Данная работа содержит материал по сопоставительному языкознанию и является одной из нескольких разработок по сопоставительной фразеологии. Работа была отмечена дипломами 2-х городских конференций - им. Ушинского, им. Вилькеева, и республиканской конференции при МБОУ "Гимназии № 140"
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Слайд 1
The origin of the English i dioms containing colour elements and ways o f their translation into Russian Diana Shamgunova Form 10 Gymnasium № 140 1Слайд 2
The intralingual English idioms The interlingual English idioms The primordial English idioms 2 The adopted idioms 2
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The primordial English idioms 3
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The blue stocking 4
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Текст надписи A black sheep 5
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A thin red line Life-and-death struggle (Uphold one’s principles) Bertrand Russell 6
Слайд 7
Biblical phrases containing colour elements 7
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The golden rule 8
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A whited sepulcher (A double-faced person) 9
Слайд 10
Adoptions taken from Shakespeare’s works and works of other English writers 10
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The green eyed monster (Othello ) 10
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rs Bye golden opinion (“Macbeth”) To be caught red-handed (“Ivengo” ) 12
Слайд 13
English idioms with colour elements a dopted from different languages *The golden age * Blue blood *Speech is silver, Silence is golden 13
Слайд 14
Intralingual adoptions *A green light *Paint the town red *Gold rush 14
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* have green fingers ( быть хорошим садоводом ) b e as blue as the devil( белая горячка ) b e i n the pink ( быть счастливым ) Intralingual adoptions 15
Слайд 16
Appropriate translation of the English idioms containing colour elements in their semantics * English idioms that are total equivalents in Russian *English idioms that have prototypes in Russian *English idioms that don’t have lexical equivalents in Russian. 16
Слайд 17
English idioms that are total equivalents in Russian *As black as coal *As red as blood *Like a red rag to a bull *Yellow press *Look at something through rose-coloured glasses *White flag 17
Слайд 18
English idioms that have prototypes in R ussian *Paint a black picture *To be in a black book *Yellow belly *Golden opportunity *Kill the goose that lays golden eggs *White lie *Put down in white and black 18
Слайд 19
English idioms that don’t have lexical equivalents in Russian . Idiomatic or literal ways of translation (calks) *Grass is always greener on the other side of the hill *A black eye *Be in the black *Be in the red * Blue chips 19
Слайд 20
Thank you for attention! 20
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