Творческая работа учащейся 7А класса лицея № 15 г. Ставрополя Романенко Анастасии на тему "Выдающиеся личности в Российской истории".
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Peter I The author Anastasia Romanenko Form 7A Lyceum № 15 StavropolСлайд 2
Peter's Childhood His parents were the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ( Тишайший ) and Natalia Kirilovna Naryshkina , the second wife of the king. Peter was a strong and healthy child (Rising Sun), not the example of his thirteen brothers and sisters. Most of the children of Alexey Mikhailovich by his first wife Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya died in infancy.
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Peter I was born on 30 May 1672. When Peter was a child several teachers were delegated to teach him. Among Peter’s tutors were Patrick Gordon, Nikita Zotov and Paul Menesius . This process was commissioned by the Tsar Alexis I.
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Peter was interested in shipping and shipbuilding. He was a tall man and he was about 200 cm. His first marriage was in 1689 with Eudoxia Lopukhina . 10 years later the marriage broke down and Peter’s wife became a nun.
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Peter I implemented important reforms in the sphere of culture and education. He founded secular schools in Russia. During his reign the books were published, he printed a code of rules and i n 1703, the first Russian printed newspaper " Vedomosti “ appeared. In 1725 he opened St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, the school and the University. A lot of beautiful and wonderful buildings and cultural institutions were built, among them the architectural ensemble of Peterhof . Peter 1 encouraged the activities of scientists, engineers, architects, and Arts . All the reforms were aimed at the cultural development of relations with Western European culture. Peter died on 8 February 1725
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The end! Thank you for your attention!
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