Мультимедийная презентация, созданная моей студенткой 111 группы, Чувилиной Анной, представляет большой интерес в плане изучения темы "Влияние экологии на здоровье человека". Презентация состоит из 18 слайдов, есть план. список литературы (источники), лексический материал. Много внимания уделено экологическим проблемам и влиянию их на жизнь людей, а так же приводит данные о будущем планеты.
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ГБОУ СПО МК № 6 ДЗМ Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа По английскому языку На тему: Природные ресурсы и человек. Natural resources and a human . Выполнила студентка 111 группы Чувилина Анна Преподаватель: Пчёлина Л.Г 1Слайд 2
Determinations………… ………………. …………... ... …p. 3 Classification of natural resources… ……………...... ……p.4 Ecology Today…………………………… …….. ………..p. 5 Main ecology ‘s objectives in the XXI century ………... …p.6 Presents Environmental problems…… …………………. ..p.7 Nature answer to the people………… ………………... …p. 8 The end of the 2012 year …… …… ……………….. …….p. 9 Nowadays…………………………………………..……p.10 The Future……………………………………………….p. 11 Vocabulary………………………………………….……p.12 List of references…………………..…………………….p.13 2 Plan :
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The applied ecology is a science which is engaged in studying of mechanisms of destruction of the biosphere by the person, and also methods of prevention of this process and develops special principles of rational use of all natural resources. 3 Determinations :
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The Earth is the unique planet, which supports life, and its natural features are the subject of many scientific researches. Biological evolution is natural process of the wildlife, which is being accompanied change of genetic structure of populations, forming of adaptations, speciation and extinction of types, transformation of ecosystems and biospheres as a whole. 4 Determinations :
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By origin: Resources of natural components (mineral, climatic, water, vegetative, soil, fauna) Resources of natural and territorial complexes (mining, water economic, selitebny , silvicultural ) By types of economic use: Resources of industrial production Resources of agricultural production) Energy resources Not energy resources (mineral, water, land, wood, fish resources) Resources of agricultural production 5 Classification of natural resources:
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By the form renewable : Renewable Non-renewable (mineral, land resources) Renewed (plant and animal life resources) Not the completely renewable — speed of recovery are lower than level of economic consumption Inexhaustible resources (water, climatic) On interchangeability degree: The irreplaceable The substitutable By criterion of use: Production (industrial, agricultural) The potential and perspective Recreational (natural complexes and their components, cultural and historical sights, economic potential of the territory) 6 Classification of natural resources:
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A central subject of global ecology studying is the biosphere as a separate global ecosystem. Today there are also such disciplines, as social ecology which is engaged in relation studying in established system "human society nature", and also its separate part - ecology of the person in which it is accepted to consider interaction of the person as a separate biosocial being with all world around. 7 Ecology Today:
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The today's ecology is very closely connected with economy, policy, psychology, the rights as only in the union with them, it is possible to overcome a technocratic paradigm of modern thinking which is peculiar to the 20th eyelid, and to develop absolutely new type of ecological consciousness which radically can change behavior of people on the relation to all nature. 8 Ecology Today:
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Analysing of a general condition of the modern biosphere, conditions of its forming and the reasons of changes under the influence of natural and anthropogenous factors; Forecasting of dynamics of a condition of the biosphere in time and space; Development taking into account the fundamental ecological laws of ways of harmonization of relations of human society and the nature, preserving a capability of the biosphere to self-cleaning, self-regulation and self-recovery. Modern ecological researches shall become scientific base for development of strategy and tactics of behavior of mankind in the XXI century. 9 Main ecology ‘s objectives in the XXI century:
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The problems which have arisen in the last decades in the sphere of use of natural resources are caused by numerous technological breaks. It allows to use more effectively, on the one hand, already reconnoitered and mastered types of resources, and with another to include in production and consumption new, earlier not known components of environment. At least important aspect of a problem is escalating and poorly regulated needs of the person for different benefits of a civilization. 10 Presents Environmental problems:
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The upper level of these requirements is "ordered" as though by the richest countries of the world. Some states of the world set as the purpose of the development achievement of this material level of living. Such consumer relation to the future of a human civilization assumes unrestricted operation of resources of Earth. In process of exhaustion of these or those types of natural resources there will be conflicts of various level: interregional, interstate, intercorporate . 11 Presents Environmental problems:
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The world today very much reminds dress rehearsal of the Apocalypse described still by Nostradamus. Practically at the same time there were some natural cataclysms: earthquake in Chile carried away life more than 800 people, the splitting off of a huge glacier in Antarctica threatens a general condition of ecological system of a planet, hurricane in Europe forced to panic million people. The list of natural disasters and large-scale tragedies can be continued and further. 12 Nature answer to the people:
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The hurricane "Sandy" The hurricane "Sandy" is the powerful tropical cyclone which formed at the end of October, 2012 and has affected Jamaica, Cuba, the Bahamas, Haiti, the coast of Florida and, subsequently, the northeast of the USA and east Canada. The heaviest damage was caused to northeast states of the USA, in particular New Jersey and New York. It was created on October 22 . 2012 Broke up on October 30 . 2012 The maximum wind 110 mph (175 km/h) Lower pressure ≤ 951 Mbar ( 713.31 Hg mm) Victims 185 Damage of $50 billion (2012 USD) Areas distributions Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Bahamas, Florida The Flood in Venice 13 The end of the 2012 year ….
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Flood in Venice 2012 came before term. Usually the season of high water in the city begins in the winter, and this year it came in the autumn. Least it was waited by tourists at whom Venice uses wild popularity. As write local mass media, because of flood in Venice the city is flooded almost for 60 %, people if move on streets, knee-deep in water or on special bridges. 14 The end of the 2012 year ….
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Nowadays the woods are cut down very fast: annually more than 20 thousand sq.km forests are destroyed disappear in process of expansion of a plowing of the earth and pastures, growth of preparation of wood . Nowadays degradation of the water environment accepted global character. About 1,3 billion people use only polluted water which become for the reason of many epidemic diseases. Owing to pollution of the rivers and the seas possibilities of fishery are decreased. 15 Nowadays
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Nowadays The most serious alarm is caused by atmosphere pollution by the dust-like and gaseous waste which emissions are directly connected with combustion of mineral fuel and a biomass, and also with mining, construction and other earthwork. Large-scale and dangerous aspect of ecological crisis is impact on the bottom layers of the atmosphere of greenhouse gases, first of all carbon and methane dioxide. Dioxide of carbon arrives in the atmosphere generally as a result of combustion of mineral fuel (2/3 all receipts). To the atmosphere it is getting from some types of agricultural production, leakage of gas from oil . 16 Nowadays
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According to the estimates of the American scientists, for the last 200 years on Earth about 900 thousand species of plants and animals disappeared. In the second half of the XX century process of reduction of a population was sharply accelerated. As a result scientists came to a conclusion that at preservation of existing tendencies in the future disappearance of 1/5 all species occupying nowadays our planet is possible. 17 The Future:
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Prevention – Предотвращение Renewable – Возобновляемый Non-renewable – Невозобновляемый The irreplaceable – Незаменимое Substitutable - Заменимый Earthquake – Землетрясение To threaten - Угрожать Large-scale tragedies – Крупномасштабные трагедии Leakage of gas - Утечка газа Sphere – Сфера Biological diversity - Разнообразие форм жизни 18 Vocabulary:
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