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Районная научно-практическая конференция школьников
«Я намечаю путь к открытию»
I live on Yamal
Научно-исследовательская работа
Тунякин Борис Дмитриевич,
ученик 10 А класса
Муниципального общеобразовательного
учреждения «Уренгойская средняя
общеобразовательная школа №2»
Корчагина Елена Михайловна,
учитель английского языка
Муниципального общеобразовательного
учреждения «Уренгойская средняя
общеобразовательная школа №2»
2006 год
«Я живу на Ямале»,
Тунякин Борис Дмитриевич,
ЯНАО, Пуровский район, посёлок Уренгой,
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Уренгойская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2», 10А класс
Мы живем, учимся, работаем на Крайнем Севере, в суровых климатических условиях.
Как эти суровые условия влияют на здоровье человека? Отличается ли образ жизни человека, живущего на Севере, от образа жизни человека, живущего в других регионах России? Почему количество людей, приезжающих сюда, ежегодно увеличивается? Каким образом можно минимизировать вредное воздействие климатических условий?
Это и определило тему моего исследования.
We live, study, work in the Far North, in severe climatic conditions. How do they influence on man’s health? Does the way of life in the North differ from the way of life in other regions of Russia? Why do the number of people has been increasing yearly? How can unhealthy influence of climatic conditions be minimized? These questions determined the theme of my investigation.
«Я живу на Ямале»,
Тунякин Борис Дмитриевич,
ЯНАО, Пуровский район, посёлок Уренгой,
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Уренгойская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2», 10А класс
Данная работа посвящена изучению влияния суровых природных условий на жизнь людей и проблеме сохранения здоровья на Крайнем Севере.
Актуальность данного исследования в том, что работа позволит скорректировать образ жизни, что оптимально поможет человеку адаптироваться к экстремальным условиям.
Объект исследования – изучение климатических особенностей окружающей среды и природных условий Крайнего Севера.
Гипотеза – суровые условия Крайнего Севера отличаются от природных условий других районов нашей страны, поэтому они могут существенно повлиять на жизнедеятельность человека.
Цель – выяснить влияние природных условий и окружающей среды на жизнь людей.
– собрать информацию о климато-географической и медико-биологической характеристиках факторов Крайнего Севера.
– проанализировать особенности природных условий Крайнего Севера.
Методы: анализ статистических материалов; статей из энциклопедических изданий;
В исследовании использованы данные мониторинга заболеваемости за 2006 год Уренгойской ЦРБ, материалы беседы с терапевтом Медведевой Т.С., статистом Субботиной Л.Г., фельдшером школы Табачниковой Н.Н., информация миграционной службы Уренгойского ПОМ.
Ценность данной работы в том, что она выполнена на английском языке и может быть рекомендована в качестве дополнительного материала при работе с лексикой для изучающих английский язык, а также при подготовке к урокам и факультативным занятиям.
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
«Я живу на Ямале»,
Тунякин Борис Дмитриевич,
ЯНАО, Пуровский район, посёлок Уренгой,
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Уренгойская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2», 10А класс
Ямал… Никогда не был он безлюдным и пустынным диким краем… Многообразна история его земель, корнями своими уходящая в седую древность. И я глубоко убеждён в том, что великолепная северная природа края, богатства его недр, обеспечившие создание крупнейшего нефтегазодобывающего комплекса страны, а также социальный, культурный, исторический потенциал населения округа, образованный содружеством народов России, - все это является не только отечественным, но и мировым достоянием | Yamal…It has never been uninhabited and deserted wild area…History of its dating back since ancient times is comprehensive. I am deeply convinced that excellent northern nature of our area, its entrails wealth, providing development of oil and gas complex of our country, as well as its social, cultural and historical potential formed by Russia’s peoples commonwealth is not only national, but also world’s property. |
. Governor of Yamalo – Nenetz Autonomous Area Yu. V. Neelov
1.1. Geographical position.
Yamalo-Nenetz Autonomous Area is located in the very centre of Eurasian continent in the North of the West-Siberian plane. In the West it borders on Komi Republic and Nenetz Autonomous Area. In the East it borders on Taimirsky – Dolgano-Nenetz Autonomous Area.
In the South it borders on Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area. In the North it is washed by the Kara Sea waters, where about 900 kilometers of Russian State Border stretch. From the North to the South the autonomous area is about 1200 km long; from the West to East it is about 1130 km
long. Yamalo Nenenz Autonomous Area covers the area of 750 000 square km, which exceeds 1,5 times the territory of such European state as France. About 50 percent of the area territory is located beyond the Polar Circle.
Due to it the climate is essentially severe.
1.2. Climate.
The severe climate is determined by its geographical location and depends on the number of factors. The main factors are solar radiation and the dependence upon cyclones and anticyclones which are generated thousands of kilometers away from the Northern Atlantic area, Middle Asia and Europe. The main features of this geographical environment are: negative radiative balance, intensive cyclonic activity, unsteady changeable weather, harsh fluctuation of meteorological factors.
The climate can be characterized by severe long winters with long lasting snow period, by short transitional seasons – spring and autumn, by short cold summer, late spring and early autumn slight frosts.
Duration of seasons (the area of Urengoy)
Season | Beginning | End | Duration (days) |
Winter | 13.10 | 26.05 | 226 |
Spring | 27.05 | 19.06 | 25 |
Summer | 20.06 | 24.08 | 35 |
Autumn | 25.08 | 12.10 | 49 |
Lasts for 7-8 months. It is very severe with strong winds and snowstorms. The shortest day lasts 1 hour 7 minutes. The period of ultra-violet hunger is about 170 days. Winter begins early – in the middle of October the temperature is 5 below zero. The period from December till February is the most severe. The absolute minimum can be -45 – 50’ C.
Slow thaw of peat-bogs delays the rise of temperature. The middle temperature is -3 – 9’C. Spring is late, short, cool. Slight frosts are till June.
Begins at the end of the first – the beginning of the second dozen June days. Summer is very short and cold due to Arctic Ocean closeness, cloudy, with frequent slight frosts. The frostless period lasts 50 days. The absolute maximum was 35’ above zero. The number of hours of sun radiance is 768.
It comes early – at the end of August – beginning of September. At the beginning of October snow covers the earth. The absolute minimum is15-20’ C.
The maintenance of oxygen is higher in winter and less in summer – off-limited for people.
Yamalo-Nenetskiy Autonomous Region belongs to discomfort territory with extremely intensive natural pressing on people’s health.
1.3. Medical and biological characteristic of the factors of north.
Daily change (суточная изменчивость). Due to daily change it is difficult for people to adapt to the changeable factors of environment.
Polar day and polar night. (полярный день, полярная ночь). They can cause irritation, the sense of anxiety and tension, depression, non-adequate reaction.
Partial absence of people’s protection from influence of climatic factors on production and in the mode of life. (частичная защита организма человека от воздействия климатических факторов на производстве и в быту.)
1.4. The index of main diseases among adults in Urengoy (2006)
One of the main diseases among adults is hypertension (артериальная гипертония) – 30 %. The reasons are falls of atmospheric pressure, sunny radiation and cold. Another serious disease is depression among young people ( the age from18 to 30). The reasons are low temperatures, lack of sunny light, lack of vitamin D.
As for junior pupils, from 53 children only 15 children are healthy (8%).
The reasons are: cold, the climatic conditions, unhealthy way of life.
The influence of factors of external environment leads to lowering of capacity for work, appearance of diseases, deterioration of quality and duration of life.
Ecological factors influence on changes in people’s organism.
The most extreme factors are: cold, aerodynamic regime (harsh falls of atmospheric
pressure, constant strong winds, high air humidity), the peculiarities of nutrition
2.1. Statistics of demography in Urengoy.
In spite of severe climatic conditions the population has been increasing.
| 9624 чел. |
| 9518 чел. |
| 9468 чел. |
| 9407 чел. |
| 9392 чел. |
| 9366 чел. |
| 9210 чел. |
| 9152 чел. |
There are several reasons why people come to the Far North. The main reasons are:
1. The standard of living is higher than in other regions.
2. Women are entitled to a pension at the age of 50 and men at 55.
3. Different categories of citizens are provided with social benefits: maternity allowance, a child allowance, retirement pension, unemployment benefit.
4. People have a possibility to find a job.
Yamalo-Nenetz Autonomous Area became world famous when its tremendous were found entrails reserves of natural gas.
Oil- and gas-producing complex in YNAA has been developing for about 30 years, but already it has the most important part of the economic. About 200 fields of gas and oil were discovered within several decades.
In Polar tundra unique giant fields of nature gas reserves with capacity of a trillion and more cubic meters were found. They are –
Medvezhye – about 3 trillion cubic meters,
Yamburg – about 7 trillion cubic meters,
Urengoy – over 12 trillion cubic meters, and others such as Bovanenkovskoye, Zapolyarnoye,
Kharasawayskoye. Rich oil fields, such as Novoportovskoye, Russkoye were found too.
Geologists pay much attention to the search of gas condensate, which is called “light” oil. The main character of fuel and energy complex in the territory of the autonomous area, its economy is still OAO “ Gasprom”, one of the largest gas-producing companies in the world.
It consists of a few big companies such as “Nadimgasprom”, “Urengoygasprom”, “Surutgasprom” and others.
OAO “Sibneft - Noyabrskneftegas” and OAO “Rosneft – Purneftegas” are the largest oil-producing companies of the area. These enterprises provide production of 92 % of all-Russia gas and 10 % of oil from the area entrails.
Yamalo-Nenetz Area is one of the leading energy area in the world.
Conclusion: in this area people have more opportunities to get a well-paid job than in other regions of our country.
2.3. A questionnaire
1. Are your parents occupations connected with gas and oil industries?
2. If “yes “ give the names of enterprises.
3. Do you like the northern land?
4. Are you going to return to Yamal (Urengoy) after graduating from institutes, universities, after the army?
5. If “yes”, then why?
Работают ли ваши родители на предприятиях нефтегазового комплекса?
Если да, то в каких?
Любите ли вы северный край?
Хотели ли вы вернуться на Ямал (Уренгой)?
Если «да», то почему?
The results of questionnaire:
2. The parents of the majority of interviewers work at the following enterprises
They are going to return to Yamal on different reasons.
20% love their region;
15 % want to be prosperous;
10 % were born in Urengoy and it is their Motherland;
3 % want to build their career here;
2 % like their friends.
3.1. Recommendations “ How to keep health in the North” (рекомендации).
The basis of people’s life in any climate-geographical conditions is metabolism between the organism and the environment. The man gets nutritious substances, water and oxygen from the environment. Nutrition plays an important role in the adaptation.
During adaptation all the kinds of metabolism are changed: albuminous, carbo-hydrate,fat, vitamin. Many investigators advance a supposition that food must be of northern origin. It is generally accepted, that northern plants contain more vitamins than grown in the south.
The stock-breeding products are products of full value. The meat of reindeer is very useful (it is rich in vitamin C and albuminous).
There is a lot of fish in the lakes and rivers: white salmon, sturgeon, starlet, taymen, grayling, umumber, smelt, which is useful too.
Berries are very useful, too. They grow in abundance: cloudberry, cranberry, whortleberry, red bilberry. I can’t but say about the use of cedar nuts.
Healthy way of life (regular meals, morning exercises, walks on the fresh air, the duration of sleep 7-8 hours).
Clothes ( comfortable, warm, cotton).
Summer holiday.
Regular use of vitamins with microelements, such as Vitrum, Centrum.
In Urengoy all the people have an opportunity for keeping fit. There is a Cultural Sport Complex with gyms for playing football, volleyball, basketball; a swimming-pool, a hockey-court, fitness clubs, public leisure centers. At school pupils have Health classes, where they learn about nutrition and exercise . Some people prefer jogging. Walking is a very popular activity too. In winter skiing and skating are wide-spread; fishing and hunting are also popular all the year round.
3.2. QUESTIONNAIRE “ What does healthy way of life mean for you?”
Do you go in for sport? - ты занимаешься спортом?
Do you do morning exercises? - ты делаешь зарядку?
How often do you eat fruits? - как часто ты ешь фрукты?
Do you eat healthy food? - в твоем рационе есть здоровая пища?
Do you have bad habits? - у тебя есть вредные привычки?
“Yes” – 60 % (volleyball, football, tennis, karate)
“No “ – 40 %
“Yes” – 15 %
“No “ – 85 %
Every day – 50 %
3 times a week – 20 %
Rarely – 30 %
“Yes “ – 25 %
“ No “ - 75 %
Smoking – 20 %
Drinking alcohol – 20 %
On the whole pupils understand the importance of healthy way of life, they go to the sport sections, to the swimming-pool, spend much time on the open air.
You can have different attitudes to the place where you live. You can be an ordinary observer considering that some things do not touch you. But if you are nice to your native region considering it to be your small Motherland where you are going to live –it is very important to know its geography, history and peculiarities.
Ушакова А.В. Все о севере. Сборник основных нормативных правовых документов с комментариями, регламентирующих жизнь и деятельность в районах Крайнего Севера и приравненных к ним местностям. Учебно-практическое пособие. Санкт-Петербург. Издательство «Норд-Ост-Норма». 2002.
Хрущев В.Л. Здоровье человека на Севере. Медицинская энциклопедия северянина. Москва. АО «Астра». 1993.
Притворов А.П., Лисов В.А., Дубовая О.Д. Географический атлас Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа. – Москва. Издательство ДИК, 1999.
Сусова Н. Земля Пуровская. Москва. Издательство «Кладезь». 1997.
Ямал: грань веков и тысячелетий. Салехард: «Артвид», Санкт-Петербург: «Русская коллекция». 2000.
Добринский Л.Н., Чернов Ю.И. Природа Ямала/Колл. Авторов. – Екатеринбург: УИФ «Наука», 1995.
Дудников Н.Ф. Пур – надежда России. Москва. ПЦ «Вертикаль». Пресском. 2004.
Digestion diseases- болезни органов
Blood circulation diseases-болезни системы кровообращения
Diseases of urinegenetal system-болезни мочеполовой системы
Respiratory diseases-болезни органов дыхания
don’t work – 45 %
work in gas or oil industries – 55 %
like our northern land – 85 %
don’t like – 15 %
want to return – 50 %
don’t want to return – 50%
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