Презентация подготовлена учениками 8-го класса перед началом изучения темы Travelling. Целью данного задания было повышение мотивации учащихся к изучению нового материала и стимулирование учебной деятельности путём обращения к дополнительным источникам информации.
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Why do people travel? People around the world love to travel. They travel to learn more about other countries and look at the lives of people , visit famous places and attractions. Sometimes people dream to visit some place for a long time.
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How do people travel? People usually travel by airplanes, by ships, by trains and by car .
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The most popular way to travel is by plane!
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The most visited country in the world is France!
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And we’ve been there!
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Warm countries People visit France to enjoy the beauty of this country. But travelling is not only for the beauty and attractions . Many people visit warm countries to relax on the seaside .
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So, all people travel for different purposes and t o different countries, but a journey is always interesting and unforgettable!
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