaking: work as a guide;
Reading: library research (books, newspapers, magazines);
Writing: notes, short descriptions;
Other activities: visiting museums and places of interest, taking photographs and interviews
The Contents
There is the village of Seliyarovo in Russia, Tyumen Region and Khanty-Mansiysk District. Seliyarovo stands on the high bank of the river Ob, which flows into the Obskaya Guba of the Kara Sea. There are a lot of small lakes and rivers here.
(picture 1)
The population of Seliyarovo is 560 people, there are 67 pensioners and 187 children among them.
Families | 156 |
Children | 187 |
Pupils | 84 |
Kinder- garden children | 46 |
Pensioners | 67 |
Women | 291 |
Men | 278 |
The village has the collective farm «Siberia», the kindergarten «Teremok», a club, a hospital, the village soviet, a bakery and a shop.
Shalkova N.P. is the head of Seliyarovo’s administration.
Zamyatin Oleg Valeryevich is the chairman of the collective farm «Siberia».
The headmaster of Seliyarovo’s secondary school is Lapshina A.M.
The manager of the kindergarten “Teremok” is Khramova Yelena Vitalyevna.
The village of Seliyarovo is one of the ancient villages of Samara’s volost of Tobolsk province. At the beginning of the 19th century the village of Seliyarovo stood out in the form of a grey spot against the background of a small island with natural coniferous forests.
A map of Seliyarovo in 1855
(Picture 2)
At that time the village numbered up to 15 little houses with 1 or 2 windows. In the evening time the peasants log huts were lit by torches instead of kerosene lamps. By the light of torches the evening works on housekeeping were carried out. Instead of a window a little eye sized opening was made. The frames of windows were covered with peritoneum tissues of domestic animals trough which dim light penetrated inside the hut. The village was mainly populated by newcomers and convicts from various parts of the country.
(Picture 3)
Since then the village has been called Seliyarovo – the name derived from two words; Selo and Yar because the village is situated at a steep bank. In the village a one – storied wooden Church of Assumption was built out of donations of parishioners and state treasury. In the village there was a parish school with three classrooms for 10 - 15 pupils. The children of local inhabitants were taught at school and mainly they were boys. As for girls, they were taught only if they came from well-to-do families. According to the tradition of those years the girls of poor families were admitted to look after children and to spin hemp. The children of Khanty were not admitted to school. God’s law was the main subject that was taught at school. The lessons were conducted by the priest himself. There was only one hospital in Samarovo, and even that only hospital was accessible only for more well-to-do villagers. As for the village itself, there were witch-doctors and soothsayers and midwives instead of doctors and medical attendants.
Among the inhabitands of the village there were no literate people at all except two men. They were the merchant Ryazantsev and kulak Gorskov who exploited all inhabitants of the surrounding villages. The main occupation of the peasants was fishing, hunting and cattle-breeding. Poor peasants had 1 or 2 horses, 1 or 2 cows and a couple of sheep. All the poor population depends fully on the merchant.
All the works were done by hand; the sweep-net was towed with straps, for the work with every sweep-net no less than 20 men were needed as well as a riverside bashlyk, carriage of fish, artificial gardens. This, no less than100 men were there were no less than on the sand in the summer season. The people of that time, including nomads, migrated there from the centre of Russia to a little island with coniferous forests for various reasons. Some of them were simple walker looking for a place where they would have a free and untrammelled life and where they would be free from serfdom. Others were revolting against the tsar and others were people who had gone from the Landlords autocracy. In the middle of the 19th century a merchant E.E. Ryazantsev arrived in Seliyarovo and declared him to be the ruler of the population not only of this village but also of the neighbor ostyak yurts. All the fishing areas on the river Ob and on the channels were his property. The villagers and Khanty of environing yurts fished on the half-shareholders conditions, all the caught fish went into the merchant’s store-house. When settling with peasants he kept back everything and only torn mittens were left. In the years when the fishing was bad the half-shareholders were in debt. At the beginning of that century a new exploiter I.G. Gorshkov appeared. These two merchants shared the places of trade and procurements among each others, were involved in machinations when purchasing fish, meat of wild animals, furs and berries.
My Favorite Place.
The most important and main thing which is worthy of seeing in our village is a monument put up to the heroes, who fell in the Great Patriotic War. The names of our fellow-villagers, heroes, who fell in the war, are written on the monument.
(Picture 4)
Each spring on the 9th May the inhabitants of our village hold mass-meeting and lay wreaths. It is very beautiful in the park in summer. Field flowers bloom; they were planted by our parents formerly. Besides the flowers slender Russian beautiful birches have been planted too. They were planted by our parents as well, when they were pupils. They guard the peace of our fellow-villagers who fell in the war.
Each spring we clear the territory of the park, in memory of the defenders of our Motherland. Let’s save our pride of the village!
The Village School.
In our village there was the three forms church-transient school (of 3 classes by capacity) for 10-15 pupils. They were children of local village and mainly boys were trained, and the girls were also trained but only from well-to-do families. The girls of the poor people were not accepted to school at all, their occupation was babysitting with the children. The lessons were carried out by priest him self.
In Seliyarovo’s secondary school there are 83 pupils from the first to the eleventh forms, 19 teachers. On the ground floor there are 4 classrooms for infant school, and, the gym, the psychologist’s -room, the studies for English, Biology, a cloak-room, workshops and a ski base. On the first floor there are 10 studies: for Russian, Geography, Literature, Physics, the Computer-science room, History. Besides at school the cultural – mass measures will be carried out.
(Picture 5)
Each year the president of the children’s republic is selected at school. Zamyatina Masha is the president of the children’s Republic «Eldorado».
The life at our school is very various and cheerful. We like our beautiful and modern school and we wish it all the best.
The Museum.
Now we are near one of the oldest houses in Seliyarovo. This house is about one hundred years old. It was built at the end of the XXIX century for the local merchant Ryazantsev. This building is the nicest one in the village. Some specialists suppose that this building has been built by the skilled workmen from Tobolsk and Tyumen.
(Picture 6)
The Ryasantsevs’house differs from the other ones of that time not only by decorations, sizes but also interior. There are four rooms in it; they are divided by the corridor which is in the middle of the house. The house was restored in 2005. A two-storeyed building which is called a barn is next to the house. Loading and unloading of goods were made in the barn. This construction bears witness about active business activity of the owner of the homestead.
(Picture 7)
Nowadays the museum of Seliyarovo is situated in the territory of Ryasantsevs’ former homestead. They are ” A Merchant’s Shop” , “ A Merchant’s House ”, “A Village Peasant’s House” and a temporary exhibitions four expositions.
A village merchant’s shop at the end of the XIX century.
Merchants and peasant – tradesmen had a little trade in their villages. The assortment of goods was little because village trade satisfied modest demands of the local inhabitants whose incomes were rather low. Only wine and groceries trade flourished in the village and villagers bought other goods in a town or at the fair. The trade was mixed: one could se sugar or tea near the smelt kerosene. The trade in the North-West of Siberia had its peculiarity – it bore an exchange character . Goods from towns or other trade centers were changed to fur, cedar nuts, fish and berries. Especially it was spread in Russian villagers where Khanty, Mansy, Nentsy came to the church to buy some goods. Seliyarovo was such a settlement. The exposition shows such things as abacus, transferring safe, scales and others. Here you can see barrels, sacks, birch-bark vessels where merchants kept products:fish, cedar nuts, berries,which they were given by the inhabitants of the village.
Village merchant’s house of the North-Western Siberia at the end of the XIX- th century and at the beginning of the XX th century.
Village merchant was a former peasant who became rich but he was closely connected with a village mode of life. That’s why his habits, mode of life and tastes had double social nature. On one hand he was a common person according to his birth, upbringing and education (if he had one). As other peasants that merchant was economical, even pettily, prudent, and mean otherwise he hadn’t saved up his money. He got accustomed, to the simple mode of life and it was reflected in the interior of his house. But on the other hand he was a village rich man. He had a higher level of his incomes than the other inhabitants of the village; he influenced greatly on local affairs and had the authority among the villagers.
The walls of the room were papered; there were hand-made rugs on the floor. The room was furnished with some chairs, a table, a wooden sofa and etc. One could see some items of town culture in the house: a cupboard, a clock, a mirror in a wooden-carved frame , some photos, which were made in a town or by the coming photographer. There was an icon in the front corner of the room.
A Peasant’s House (Izba)
A Peasant’s House (Izba) was divided into different parts, although it consisted of one room. The “red” corner was a male one. The place with a stove was exclusively for women. There was a place called ‘’ out-of-the-way’’ corner where strangers were not allowed to come in without any invitations.
(Picture 8)
The place near the threshold was a male one, where the host worked. It was indecent for a woman to sit down on the male bench (konik). There were three generations in each family: an old father, his married sons and grandchildren, all in all more than 20 people. It was profitable to conduct the farm having a lot of working hands. The most important items were the red (front) corner and a stove. The red corner was a honorary, male place. There were icons, a table and a burning lamp
there. People behaved themselves in the “red” corner the same way as in church. Banging was forbidden because a table was God’s palm with the help of which God give people food.
The host usually sat at the head of the table where he received his guests. It was forbidden to swear and let animals come in. Women didn’t come into the red corner without any need. Women were at the head of the table in exceptional cases: for example: as a bridge at the wedding party.
(Picture 9)
The Ryazantsevs.
There are a few facts about their biography. Yevgeny Iohimovich Ryazantsev , a state peasant of Ryazan province came to Seliyarovo in 1860. His son Yevlampy was baptized there in October 1860.Ye. I. Ryazantsev came from the village of Lyubuch Zaraisk volost Ryazan province. That area was inhabited by the serf and palace’s peasants. Some historians suppose that Ryazantsev is a Free State peasant. Perhaps he bought his freedom as he had some fortune. It was unknown what made Ryazantsev to leave Ryazan province for “terrible” Siberia with its severe frost and exile. But some facts said that the Ryazantsevs were among the greatest fish industrializes of the northern part of the Ob area. Of course they were not as rich as the Novitskyh, the Bronnikovs, the Plotnikovs and the others because their fish areas were concentrated in two places and were not spread in different parts of the Ob North. The Ryazantsevs
Were the richest and the most influenced people in the village.The members of that family bought the land where Khanty lived because that land was safe during the Ob flood. Nowadays Seliayrovo is situated here. According to the legend the Ryazantsevs donated money for the construction of Seliyarovo’s Temple. They got newspapers and the inhabitants of the village learnt the news about the country’s life from them. The northerners heard about February revolution at the village meeting and the voluntary agitator for the new power was Ryazantsev. But in 1921 at the time of anti-soviet peasant rebellion Ryazantsev was shot.
We continue our acquaintance with the village. This is the spiritual centre of our village. On the right we can see a Sunday school and the priest’s house which has been built in 2003. And over there there is the Uspenia Assumption Temple.
(Picture 10)
It was built in 1837 mainly on donations of the people. Our great grandfathers were seen off to the First World War there. People learnt about the revolution and the Soviet power also there. In 1932-1933 the crosses from temple were taken away. Then it was a collective-farm office, a library a club and a village Soviet and afterwards it was a store. And now we see a majestic temple. This miracle has happened thanks to our countryman V.S.Sondykov’s initiative and persistence. The head of Khanty- Mansiysk district Yuri Timofeevich Manchevsky also supported it greatly. The revival of the Temple is the revival of our soul, our heart and our Motherland.
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6. Яковлев Я.А. Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ в зеркале прошлого. Томск – Ханты-Мансийск: Изд-во Том. ун-та, 2004. Вып.2
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