Данная презентация знакомит обучающихся с местонахождением Австралии, близлежащими островами. Яркие фотографии помогут живо представить эту страну.
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Слайд 1
Geographical location of AustraliaСлайд 2
Australia is the smallest continent in the World. It is completely located to the south of the equator in south tropic.
Слайд 3
Islands The largest islands are: in the north : Melvill , Baterst , Grut -Island; in the south: Tasmania, King, Flinders and Kangaroo; in the west : Derk-Hartog ; in the east: Frayzer . Melvill & Baterst T asmania
Слайд 4
Oceania To the north and east from Australia, in south-west part of the Pacific ocean there are many large and small islands of different origin . They are called Oceania. Their area isabout 1,3 million square kilometers.
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Polynesia All other islands in the central and southern parts of the Pacific ocean are called Polynesia. These islands are Hawaiian, Layn and others.
Слайд 6
Australia - continent-island Australia is washed by the Pacific and Indian oceans. It is not connected with other continents by land. So Australia sometimes is called the continent-island.
Слайд 7
Big Barrier Reef Big Barrier Reef is a big amount of coral reefs and islands in the Coral Sea on the north-eastern seaside of Australia. It is 2500 kilometers long.
Слайд 8
Thank you for your attention This presentation was made by Belavin max Class 9 B Teacher - Kovalenko N.A.
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