Презентация исследовательского проекта "School Education in Russia and Britain"
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School Education in Russia and Great Britain Авторы: Михайленко Евгения Чуфарова Анастасия 10 «В» класс, МБОУ СОШ № 67 Руководитель: Ваторопина Елена Васильевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 67Слайд 2
School education is a very important part of general education in a modern society .
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The objectives of the work to develop skills of research work and their application to the solution of actual practical tasks; to study the literature on the topic that is available on the internet and in the libraries and summarize the valuable information; to conduct a survey and to discuss the results of our research paper at the school conference; to share opinions with our teachers about the school of our dream.
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The object of the investigation is school education. The subject of the investigation is the learning process in Russian and British schools.
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School Education in Russia Professional Stages of Year of education Age Types of schools Schools, Colleges education Technical Schools General secondary schools Specialized schools Gymnasiums Lusees Private Schools 11 17 Upper school General Compulsory Education 10 16 Secondary 9 15 Education 8 14 Middle school 7 13 6 12 5 11 4 10 Elementary 3 9 Primary school Education 2 8 1 7 6 Pre-school 5 Kindergarten Education 4 3
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School Education in Great Britai n Year of education Age Types of schools Stages of education 14-18 18-23 Professional Schools, Colleges, Technical Schools 13 17 Grammar Secondary 12 16 Schools Modern Comprehensive Private Education Compulsory Education 11 15 Schools Schools Schools 10 14 9 13 8 12 7 11 6 10 Primary Schools Junior School Primary 5 9 Education 4 8 3 7 2 6 Infant School 1 5 4 Nursery school Pre-school 3 Education
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My school School is a place where we spend a great amount of time. I suppose, one of the most important periods of our life is the period of studying at school. It’s actually the whole epoch for schoolchildren: they get major knowledge about outside world, obtain certain skills and get the experience of living in the society.
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Investigation into the problem 33 pupils and 15 teachers took part in this questionnaire. Questionnaire 1. Are you satisfied with the quality and the volume of knowledge, getting at school? 2. What country has the highest level of education? 3. What disadvantages does our school have? 4. Would you like to study abroad? 5. What country would you like to study in?
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Questionnaire Results Students (33 students were asked)
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Teachers (15 teachers were asked)
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According to the results of the survey we can make some conclusions and give some advice to our school leaders and teachers. To make the level of our school education better and the process of teaching more effective the following should be done: To increase the number of computers at school. Every school study should have computers and other techniques. To improve the quality of training of teachers. All of them should be able to work on computers. To pay more attention on sports activities for pupils: to organize different sports clubs. To give students more possibilities to have a good rest. To organize music clubs. The teachers should be more tolerant, patient and encouraging. We are sure that good education is the key to a nation's greatness.
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Thank you for attention!
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