Данная презентация посвящена одной из самых известных и востребованных актрис Вуппи Голдберг. За основу был взят материал Рабочей тетради для 9 класса по английскомиу языку ,автор Биболетова М. З.
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Whoopi Goldberg (November 13/ 1955) Manhattan , USAСлайд 2
Детство According to the proposal of mother Caryn took itself a pseudonym Goldberg: the surname Johnson «insufficiently Jewish to make it a star» Since eight years started to act at Elaine Rubenstayn's art children's theater where gained the first experience of performance on a scene and the lessons of acting unique in the life. Teachers highly appreciated early the shown talent of the girl. Caryn's high-grade general education didn't receive: it was registered some years among lagging behind, and then was compelled to throw school because of difficulties with mastering by reading and the letter — dyslexias .
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Ю ность In the late 1960-х Caryn adjoined movement of hippie, left the house to live in a commune where conceived a liking for marihuana, and later — and to heavier drugs. Long time anywhere didn't work, existed on an unemployment benefit. She tried to get rid more than once of drug addiction, but all was unsuccessfully, to its meeting in the early seventies with Alvin Martin, the activist of the organization «Against drugs». Alvin convinced her of need to change the life, helped to throw drugs. Soon they got married, a year later at Caryn Alexander's daughter was born. Caryn worked as the night watchman, stacked bricks, made up dead men in a mortuary while at last, in 1974, through one of theatrical agencies it managed to find actor's vacancy in new theater of the city of San Diego. Alvin refused to leave New York, and they had to leave; together with daughter Caryn got over on the western coast of America.
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Т еатр It began the theatrical career already under Whoopi Goldberg's pseudonym. To San Diego онаучаствовала in creation of city theater « Repertori тиэтр », then passed to « Blek Street тиэтр » (San Francisco). Played and in several amateur troupes. The leading role in the play «Mummy Spirit» became one of her first works. After in one of evenings Whoopi it was necessary to substitute at the same time with execution of a leading role also one of sick actors, it had an idea of a solo performance in which she would execute 6ролей — from the beggar to the millionaire. This project realized in 1983, received the name «Show of ghosts» and made big success. With it Whoopi went on tour not only across America, but also in Canada and Europe. Performance was noticed by director Mike Nichols who in 1984 helped Whoopi to organize performance on the Broadway. Here she received the invitation in a row statements, in particular, took part in the musical «Jesus Christ — the superstar».В work at cinema practically didn't leave the next years by it time for theater, however it is known about its several works, in particular, she plays in the melodrama «Love letters» in a duet with T.Dalton .
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К ино In 1985, having heard about preparation for the screen version of the epic novel of Alice Walker «Flowers lilac fields» (which called Afro-American analog of "Gone with the Wind"), Whoopi sent to the writer the letter with a request to invite her to act in this film. Alice Walker who is already familiar with theatrical works of Whoopi, addressed to director Stephen Spielberg with this offer, and the actress received Seliya Johnson's leading role, the black American who is spiritually evolving throughout a narration from the hammered housewife to independently conceiving resolute woman. Whoopi Goldberg's bright film debut was noted by an award «The gold globe» and the nomination on " Oscar".Начав from deeply drama role, Whoopi Goldberg continued the career in cinema mainly in entertaining genres: comedies, criminal comedies, detectives, series, fantasy. Among the most known films with its participation — "Jack Fidget", "Thief", «The fatal beauty», «Act, the sister!», "Ghost", «Camelot Knight», etc. Role of the charming and excentric character, the independent woman spitting on any conventions that was promoted in no small measure by own daily image cultivated by it was fixed to it. However, its drama film works, for example, in such tapes as «Ghosts of Mississippi», «A long way home», in Andrey Konchalovsky's film «Homer and Eddie», the received Grand Prix on the International film festival in San Sebastian are widely known also.
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Т елевиденье At the same time with work at Whoopi Goldberg's cinema wins also television. She was some years the constant participant of comic show «Comic help», conducted author's токшоу . Some seasons acted in film in a fantastic TV series "Star Trek", in some other series appeared as the invited guest (The 18th series).В 1994 Whoopi Goldberg debuted the detective agency " Lunny svet ", the 2nd season as leading ceremony of delivery of the awards "Oscar"; since then it makes grandiose success in quality of the leader of various ceremonies. Private life, views and belief Whoopi Goldberg was married officially three times: for Alvin Martin, the father of her unique daughter Aleksandra (the 70th years), for photographer Devid Kassen (1988 — 1990) from businessman Michael Trakhtenberg (1994 — 1995). Также to it attribute some civil marriages and novels, mainly with the Hollywood actors and other film figures: Frank Landzhella , Ted Denson, Timothy Dalton, Eddie Gold. Whoopi Goldberg doesn't hide the radical social views, openly criticizes conservative actions of administration of the USA and Republican Party, supporting equality of cultures and religions, legalization of unisex marriages. In 1998 it published the book under the name "Book" where in an excentric manner inherent in it derides the hypocrisy of modern society disappearing behind a mask of political correctness
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П ремии 1986 год — награда «Золотой глобус» и номинация на «Оскар» в категории «Лучшая актриса» за фильм «Цветы лиловых полей». 1991 год — награды «Оскар» и «Золотой глобус» в категории «Лучшая актриса второго плана» за фильм «Привидение».
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