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Sc o tland Scotland is situated in the North of Great Britain and occupies the area of 787 square miles . It is washed by the North Sea and by the Atlantic Ocean.Слайд 2
The Flag of Scotland
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The Coat of Arms of Scotland
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A thistle is a symbol of Scotland
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Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. The population is 4,996,000. The state language is English. Some Facts About Scotland
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Scotland is a very beautiful country: bright landscapes, romantic castles with ghosts, riddles of the Loch Ness Lake. Everything attracts your attention.
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Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland It is very beautiful. The heart of the city is the castle, where the kings of Scotland lived for centuries.
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International Festival Every year, in August, the International Festival takes place. Musicians, actors and singers come from all over the world. Thousands of visitors fill the city .
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Every night there is a magnificent military “Tattoo”. Highland soldiers wearing kilts play the bagpipers and march to the music . International Festival
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Only in Scotland men wear kilts more often than women. Check is always in fashion here. Traditional clothes
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The Scottish musical instrument is a pipe or bagpipe. Bagpipe
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Wearing of tartans (colored checks) is traditional in Scotland. Originally, the tartan was worn as a long piece of cloth thrown over the shoulders. Tartan
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Scotland is a land of mountains and lakes
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Sterling Castle
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Edinburgh Castle
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Loch Ness Lake It is the biggest and the deepest in Great Britain. It is famous for its Loch Ness Monster.
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Выполнена : Новик Е лизаветой , ученицей 7 класса МБОУ сош.№1 Учитель: Киселёва Н.Н
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