Метод проектов- это комплексный обучающий метод,который позволяет индивидуализировать учебный процесс, дает возможность учащемуся проявить себя в планировании, организации и контроле своей деятельности.
Метод проектов позволяет учащимся проявить самостоятельность в выборе темы, источников информации, способе ее изложения и презентации. Проектная методика позволяет вести индивидуальную работу над темой, которая вызывает наибольший интерес у каждого участника проекта, что, несомненно, влечет за собой повышенную мотивированную активность учащегося. Он сам выбирает объект исследования, сам для себя решает: ограничиться ли учебником по английскому языку (просто выполнив очередное упражнение), или почитать другую литературу. Однако, зачастую ребята обращаются к дополнительным источникам информации, анализируют, сравнивают, оставляя самое важное и занимательное.
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Слайд:с двумя людьми. Today we can’t imagine our life without a lot of the benefits of civilization, which allow us to communicate with people and gives the information whenever and wherever we want. Smartphones, internet, television and radio became an integral part of our live, we began to take them for granted.
Слайд:evolution-of-communication2. But yesterday everything was different. Let's make a little historical research and see how society has changed with the advent of new ways of information transfer, and then try a little peek into the future.
Слайд:evolution-of-communication и мамонты. Primitive societies have almost no contact with each other, except with the neighbors, mostly like wars or trade. Many civilizations didn’t know about each other. The only way to communicate –messengers who transmit oral messages.
Слайд:evolution-of-communication и кораблики. With the development of civilization and the advent of transcontinental trade routes early human fragments were finally connected. Caravans transporting goods, as were postal service. Exchange of information has become much more intense, but the speed of information transmission was still small. Letter could go six months and a year. Messengers were the fastest way to deliver a message.
Слайд:evolution-of-communication и телеграф. It lasted a very long time. Postal Service finally found a normal appearance. Delivery of messages has become faster with the development of transport. But the first step towards modern media was the telegraph.
Слайд:cex.jpg In 1774 in Geneva physicist Georges-Louis Lesage built the first electrostatic telegraph. It contributed to the most important phenomenon of the end of the second millennium - the industrial revolution, and also led to a change in the thinking of mankind. Distance is no longer an obstacle to communication
Слайд:bell.jpg Of course, the telegraph was only the first step to a new world. One of the most important steps in the socialization of mankind was made in 1876 by Alexander Bell. He patented a device called a "speaking telegraph" it was the first phone. For the first time people were able not only to read the messages, but also hear the other party, no matter how far it was. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this invention, because voice communication is most natural for people and writing came much later than speech.
Слайд:radio.gif The next invention started a new era in the life of mankind - the radio. It began with wireless of Popov in 1895, but soon it became the most important media on the planet. Social impact was huge - the radio and later the television played a major role in the creation of the modern media world and the way of thinking, which is able to cope with the flow of information.
Слайд:tv.gif In 1940 of the last century began regular use of television as a means of transmitting information. The rapid development of television in the second half of the 20th century led to the emergence of entire generations who can't live without TV
Слайд:net.jpg 1991. Something in a few years completely changed the modern society. Internet. Its foundations were laid much earlier - network ARPA, network protocols, the first e-mail-program were developed in the 70-80s, but in 1991 the World Wide Web has become a world heritage.
Слайд:soc.jpg Social networks. The first of these (Classmates.com) were created in 1995, soon creating a lot of various services, but the real boom of social networks came only in 2003-2004.
Слайд:выделю их на soc.jpg That's when the current giants were born - LinkedIn, MySpace and Facebook. In Russia social networking came two years later, with the advent in 2006 of "Odnoklassniki" and "VKontakte".
Слайд:выделю их на rus.png Created as clones of international resources, they soon became quite as original projects, and became popular in our area. So why are social networks so popular?
Слайд:1s.jpg It's very simple: the first time the existence of the Internet was a person, not content. People have not lacked anything like the ability to easily tell the world about yourself, identify your social circle. It is easy to find new friends and share them with useful information.
Слайд:2s.jpg New social networks do not have problems of old networks, and take from them all the best
Слайд:ничего не придумал поэтому lol.jpg You could not have any knowledge of web development technologies, to create a profile on a social network. Everything is already done for you.
Слайд:3s.jpg You communicate only with people with whom you want to communicate, but not with just anyone, in chat rooms;
Слайд:vks.jpg Easy search allows you to find a person's taste, interests, from your city, and even from your school / college / work. Share photos, videos, interesting links. Social networks make life online life, with all its advantages and disadvantages.
Слайд:spec.jpg Besides universal social networks, there are specialized. Some help in finding a job and building a business, others unite people by professions, and others - with the same interests. Today, there are so many that a person can have more than ten profiles. Especially advanced are more business card site or blog, and of course we are not talking about using dozens of different messengers such as ICQ or Skype. Today we can not imagine a person without a page on a social network in the world today it is found less and less
Слайд:web2.png Changing the usual style of communication affected the whole Internet, giving birth to a concept such as Web 2.0. Ordinary people began to create content, content sites is not the webmasters case now.
Слайд:web3.png For example, "Wikipedia"-this network encyclopedia, has become almost the main source of information on any topic of interest, it needs no introduction. More than four million articles only in English segment - that's what a collective intelligence network, if you give him a chance to prove himself
Слайд:YouTube infographic.jpg Do not forget about YouTube, which has a huge contribution to the development of cinema, media and the music industry in the world today. YouTube has become such an important phenomenon in the media world that has to reckon with it, and television. Many media companies create official accounts on YouTube, performing the promotion of its products through service
Слайд:news.jpg Today, every self-respecting company has a site and pages in all popular social networks. Online media are becoming more powerful than ordinary paper books; So, Twitter, in peacetime is microblogging, and in extreme cases, a vehicle for the rapid exchange of information. Reports of terrorist attacks in the Moscow subway appeared 20 minutes after the incident. It's fast.
Internet bloggers are becoming more popular pop stars, their opinion counts even in the government. Network becomes a powerful tool of influence battleground cyber wars. This is not fantasy, it is reality.
Слайд:stux.jpg For example, the virus Stuxnet was designed specifically to destroy the entire structure of the company. There is every chance that a third world war, did not even go beyond the Internet.
Слайд:tweet.jpg With any, even the most famous person you can easily chat on Twitter. Actors, presidents of countries and show business stars are all on the network.
Even fifteen years ago, it would seem crazy, but now we do not see global change! We did not even notice that entered a new era - the era of unification.
Human race is becoming a single, monolithic civilization. We become a new type of people adapted to the growing mass of information and social connections.
Слайд:furure.jpg So what can we expect in the future? Total socialization and presidential elections by the number of likes in YouTube? Or resistance to the peaceful reunification of the nationand fashion for asocial and downshifting? Anyone can make predictions or listen to the experts. But history loves surprises and try to guess it's pointless.
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