Из жизни великой звезды
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Mаrilyn Mоnro centuries Legend of 20Слайд 2
SHE IS THE GREAT WOMAN ENGLAND Marlin Monro was born on June 1 1926. It named Norm а . Mother of Norm а worked much, and at leisure had fun. It had no time to bring up the daughter and small Norm give to reception parents.
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Till 8 years the Normа lived at reception parents. Gledis(native mother of Norm) visited sometimes the daughter, Summer of 1932 Глэдис decides to take away the daughter to itself. And in a year, because of death of the great-grandfather, Глэдис runs into the deepest depression which it and did not manage to leave in a current of all life. The norm Gin Bacer (so called all the girl till 20 years) remains given to itself.
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Girlfriend Gledis (Grays) takes all cares of Normа on itself. It has been fascinated for a long time already by this child and cherished dream - to make Norm a cinema star. buys to Norm new dresses, learns it to go, use cosmetics and often drives at cinema.
Фокус-покус! Раз, два,три!
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