Презентация по теме " Праздники и традиции Великобритании". Один из самых популярных и интересных праздников " Dad's Day"
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Dad's Day Лобанов Алексей 7 класс ГБОУ СОШ «Школа здоровья» № 901 Г. Москва Руководитель: Нехорошева Н.В.Слайд 2
The appearance of a holiday «Dad's Day» " Dad's Day" - a holiday whose main task - to emphasize the role of father in parenting and the formation of a new identity. "Dad's Day" - a holiday whose main task - to emphasize the role of father in parenting and the formation of a new identity .
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Contests Holiday Parents at the holidays with the children took part in competitions, most of which is competition ", the Pope, having fun on the rides, watching interesting shows, participated in the prize sweepstakes. During the day, were musicians. Especially for dads and their children were prepared three play areas: "Sports", "Studio"and "creative", where you can participate in various competitions.
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One of the main competitions of both festivals was a contest for the title "Father of the Year.
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Contests Holiday As "Dad's Day" is aimed at strengthening family values and the increasing importance of men in the upbringing of children, to come to him to be with my dad. However, throughout the day to work on holidays "Best Dad" specially invited by the animators who were in competition pairs the children who come without a dad
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Photos from the holiday "Dad's Day"
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Источник информации
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В чём смысл жизни. // Д.С.Лихачев. Письма о добром и прекрасном. Письмо пятое
Твёрдое - мягкое
"Морская болезнь" у космонавтов
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