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Amphibian The work made : Boikova N atashaСлайд 2
Characteristics of amphibians The skin is smooth 2 slimy Haven`t scales ,hair or feathers Lay eggs ( spawn) in water Hatch from eggs Metamorphosis Have gills and lungs Don`t drink like other animals , but absorb water through skin
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Life cycle o f a frog Eggs (spawn) Tadpoles white tails Grow legs Develop lungs Adult
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Tricolor climbers ( трёхцветный древолаз) Adult males reach sizes 19-24.5 mm. Females grow up a little more - up to 21.5-26.5 mm . Adult dart frogs eat small arthropods, mostly small insects . Reproduction occurs during the rainy season. Masonry consists of 15-40 eggs, which are about 2 mm in diameter. Eggs are laid in leaf litter. The male guards the eggs for two weeks until they are incubated. The male also periodically moisturizes and protects the eggs offspring. The development of the larval stage takes about sixty days, resulting tadpoles turn into frogs diameter of about 11 mm . natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests, subtropical or tropical moist forests, lowlands, rivers, freshwater marshes, rural gardens
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Slingshot Kranvella (Рогатка Кранвелла ) In nature, eats large prey, comparable to the size of the frog. Usually, the victims of this frog are chicks or small mammals . Become sexually mature at 18 months. In males, the throat (throat pouch) high and free, in a number of dark spots. If a frog from the sprinkler to water the male begins to croak, the female will remain silent . Common in South America. Lives in the rainforest on the banks of water bodies, marshy areas. Conducts land-based way of life . Reaches about 20 cm in length.
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Jumper B o ttger ( Прыгунья Бёттгера ) Females reach a size slightly greater than 30 mm, while the males remain smaller . Inhabits wetlands and rice fields in southeastern Madagascar . Frogs, nocturnal, mate in the cage all year round. During mating, the female partner is often worn on his back for days. The eggs are glued directly to just above the water or in the water on the plants. The first tadpoles of pipping from the egg to the complete transformation into a frog requires more than 80 days, then - more than double the time.
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Red and black climbers ( Красно- черный древолаз) Small frog, the first half of the body from yellow to red, the other black. The two colors merge in the middle of the body and a feeling that the bright frog dressed in dark pants. Through the eye to the body is a broad dark band . It inhabits tropical forests at an altitude of 1300-1800 meters often a place where this species are covered with thick fog . Eggs are laid in a nest and guarded and washed with water only once samtsami. Males immediately refer all tadpoles in water, which can be grown together.
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American Proteus (Американский протей) Its dimensions are 16 to 43 cm It is widespread in the eastern half of North America. He lives in the cool clear lakes with sandy and rich vegetation . Active at night when looking for small crustaceans, worms, insects and their larvae, and small fish and tadpoles. Active all year round. At low temperatures, freezes into ice, but revived during thawing . Proliferate normally in September - November, less in the winter or spring. Internal fertilization: the female cloaca captures deferred male spermatophore . Usually in May - June is laying dozens of eggs, often under stones or in between.
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Pyrenean Brook Newt (Пиренейский горный тритон) Distributed in the Pyrenees mountains, at an altitude of 2000 m He lives in the clear mountain lakes and streams . During the breeding season the male firmly grasps the female front legs and grabs it with his teeth, passing the spermatophore in the female cloaca. Large eggs with a diameter of about 2.5 mm (without shells), the female lays one by one on underwater plants or stones.
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Hokkaido Newt (Хоккайдский углозуб) Body length with a tail up to 18.5 cm Occurs in northern Japan, on the island of Hokkaido. Unlike the Siberian salamander, a typical inhabitant of lowland Hokkaido salamander lives in the hills and hills. During the breeding season inhabits waters cleaner and more plentiful . Breeders form large clusters. They lay their eggs in the form of paired spiralized mucous bags on branches, grass, even the concrete walls of reservoirs.
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Dark salamander ( Темная саламандра) Length 10 cm color is dark brown with black pattern Common in the eastern half of North America. Live under leaves in moist shady places . Active at dusk and at night when leaving the shelter, feeding on earthworms, millipedes, molluscs , woodlice and insects . In July - August is the breeding season. Male his chin, where the special glands secreting a secret aphrodisiac female, females rub on the face. After that, he gives her the cloaca spermatophore . Some time later, the female lays 12-26 eggs, 3 mm in diameter, in the recesses of the soil or under stones. She wraps laying his body and does not leave until the eggs hatch the larvae . Species is lungless salamanders. They do not have lungs and from the nostrils to the upper lip is vertical crease - a kind of body chemoreception.
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Underground salamander (Подземная саламандра) Body length of 12-14 cm Color milky, slightly pink. The eyes are small . Lives in the Missouri basin . Salamanders eat insects and small invertebrates. Due to the slow metabolism, they eat little and often . Its larvae live in mountain streams, have normal skin pigmentation and well developed eyes. After metamorphosis, salamanders go into underground streams and are white or slightly pink, their eyes are closed and almost translucent skin . Species is lungless salamanders. They do not have lungs and from the nostrils to the upper lip is vertical crease - a kind of body chemoreception.
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