С каждым годом все выше интерес мирового сообщества к истории и культуре России, Сибири и конечно, к озеру Байкал. И все больше и больше иностранных туристов приезжают в наш регион. Уже не редкость для жителей нашего района встречи с иностранными гостями. Культурный обмен между разными народами требует от людей знаний реалий страны, региона, города, в котором они живут, и умения донести красоту и самобытность родного края до иностранцев, то есть умения участвовать в диалоге культур.
Визиты иностранных туристов продиктовали нам необходимость создания собственной экскурсии по Шелеховскому району, предназначенной для учеников, изучающих английский язык.
Актуальность данной работы определяется неразработанностью учебных пособий по данной тематике.
Новизна ее заключается в том, что впервые сделана попытка создать виртуальную экскурсию по Шелеховскому району, которую могут провести обучающиеся среднего звена.
Цель нашей работы: создание экскурсии по Шелеховскому району на английском языке для обучающихся, изучающих английский язык и иностранных туристов.
Задачи работы:
Экскурсия состоит из трех частей. В первой части дается краткая информация о Шелеховском районе. Во второй части экскурсии рассказывается о селах и деревнях Шелеховского района и об административном центре городе Шелехове. В третьей части дается описание самых интересных достопримечательностей района.
Маршрут экскурсии: село Баклаши - село Введенщина - село Шаманка – село Моты – село Олха - пос. Чистые Ключи – город Шелехов.
Практическая значимость работы заключается в создании иллюстрированного пособия, презентации и буклетов, которые могут быть использованы:
В дальнейшем планируется продолжить работу по краеведению и составить маршруты экскурсий малых сел Шелеховского района на английском языке.
Мы благодарим за помощь в работе над проектом Ксавьера Мас-Баха, доцента кафедры философии Оксфордского колледжа, (Лондон, Великобритания) и Яна Вермеера, туриста из Бельгии, сотрудника фирмы Сименс.
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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
Шелеховского района «Гимназия»
XII Районная научно-практическая конференция
«Шаг в будущее, Юниор!»
The virtual excursion to the Shelekhovsky district. Guide for tourists.
(Виртуальная экскурсия по Шелеховскому району на английском языке. Путеводитель для туристов)
Исследовательская работа по английскому языку
Работу выполнили: Катасонова Любовь, Работько Денис, Кошкина Валерия, Шулепов Егор, Захватаева Мария, Додатко Софья 5 класс МБОУШР «Гимназия» г. Шелехова Руководитель: Шагдурова Ирина Баировна, учитель английского языка |
Глава 1. Information about the appearance of the Shelekhovsky district………5
Глава 2. Settlements of the Shelekhovsky district. The town of
Shelekhov …………………………………………………………………..6
Глава 3. The most popular sights in Shelekhovsky district …………………….9
Заключение …………………………………………………………………11
Список литературы…………………………………………………………12
С каждым годом все выше интерес мирового сообщества к истории и культуре России, Сибири и конечно, к озеру Байкал. И все больше и больше иностранных туристов приезжают в наш регион. Уже не редкость для жителей нашего района встречи с иностранными гостями. Культурный обмен между разными народами требует от людей знаний реалий страны, региона, города, в котором они живут, и умения донести красоту и самобытность родного края до иностранцев, то есть умения участвовать в диалоге культур.
Визиты иностранных туристов продиктовали нам необходимость создания собственной экскурсии по Шелеховскому району, предназначенной для учеников, изучающих английский язык.
Актуальность данной работы определяется неразработанностью учебных пособий по данной тематике.
Новизна ее заключается в том, что впервые сделана попытка создать виртуальную экскурсию по Шелеховскому району, которую могут провести обучающиеся среднего звена.
Цель нашей работы: создание экскурсии по Шелеховскому району на английском языке для обучающихся, изучающих английский язык и иностранных туристов.
Задачи работы:
Экскурсия состоит из трех частей. В первой части дается краткая информация о Шелеховском районе. Во второй части экскурсии рассказывается о селах и деревнях Шелеховского района и об административном центре городе Шелехове. В третьей части дается описание самых интересных достопримечательностей района.
Маршрут экскурсии: село Баклаши - село Введенщина - село Шаманка – село Моты – село Олха - пос. Чистые Ключи – город Шелехов.
Практическая значимость работы заключается в создании иллюстрированного пособия, презентации и буклетов, которые могут быть использованы:
В дальнейшем планируется продолжить работу по краеведению и составить маршруты экскурсий малых сел Шелеховского района на английском языке.
Мы благодарим за помощь в работе над проектом Ксавьера Мас-Баха, доцента кафедры философии Оксфордского колледжа, (Лондон, Великобритания) и Яна Вермеера, туриста из Бельгии, сотрудника фирмы Сименс.
Chapter 1. Information about the appearance of the Shelekhovsky district
We’ll go on a sightseeing tour of the Shelekhovsky district now. We’ll try to show you the most interesting places of our territory and tell you about its past. We hope that this guide will help you.
20 January is a special day for people living in Shelekhov. On this day the history of the Shelekhovsky district began. The district comprises the villages Olkha, Baklashi, Vvedenshchina, Shamanka, Moty, Chistye Klyuchi and other small settlements. The first mentioning about Vvedenshchina and Baklashi was made in the 17th century. The village Olkha is more than 300 years old. At the beginning of the 19th century Moty and Shamanka were founded, and a hundred years later along the railway the villages Bolshoi Lug, Podkamennaya and Glubokaya were founded. Shelekhov is the youngest settlement in the district, it is only 50.
Today the Shelekhovsky district is an industrial, cultural and educational center. Manufacturing, forestry, power generation and distribution, construction, transport and communication, agriculture, trade and consumer services are developed here. High quality products from leading enterprises in the district have been recognized by Russian and international competitions and exhibitions.
This year is a jubilee year for many institutions and organizations in our area – for Bolshoi Lug, Podkamennaya, Children’s Art school, Police, the cinema "Youth" and others.
The Shelekhovsky district was founded in 1993 and is one of the youngest districts in Irkutsk region.
The first settlements were founded in 1688. The tsar of Russia Peter I gave the Irkutsk Voznesenski Monastery fertile land along the river Irkut. There Vvedenskaya Sloboda and Baklashinskaya village were founded. Today the district comprises 27 villages. About 13,000 people live here.
The Shelekhovsky district is located in the south of the Irkutsk region, 17 km from Irkutsk. In the south it borders on Slyudyanskij district, in the north and west – on Angarsk district, in the east – on the Irkutsk region. In Shelekhov district there are two urban settlements (Shelekhov and Bolshoi Lug), 4 rural settlements (Baklashinskoe, Olkhinskoe, Podkamennkoe, Shamanskoe).
The area of the district is 202 hectares (0.3% of the Irkutsk region).
The length of the district from north to south is 140 km, from west to east - 136 km.
In the Shelekhovsky district there are a lot of interesting and comfortable places for tourists: the urban amusement park, ski slopes in the village Olkha, magnificent monuments of nature, climbing shoes "Starukha", "Idol", "Vityaz."
The district has friendly relations with the city of Rylsk, the hometown of G.I.Shelikhov, the twin city of Nomi (Japan), and the Osinsky district.
Chapter 2. Settlements of the Shelekhovsky district
We’d like to start our tour with the village Baklashi, one of the biggest settlements of the Shelekhovsky district. Baklashi was founded in the 17th century as a watch Winterland called Okininskoe. It guarded Irkutsk from the south. Then the watch Winterland grew into a village called Okinino-Baklashi (Akinina-Baklashi), now Baklashi. The name Baklashi means that the majority of suburban population made "thumbs" or “baklushi”, birch blanks for manufacturing items for the city. The village was surrounded with a huge birch forest.
In February 1, 1900 a school was opened in the village. For a long time, the school was the only educational institution for the villages of Mammony, Maksimovshchina, Markovo, Smolenshchina, Vvedenshchina, Pionersk and others.
A twice Hero of the Soviet Union Afanasy Pavlantievich Beloborodov was born in Baklashi. During his visit in 1959 the General decided to build a new brick school. Now the school is named after General Beloborodov.
The village is located near the town of Shelekhov, so most of the population works in the town. The village is very popular among Shelekhov people, they move to Baklashi, build strong, solid houses, acquire farms, all people have their own gardens.
Now farming is developing and new farms are building, young people come back to the village.
Now we go to another old settlement, the Vvedenshchina village. It is more than 300 years old. Vvedenshchina was founded as a male settlement of Voznesenski monastery. The Church, built in the second half of the 17th century, became the first cult institution in the village of Vvedenshchina. The building of the Church burned several times and was restored again. In 1935 the Church was closed.
Now the church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul is being erected in Shelekhov. This temple is almost completed. Currently the religious service is held there.
In 1891 the school in the village was founded. Today the school №11 is the centre of cultural life of the village.
On the left bank of the river Irkut there is Shamanka situated. The ferry terminal connects it with the right bank. In winter the road goes on the ice. There is a hanging bridge here. The village got its name from the Evenk "Shaman" - "medicine man", "priest". The village was built in 1927. All huts and houses were built by immigrants from the Ukraine. In 1948 people from Lithuania were sent to Shamanka. Together with local people, Lithuanians cut down the forest and built the village of Kuitun, 9 kilometers from Shamanka. In 1958 the Lithuanians were allowed to leave Shamanka. Some people left, but many stayed and now live in Shamanka. One of them is Vincas Thomas, the oldest resident of Shamanka. He is 97 years old, 48 years he spent in the village. In 1945 Japanese soldiers were sent to Shamanka.
Not far from Shamanka there is a big settlement called Moty. It got its name after elks in the Evenk language. Long time ago this territory was full of elks, that are never come across nowadays. There are 35 streets in the settlement. Every summer hundreds of children go to Moty’s camp “Orlyenok”.
The first mentioning of the village can be found in 1701. But in Irkutsk museum there is a picture of the Moty tower dating back to 1600. The tower was on the bank of the river Katorzhanka. It served as a transit point for exiled convicts.
There was a chapel of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky. In 1862 the construction of the Moty post station began. It became a transit point on the way to Lake Baikal. People changed horses there during their long travelling.
Mikhail Zagoskin, a famous Siberian writer, historian, researcher and traveler, stayed in the village of Moty in 1864.
Now about 400 people live there. People are mainly engaged in hunting and fishing. There is no school in Moty, children study in Shamanka.
The beauty of the village is sung by people, there is a book about Moty “This beautiful village is three hundred years old”.
The Folklore Group "Rechenka" is popular among local people, it takes part in regional competitions and concerts.
The residents celebrate the Village Day, they organize a big concert.
In Moty you can see the magnificent monument of nature - Shamansky Cliff, as well as monuments to veterans of World War II, a monument to the hero of the Civil War Salnikov A.A.
The village of Olkha was founded in the early XVIII century. Olkha is one of the oldest settlements of the Shelekhovsky district. The most part of the population were Cossacks. The most popular family name was Koshkin. People worked as miners, they rafted wood. There was a large mill in the village. The main sight was the Nikolskaya Church.
After the Great October Revolution the church was closed. The New Olkha lime plant was founded. Later the school was opened. Now Olkha is famous for its resort “Olkha”, the ski base “Olkha” and its meadows of rare orchids.
Our next stop is a small army town Chistye Klyuchi. It is an island of peace and beauty, a paradise. This amazing eco-friendly piece of nature is 10 minutes from Shelekhov, between the hills at the edge of the valley. In Chistye Klyuchi there are only seven blocks of flats and one street. The town is surrounded with picturesque hills and fields that are especially beautiful in autumn and winter. The construction of the town began in 1972, the population is about 3, 000 people, mostly military families. Till 2012 Artillery Brigade located here.
In the 18th century the main post road was built which was to unite the European part of Russia and Asia and China. At the same time the construction of Krugomorsky tract started, later known as Krugobaikalsky. 200 exiles worked on the construction of it. According to the legend, they first came across a clean drinking water supply. This story was remembered during the construction of the town in 1972. Later Chistye Klyuchi was chosen as a place for a military unit. The military workers with their families lived in tents. "It was very difficult”, the old people remember. “First we lived in tents, then in barracks. There was no light, we cooked on fires outside. The water was imported. There was no transport to Shelekhov. Children were taken to school in Shelekhov, Vvedenshchina by a special bus. Later a school was opened in one of the huts, and then the officers' club started to work."
Now Chistye Klyuchi has some problems because the military unit was transferred to another place recently, so now Chistye Klyuchi is being reorganized to a civil settlement.
The town of Shelekhov.
We would like to invite you to a virtual excursion about our favourite town, Shelekhov, the center of the Shelekhov district.
Our town was named in honor of Grigory Shelikhov, a great Russian Siberia discoverer and merchant. He was famous for his expedition to North America where the first Russian settlements were founded.
Shelekhov is situated in the vale of two rivers Irkut and Olkha. It is 18 km far from Irkutsk city and 75 km far from the Baikal Lake. About 50,000 people live here.
Shelekhov is one of the youngest Siberian cities. It was founded in 1953.
The town has its own blazon since 1993. On the blazon we can see a symbol of our area – zharok, a siberian flower; a schooner “Galiot“, the symbol of the name; a Babr, a symbol of Irkutsk land. A blue color symbolizes the lake Baikal, an orange color is a symbol of gold, wealth and fortune; red means struggle and freedom, white means clear and silver is a symbol of honor and dignity.
Shelekhov is a member of the Association of Siberian and Far Eastern cities. It is in the Union of Russian small towns and in the international association "Twin Towns."
Since 1991 Shelekhov and Rylsk are twin-towns. Rylsk is a birthplace of Grigory Shelikhov.
In 1976 a treaty was signed twinning Shelekhov and a Japanese town of Neagari.
This document has opened new opportunities for closer cooperation in the most different areas - culture, health, education, gave impulse to an active exchange of children's and youth delegations. Each summer the best students, art groups and athletes of Shelekhov district go to Japan and our Siberian people take pupils from the Land of the Rising Sun.
During his last visit, in 1987, Shigeki Mori, a mayor of Neagari, asked to be buried in Shelekhov. Mori insisted on his decision because he didn’t want his business to die with him. He said that Japanese never leave relatives’ graves. He was sure if at least one of his bones would be buried in Siberia, relatives would come to his grave, and the friendship between the two cities will be continued. Mori himself chose a place for the future grave in the Shelekhov cemetery. In 1989 Shigeki Mori died. A year later, his son, Yoshiro, the future prime minister of Japan, brought to Shelekhov an urn with the ashes of his father. According to the last will, the deceased was read the burial service in the Orthodox Church. One of the squares in Shelekhov is named Neagari.
One of the Shelekhov’s places of interest is Municipal Museum of G.I. Shelikhov.
Scenic dioramas, collections of rocks, archaeological and paleobotanical findings, a herbarium, and old household items reveal the amazing world of nature, ethnography and history of Shelekhov district.
A monument to G.I.Shelikhov was installed near the palace of culture "Metallurg" in December 3, 1995.
Chapter 3. The most popular sights in Shelekhov district
In addition to, the Shelekhovsky district has many unique places that attract the attention of tourists.
For example, the highest peak. The highest peak of the Shelekhov district is mountainous ridge, located near the rocks “King's gate”(the region of the river Moigoti, a tributary of the Irkut river.) It is more than 1200 meters high. In Shelekhov area there are two more skalniks in the village Podkamennаya and Orlenok. From the highest point you can see wonderful views of the natural landscape. Unfortunately, the Royal Gates and the nearby area are not protected, so the territory is littered and the rocks are covered with graffiti.
The highest and the thickest
2011 was proclaimed as the international Year of Forests. An ethnographer from Shelekhov Vladimir Fedorovich Trakai, took part in the all-Russia program of «Trees are monuments of live nature». He explored the forests in our area and came to the conclusion that one of the oldest trees (approximately 300 years) is a larch growing in the area of the station Sadovaya (near the camp «Record»). This larch is also one of the thickest, its perimeter is 3.4 meters, diameter - 1.1 m, and height is 24 meters.
According to Trakai’s research, the highest tree in the Shelekhovsky district is a pine tree on the territory of the camp «Metallurg». Its height is 33 meters, the girth of 3.27 meters, and the hypothetical age of it is 300 years.
These relict trees, miraculously preserved, having gone through the fire, logging, flooding, with full rights can be entered in the register of the living nature monuments.
«A Pea Stone»
The Shelekhov district is considered to be the birth place of granites and other unique natural resources. At the present moment in the center of Bolshoi Lug there is an unattractive stone, at first sight, but it turns out that it is a fossilized algae. The scientists say there you can find «pea stones» the basis of which are fossilized algae. This stone was found in the past decade in the area of Olkha. It means that there was a sea centuries ago.
In the village of Pionersk there are archeological monuments of the ancient person period of the Neolithic age (1st Millennium BC). It indicates that the territory was populated 13-14 thousand years ago.
The Olkha miracle flower
In Shelekhov district there are many rare plants, among them there is an orchid that biologists stand out. Orchids are always appreciated by botanists, they are rare. In Shelekhov district three types of orchids grow: orchids, orchid and Lubka Calypso bulbosa. The latter is one of the rarest in the Baikal region but here in Olkha you can see meadows of orchids. This fact is unique because the tiniest seeds calypso can grow only in places inaccessible to man. The flower is very afraid of fire, logging and careless attitude to nature. Calypso is used in folk medicine.
Also in the area of Pionersk, on the left bank of the Irkut, there is a unique place, the Birch Island, where Orchids grow, and therefore we can talk about creating a protected zone there.
The healing water
In the village Olkha there is a mineral source which is a hydrological natural monument. Water from local wells is sold in stores under the name "Irkutskaya" and is very popular among the local population. For 40 years, the water of Olkha is popular all over the Irkutsk region.
There is a mineral salty spring at the mouth of the creek Cook-Yurt, which flows into the Olkha river. It is recommended to be entered into the number of protected areas.
Not far from it there is another object - the so-called source, "36 km". It also contains high amounts of calcium, magnesium, silica, sulfates and bicarbonates.
It is impossible not to recall the well of mineral water contained in the sanatorium "Metallurg".
Here we will finish our tour around the Shelekhov territory.
So you see our territory is small but developing. We believe in good prospects and a nice future.
Welcome to the Shelekhovsky district!
The regions are like people, have their own appearances, characters, biographies… All that determines the essence and the originality of the region. There is no doubt that the Shelekhovsky district is unique in its beauty and historical significance. It’s famous for its museums, educational institutions, people and we want to share our love and knowledge about our native town with you…
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